Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Picture Day

I have been a little stressed out the past few days.  We are getting pictures taken of our house this afternoon.  I have been cleaning and organizing and stressing out.  The real estate agent came by yesterday to try to stage our house to make it look nicer.  She brought lots of things to put everywhere.  I had to tell her "no way" on over half of the stuff.  I know it is just for staging, but some of the stuff of hideous and I wasn't about to have that shit in my house.  It looks pretty good right now.  I am just worried about keeping it up.  

Samuel has been a wild man lately.  He won't sit still for even a second.  He is into everything and climbing on everything.  It wears me out just trying to keep up with him.  

I am officially showing.  Not much though.  I think some people would just think I have a fat stomach.  It doesn't really look like pregnancy belly yet.  I worked out on Monday and I am waiting for Samuel to wake up so I can go again today.  We tried something new last night.  We have been putting Samuel to bed at 8, but he has been waking up around 6:15 every morning.  He is so tired and then doesn't take the greatest nap during the day.  So we put him to bed last night around 7:30 when he started to act tired.  It is almost 8 and he is still asleep.  He woke up at 5 and 6 and cried for a bit, but went right back to sleep.  I am trying to pay bills and clean up while he is sleeping.  

I better go clean the last bathroom.  


Charisa said...

I can't believe she brought stuff to "decorate" with! I'm thinking plastic ivy was involved. Yikes!

Hope today goes well!

megan said...

I hope the photos went well today!!! Good for you not letting her use ugly stuff. :) I can't believe you're showing already! Post pics. :)

Sarah said...

You are right plastic ivy, ugly flowers, crosses, plates, pictures. It was terrible. I did agree to a few things that would not normally be in my house, but it does make it look nicer. Also I hate to admit this, but it is also very St. Louis. Hopefully someone will see it and love it. I will post the website with the pictures of our house, once I get it.