We had our 10th year college reunion this past weekend. I surprisingly didn't get out my camera one time, so I have no pictures to share. I am really sad about that. My camera is so big and I just didn't feel like lugging it around, but I am sad that I didn't because now I have no pictures. Anyway, Oma and Opa came in town on Friday morning so that they could be here to help and watch the boys since we were planning to go out all weekend.
We did indeed go out both weekend nights. I am OLD. I can't go out like that anymore. Both Dave and I feel like we are getting sick because we are so damn tired from staying out until 12:30/1 am both nights. It was really nice to see some people from college. I thought it would be more awkward seeing and talking to people, but we are all grown up now and it was nice to hear what people were doing in their life. I recognized lots of people at the events, but I am not really someone that just goes up to people. I have to admit that I waited until people came up to me before I said anything to them. Now it is over and who knows the next time I will see some of these people.
In other news, Samuel woke up on Saturday morning and was super cranky. He was watching a movie and he started to stick his finger in his ear again. He wasn't really complaining about his ears hurting, but since he stuck his fingers in his ears the last time he had an ear infection we decided to see if we could get him into the doctor on Saturday. Luckily they had an immediate opening and Dave took him to see the doctor. Well, he had a double ear infection. He is acting 100% better now, but thank goodness we got him in when we did. We would have had an even more painful weekend.
I need help... Joseph will not take a bottle. He has taken two bottles in the past but it has been a while. When Dave's parents were here for the weekend he woke up at night and we weren't home and he wouldn't take his bottle at all. I have an event I have to go to next Thursday and I will be gone all evening long, so Dave will have to give him a bottle. What can I do? Yesterday and today we have been trying to give him a bottle. Yesterday he went ape-shit when Dave was trying to get him to drink it. I ended up breastfeeding him to calm him down and he worked himself up so much that he fell asleep for the night at 7:15. Today I have been trying all day to get him to drink out of the bottle. He did suck for a little bit. It is like he can't figure out how to use his tongue when he is drinking from a bottle. I also tried to pull a fast one and breastfeed him a little bit and then slip the bottle in. I think if I continue to try everyday he will figure out how to do it, but I am a little stressed. I can't have him not take a bottle. Dave and I need to have a life and he is going to have to learn to drink out of a bottle so we can get out of the house. Any advice would be so welcome!!!
I am going to relax a bit while Samuel is napping. I am still so worn out.
it was SO much fun to see you this weekend!!! Thanks again for everything.
I did totally get sick but have been taking it really easy and am already starting to feel a bit better. Hopefully you guys will feel better soon too. I'm glad Samuel feels so much better!
I obviously have no advice on the bottle stuff, but good luck!! :)
Wonder if trying a different brand of bottle/ nipple would help. You're more than welcome to try one of our Born Free bottles. Sounds like he just wants mommy though!
Glad you had fun with the college reunion. I don't know that I could have done what you did with going out two nights. Way to rally!
For the bottles, Rowan was awful with a bottle. Never wanted to take one and finally got him on to Dr. Browns. He wouldn't take it often, usually only once a day at most and that was when he was around 11 mos. and by then we just were using cups mostly. Sorry I don't have any good advice.
Hello, ok, here is my bottle story. Abby was breast fed for the 1st 6 months. Nothing but ME. I need to have surgery and she had to take a bottle. Our dr told us not to worry, she will take it and she did. 18 HOURS after my last breast feeding. She drank or ate nothing ALL day. Period.
Talk about a pissed off baby. John had to hold her all day, I did not go near her to get her to take the bottle from anyone but me. You need to pump, NO BOOB at all, and have a rough 2 or 3 days. I promise, he will take it, his survival mode to eat will kick in, but he CAN and WILL hold out for a good day. Our doctor told us not to worry. Once he takes a bottle for a couple of days go back and forth. nurse and pump and bottle feed. I do not think it is the nipple of the bottle that matters. He is used to YOU and wants YOU.
Stay strong. Dont nurse. offer him breast milk in the bottle. Once he gets used to both he will do BOTH. BUT you WILL have a tough time getting him on the new program. And I agree, you do need to get out and cannot be a nursing machine every 3 hours for the next 10 months. Stay strong, he will win in the short term, that first 12 or so hours, but he will get the new drill if you STAY TOUGH!!! Amie
Megan, I am so sorry that you got sick. I had such a wonderful time this weekend with you. It was nice to have a full day to just hang out with nothing else to do.
Charisa, we have the Born Free bottles. Do you have newborn nipples or do they even make those? Our are just 1 and up and I am wondering if the flow is too much. I will keep trying.
Step, I feel your pain. Samuel was such a sucker and would suck on anything. Joseph is much harder. I have so much breastmilk saved at this point and I want to be able to use it at some point. I guess I should have started introducing him to the bottle a little bit earlier on. Oh well. We might have to try Dr. Browns if he continues to reject the ones we have.
Amie, wow I don't think I could last 18 hours with him screaming. We are trying every night for Dave to feed him a bottle. I know he doesn't like it when I try to give it to him because he smells me. I hope we can get him to take it before next Thursday or we all will be screwed.
Thanks for all your comments!
I just checked ours, we don't have a NB nipple - just 1's and up too. I think you could tell if he was getting too much, as he'd choke or it would start running out of his mouth. Try the 2 and see how it goes. At least it would answer your flow issue part of the problem.
Charisa, he is totally gagging and milk is coming out all over his mouth. I think he is just gagging though because he hates the nipple on the bottle and refuses to suck on it. Oh well. Thanks for checking.
Hi Sarah,
We had luck last time with a bottle called Adiri Natural Nurser. It has mixed reviews online and is a bit strange,(you fill it from the bottom)but it won awards the year it came out. The nipple part is really, really soft. I tried a bunch of different ones and this one we could get him to take. We switched to the Playtex type at about 5 months.
I never had luck giving Max a bottle, so just keep passing Joseph of to a non-nurser and he will get the idea. He knows that he's got it really, really good with his Mommy!!
They are both ADORABLE!!
Thanks Paula, I am willing to try anything. I will look into the bottles you used. Can't wait to see you in June when we are in Tulsa.
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