Thursday, November 5, 2009

Samuel is 20 months today. He has grown so quickly. I can't believe how fast the months have flown by.

So Charisa posted on her blog around Halloween that Vaughn was really into wearing sunglasses lately. Well, I showed Samuel the pictures of Vaughn and ever since he has been crazy about wearing his sunglasses, but only in the car. Today he put them on in the back seat and then started grooving to the music. I got a few videos of him dancing. He either moves his head or tries to shake his hips when he is dancing. It is just hard to do both of those in the car.


Anonymous said...

WAY TOO CUTE !boy i miss him, can hardly wait till christmas. oma

Charisa said...

We need to get these two rump shakers together!

Flower Girl said...

how did he know the hand moves to beyonce?!!! he's a dancing genius.