I am feeling better working out, but I haven't lost really any weight. I can tell I am getting more tone by all the weight classes I have been doing, but the pounds are not dropping yet. I am going to try to get motivated to do more cardio. It is just difficult to find the time, especially when Joseph isn't really napping so great during the day. He is awesome when we go out, but at home he just wants to stay awake.
I think Joseph is going through a growth spurt because he wants to eat non-stop again. It is like he can't get enough. This has been happening every two to three weeks and it makes me super tired and hungry. It is worth it though because now every time I am feeding him he is looking up at me smiling. It is the best feeling. He is so happy and cute. We go to the doctor on Monday, so I can't wait to see what his statistics are. I bet they are going to be really close to what Samuel's were at 2 months, but we will see.
On the Samuel front, he is totally obsessed right now with the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie. Everyday day he says "Chipmunks". If we owned Toy Story he would be watching that too. He asks to watch "Buzz" all the time. I rented that movie close to 6 weeks ago and he still remembers it and wants to watch it. He settles though for his Buzz big boy undies. Yesterday and today he is obsessed with wearing big boy undies and they have to be his Buzz ones. Good thing we have two because he peed in one yesterday. So far he has been great today. No accidents. My goal is to have him potty trained by the end of the summer. Hopefully sooner, but we will see. Also, Samuel and I had a great morning together. I made some eggs for breakfast and I had my coffee. Samuel said he wanted coffee too, so I got him out a small coffee mug and put some water in it. I had my plate of scrambled eggs and he got a fork out too and we shared (actually he ate about 1/2 or 3/4 of my eggs) them. He was eating the eggs and then got his coffee mug and lifted it up, looked at me and said "Cheers". It was the cutest things ever. I love mornings like these.
He is so cute, what a beautiful boy. I can't figure out who he looks like!
Love you, Mom
OMG I love the cheers thing!!! So cute!! And that picture is wonderful, so cute. :)
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