Monday, November 30, 2009

Home and Relaxing

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We started off our holiday in Kansas City. We ate lots of food and then Samuel and I headed to Tulsa last Sunday. We spent the week in Tulsa. Tuesday night Jonathan and Laura came in town and then Dave arrived on Wednesday morning. We hung out all week, ate lots of food and just relaxed. I didn't change 1 poopy diaper the entire week. Dave also didn't have to give Samuel 1 bath. We were so lazy and it was much needed.

Samuel had a great time running around, playing in the leaves and getting all the attention.

We drove back to St. Louis on Saturday and continued our relaxation yesterday. I am now on the hunt for good deals and trying to do lots of holiday shopping. I just bought some stuff off of Amazon and now I am looking for baby sheets and decoration stuff for the new baby.

I have truly popped out, that is my belly. Now everywhere I go people notice that I am pregnant. I am starting to get a little uncomfortable. I only have 9 and a half weeks to go. I can't believe it. The time has really flown by.

I have lots of pictures below so enjoy:

I am delivering sweets to SSM Health because they bought my monthly desserts at the Woman's Place auction. I would love to have a sweets business, so if anyone is interested in getting homemade desserts let me know. Sweets by Sarah, the first dessert that was delivered: Homemade Carrot Cake with Butter Cream Frosting.

Taylor and Samuel had another craft day a few weeks ago and they made turkey hands. Here Samuel is in action:

Still loves sunglasses:

Samuel loves to get on Jonathan's shoulders:

A cute picture of Samuel and Laura, too bad Samuel has a mouth full of food:

The entire family in Kansas City:

Everybody is completely focused on Samuel. He better enjoy it while it lasts:

In Tulsa, eating oatmeal and blueberries, one of his favorite breakfast meals:

Leave playing with Savta:

Loves the shoulders:

Eating Taco Bueno, even Samuel loves the bean burrito:

Playing at the park:

Samuel's favorite part of Thanksgiving meal was the black olives:

Yummy food:

Resting up after the big meal in Savta and Papa's bed:

Laura and Samuel:

We actually didn't get any good pictures of Samuel with Dave and I. I guess we need to try to do that soon.


megan said...

so glad you guys had such a nice holiday and made it home safely! I love all the pics. (although a few don't show up for me for some reason?)

Flower Girl said...

sarah. those pictures are great. looks like you had SUCH a fun and relaxing time. what could be better than spoiling samuel with all kinds of family love??? he looks so happy in every picture. and i'm glad you got a break from the poopy diapers. you deserve it!