Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Pictures

I just downloaded pictures from my phone to my computer and there are so many good pictures.  Some of these are old but I still wanted to post them.

Simone's first picture at the hospital

Simone gave Samuel a doctor's set for a homecoming gift.  He loved it.

Simone's first doctor's appointment.  She wasn't very happy.

She was only about a week old here.

This is how she sleeps at night.  All wrapped up and cozy.  She loves it because she sleeps at least 5-8 hours at night!!!!  Yea for Simone.

Savta with Samuel and Simone.

Papa with Samuel after they carved the Halloween pumpkin

Joseph wearing the doctor glasses.  

Samuel in his football costume that he refused to wear on Halloween.

Joseph enjoying his very first lollipop.  He loved it.

Simone at the park for the first time

The boys one day just brought out thier pillows and blankets and layed down on the couch.  Too bad they didn't go to sleep.  It was still really cute.

Joseph being funny

The boys with Simone.  They love seeing her first thing in the morning.

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