Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Little Helper

This is a sign of how much vacuuming and cleaning I have been doing.  Samuel thinks it is a lot of fun to help me vacuum.  He has learned how to turn on the vacuum and throws a fit if I don't let him push it around.  Too bad he can't do the entire house.  

On another note, we had people come out to power wash our house.  The house and cement in back look great, but the buys that did it were scary and weird.  First, they just freaked me out.  They were disgusting looking and all of them wore sleeveless shirts and cut off shorts.  One was smoking a cigarette when he came to the door.  I told them not to let the dog out because she will take off.  I just checked outside and they left both of the gates open.  I am so pissed.  Then to make it even worse, the guy in charge asked two totally inappropriate questions or I guess I should say statements.  

First, he came in the house and said "I'm thirsty.  Can I have water?"  Not even a please.  Even if he did say please it is totally inappropriate.  They were only at our house for an hour and a half at the most.  Give me a break.  

Second, he was done with all the work and he said "I need to use your bathroom.  Where is it?"  I am sorry, really, do you really have to go now.  I wanted to say no, but he used the restroom, didn't wash his hands and left.  

He snagged the check off the dining room table without me even giving it to him.  I looked down and I said "Oh, I guess you already took the check."  

They were total freaks.  They freaked me out and we will never use them again.  


markandandrea said...

Ew to your power-washing workers. What an icky experience when you're home all by yourself.

megan said...

that video is hilarious! I love that he's vacuuming. He's getting so big!!! I need to see him before he turns 15. :P

that sucks about the power washers. at least the house looks good!

Charity said...

EWWWW where did you find those guys? They should have never asked to use your bathroom. I would call the BBB on them.

Sarah said...

My real estate agent gave us their name. We are going to tell her what we thought about them. If she hadn't given us their name, I would have been extremely worried about my safety. They freaked me out. I just kept thinking that since he drank from one of my glasses, at least the police would have his DNA if something happened to me.

Megan, we do need to see each other very soon!