Thursday, March 11, 2010

Better Day

It truly makes me feel like I have entered motherhood when I hear stories from you all. It makes me feel better. I actually feel like I conquered something having gotten through that horrible day. Samuel threw up one more time around 4:30 yesterday and hasn't even acted sick at all today. He just ate some turkey and cheese for lunch and he ate a banana yesterday and that was it. I think he is taking it slow. It is pretty depressing how many colds Samuel seems to be getting. It seems like if something is going around he gets it. I guess the breastfeeding didn't help him much. I did mention to the doctor at his appointment on Tuesday that I feel like he is sick all the time. So he told me to keep track of how often he is sick and what the symptoms are. I am going to start that now. I know I can go back to right before Joseph was born since Samuel got croup right after he was born.

We have had a great day though. Samuel only wanted to wear his "Dada undies" today. He did great. He told me every time he needed to pee (4 times) and this is the wonderful part, he told me he had to poop and he did it in the potty. He was excited and so was I. When he was sitting on the potty he said to me "Try Poop" and then he did. It is crazy how excited I get about pooping and peeing in the potty. I think we are actively going to try to potty train now. He seems really interested and if we can do half a day everyday in big boy undies I think we are on our way.

It is so beautiful outside. Samuel and I played soccer for about 30 minutes in the backyard. I love this weather and I am so happy that daylight savings is coming on Saturday night. Light for longer!!!!


Mom said...

So glad he's feeling better. You did a great job taking care of him yesterday. I bet he looks so cute in his dada underwear.

markandandrea said...

You are so much stronger of a mom/woman for having survived yesterday. I'll just try to envy that strength from a distance and hope I'm not initiated into that realm too soon.

Yay for pooping in the potty! Glad Samuel's feeling better and you got to enjoy some of the sunshine!

Charisa said...

So glad you had a better day! You'll keep surprising yourself on what you can do, or what you have to do in order to survive as a mom of two!

You'll have many more "awful" days and even your "normal" days will have a new level of chaos that just becomes ordinary. Keep focusing on the positive! So glad you and Samuel were able to get outside and play! Like my friend says, "One kid is like zero, two kids are like ten." And she speaks from the experience of having 3 kids.