I don't know what the deal is but I am in a funk and I am not in the mood to do anything. Joseph has been sleeping much better at night. Sometime sleeping for 5 hours at a time. His normal bedtime routine wears me out though. He is eating non-stop from about 6 or 6:30 to 9pm. I am not kidding you, if I stop feeding him he starts screaming. Then he passes out around 9 and sleeps until 1:30 or 2, I feed him again for about 15 minutes and then he sleeps again until 4:30 or 5, then I feed him again and he sleeps until 7:30 or 8. His sleeping is getting better at night only. He isn't really napping at all during the day. I am trying desperately to get him on a schedule and it is working kind of. The problem is when he goes to sleep during the day, he only stays asleep for about 10 to 15 minutes. Every once in a while he will get in an hour or two nap, but that hasn't happened very often.
I am just worn out. Completely worn out because I have to constantly deal with him or Samuel during the day with no break at all.
Joseph is waking up right now and I got in only a few minutes of downtime. Samuel is also waking up.
Samuel is truly in his terrible 2's. He is testing all of the limits and my patience. The funny thing is when he knows he does something wrong I tell him he needs to go into time out and he just walks right over to his "time-out spot". Or if I tell him he is misbehaving and I ask him if he needs to be put in time out, he just walks right over and sits down, then starts crying.
Okay, I have to go. Both boys are up and starting to cry.
Sending big hugs your way!!!!!!! I'm sorry this is tough right now. It sounds like you're worn out for very good reason! You can do it! :)
Hang in there. We're pulling for you guys. Hopefully Dave is helping out when he gets home. We're thinking of you.
Sarah, you are doing great! I too was used as a human pacifier and it was driving me crazy. The Dr. said to cut him off at 10 minutes on each side as he is not getting anything after that. Easier said than done but bless your heart 3 hours of straight nursing is awful. One good thing is you have a good excuse to sit and watch your favorite TV shows.
Hang in there!!!
Paula :)
You know it is exhausting with his 2 to 3 hours feedings at night, but he has been sleeping so great (for like 4 or 5 hours at a time), so I can't complain too much. I would rather get my sleep at night. Last night he slept for 5 and a half hours. I felt like a new woman at 2 am. Too bad it didn't last until 7 when I finally got out of bed.
Thanks for all your comments. I love it!
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