There must be something about Tuesdays lately that means, throw up day. You know the story from last week, well this week both boys have vomited.
Last night Samuel started coughing a ton and he didn't stop. All of the sudden I knew that the cough was so bad that puke was coming next. I ran into his room (this was around 12:30 am) and he had thrown up all over his everything. I know I have said in the past and I will say it again, I really hate puke.
Anyway, in the middle of the night I changed all the bedding, including the comforters and started a load of laundry. I changed all of Samuel's sheets, cleaned him up, got him redressed, cleaned up the floor (yes it was there too), got him water and got him tucked into bed. I laid down with him for a little bit and he finally fell asleep. Everything took about a hour total. Then I got back in my bed and I think it was about an hour or so later when he started coughing again. I sent Dave in this time to lay with him. I fell back asleep and Dave fell asleep in Samuel's room for a while. I have no idea when he got back in bed because I was exhausted.
Then around 6:30 or so, Joseph started coughing. He was basically up at that point, so I rolled out of bed to start the day.
The boys have been coughing like crazy all day. I obviously didn't send Samuel to school, which broke my heart because today they were having a big Valentine's Day party and exchanging valentines. We dropped of Samuel's valentines at school and his teacher is going to collect all of his for him and give it to him tomorrow, if he goes.
Then to my afternoon. I made the boys heart shaped turkey sandwiches. Joseph inhaled his and Samuel took two bites. Joseph was acting really tired around 12:30, so I decided to put him down for a nap. When I laid him down he started coughing too, but I thought he would eventually fall asleep. I took Simone into her room to get her to take a nap. She was eating and was basically asleep when I heard Joseph doing the same ridiculous coughing that Samuel did last night and I knew he was about to throw up. I quickly put Simone in her bed (which she wasn't happy about at all) and ran into Joseph's room just in time to hear him throw up all over his bed. Are you freaking kidding me?!
I stripped him and the bed down, cleaned him up and got him dressed again. Then I started my fourth load of sheets and bedding for the day. It has been awesome. Now both boys are sitting on the couches, watching TV, covered with blankets and coughing their heads off. Samuel just told me his bones were hurting, which scares me because I really don't want flu in this house.
Tonight we are ordering heart shaped pizza in honor of Valentine's Day. The boys are really showing me some serious love today.
I have always hated Valentine's Day and this is just another reason not to like it. However, because today is the day to celebrate love I do want to say how much I love my wonderful husband. I couldn't function without you! I am also extremely grateful for my beautiful kids. They drive me crazy sometimes, okay a lot of the time, but my life would not be complete without them. I celebrate this day because of them.
I can't leave out my amazing parents. Now that I am a parent, I really appreciate everything they did for me growing up. Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs EVER. I think they did a pretty good job with me! I love you guys.
There are other people in my life that I appreciate and love so much. I am so grateful for my in-laws, my brother, sister-in law, niece, nephew, aunts, uncles, my beloved Zayde and my friends.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Yikes, that sounds horrible! Winter is almost over and hopefully the runny noses and coughs will go away with it! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Enjoy the pizza tonight!
just when i was getting ready to say that you are really not making me want children, you got all sweet. :) I'm sorry you had such a rough day though! I hope everyone is feeling better asap!!
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