Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May Day!

Happy May Day! When I was a kid at school we would use ribbons and wrap them around a may pole. Just a little memory from my childhood.

Well, I am happy to say that we made it through the end of March and ALL of April with no child being sick.  What a relief.  Now we need to just get through then end of this week with no sickness and I will be happy.

Joseph is schedule for surgery on Thursday and everyone needs to be healthy until it is over.  The surgery is at 9:30 in the morning and he has to be there at 8:30.  I am so happy that it is going to happen in the morning.  He can't eat or drink after 5:30 am, so it is going to be a little bit of a difficult morning.  He doesn't normally sleep past 6:30 am and he always wants something to drink right away.  We will just have to keep him busy and get out of the house so he isn't tempted.

I'm am really dragging again today.  I think my allergies are really bothering me because of all the rain and then the super humid weather.  I have a killer headache.

I am going to relax because I have a very rare moment when both Joseph and Simone are asleep and Samuel is at school.  Alone time doesn't happen very often.

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