Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Early Resolutions

I have decided that I am going to start my list of New Year's resolutions now.  It isn't too early right.  I started to make a long list yesterday and I will hopefully work my way down them.  A lot on my list are little goals for myself, like little projects I need to complete (finishing the boys photo albums, organize baby clothes, etc.)  Others are things like running a half marathon in 2012 and losing all my baby weight.

Speaking of baby weight I am so discouraged about my weight.  I need to lose 25 more pounds to get to my goal weight and nothing is coming off.  I haven't lost a pound in about 4 weeks.  This week I have made some changes.  Dave and I have been talking for a while about eating vegetarian, with an occasional fish or chicken dish.  One of his goals is to eat some fish (if you know him, you know he has always hated fish).  We went out to dinner the other night and he actually ordered and ate fish.  It was delicious and we are trying to make an effort to eat some fish at least once or twice a month.  We don't typically eat a lot of meat, but when we force ourselves to eat more vegetarian meals our whole diet changes.  We eat less junk food and make better food choices.  This morning I ate greek yogart with blueberries, strawberries, almonds and agave nectar.  I am going to make a huge salad tonight with lots of veggies.

I worked out on Monday and Tuesday.  Monday I did spinning for about 30 minutes and it killed me.  I am in no shape to take a class at this point.  I am going to keep spinning by myself until I feel like I am in better shape for an actual class.  Yesterday I ran on the treadmill for a little while, but my left arch started killing me.  I can always tell when I have a lot of extra weight on my body because it really puts pressure on my arches in my feet.  I had a difficult time running even a mile.  Because I wasn't having fun running I tried out a different machine that was similar to an elliptical machine and it killed me.  When I got off 20 minutes later my legs were complete noodles.  It was a good feeling to get in a workout like that.  Today I plan to do some weights and sit ups when both boys are at school.  I am also going to sign up for Bikrum Yoga.  Has anyone done that?  I am really excited to try it out.  Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will go.  I need to get some yoga clothes though.  They want you to wear really tight clothes, like leotards and bike shorts, so they can see you body and so that it soaks up all your sweat.

I am hoping that my hormones will start going back to normal soon.  I am somewhat of a mess.  After Simone,  I decided that I would get back on birth control for a limited time.  We are done with having kids and we didn't want any more accidents.  I know after having Simone our family is totally complete.  Anyway, I got on the mini-pill when Simone was almost 5 weeks old.  She just turned 8 weeks yesterday.  After 4 days on the pill I started my period and it was super heavy and disgusting.  I called the doctor because I have never had a period while breastfeeding until the boys were about 9 months old.  She said that some people on this pill have a period and then they have spotting often.  She said that if I continue to bleed then I might consider getting off of it because it just might not work well with my body.  Well after I had the "period" I continued to spot almost every other day and then at 7 and a half weeks I started bleeding again really heavily.  My hormones were going crazy and I was feeling terrible.  I decided that I was going to quit the pill.  It isn't worth all the bleeding and hormone issues.  I got off on Sunday and I already stopped bleeding and I am beginning to feel so much better mentally.  I guess I wasn't meant to take the pill.  I am hoping that getting off will help me lose weight too.  We will see.

Life with three kids is so busy.  Simone is so wonderful.  She is getting cuter and cuter each day.  Her baby acne is clearing up finally. She is such a happy easy baby.  She smiles so much and loves to see her brothers.  I look at her and feel so grateful that I have such a beautiful little princess and one that is a much easier baby then her brothers.  My life really feels complete.

I'm off to drink coffee and relax a bit before the crazy day gets going.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Giving Thanks

There is so much to be thankful for.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  My parents came in town and we were able to get a lot done.  Dave and I were able to go out one night for dinner just the two of us, which was a really nice treat.  It is always so nice when our parents come in town because Dave and I take advantage of them and go out on much needed dates.  

Here are a lot of pictures from the week and weekend.  

The boys attacked my dad every night.  

My dad made Gingerbread men with the boys.  They looked absolutely perfect and then they were eaten up right away.

Here is Joseph with his gingerbread man.

Savta with the kids

Joseph and Haidyn matched.  They were so cute on Thanksgiving.   
Joseph gave Haidyn a little kiss.  She should feel super lucky because he doesn't give those out that often.

The boys love giving hugs.  

Samuel loves giving kisses.

The beautiful table at Jonathan and Laura's house.  

All the yummy food.

Simone's first thanksgiving.  She was so excited for all the food!

The boys didn't eat that much, but they loved the rolls

Although they didn't eat much dinner, they were pretty excited about the dessert

Samuel and Jonathan.  This is such a cute picture of the two of them.  Samuel was really cold outside so he had his arms in his shirt.

Savta and Papa attempting to get a picture with the grand kids.  I wasn't able to get any good pictures.  This was about the best one.

Also an attempt at the cousins picture, but again it is just hard to get pictures of them all right now.  We did the best we could

My mom got the boys holiday pajama's and they loved them.  Joseph has this new thing where he tries to attack Samuel from behind.  He grabs onto him and won't let go.  It is pretty cute, but Samuel isn't too much of a fan.

Another day of eating the gingerbread men.

These two pictures of the boys are just too funny.

They both have the same crazy look on their faces.

This is what is looks like most nights in our house.  I'm feeding Simone and Joseph is on top of me and Samuel is next to me.  I know I will miss this when they get older.

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We actually put up a Christmas tree this year.  We have had this tree in the box for the last 6 or 7 years and have never taken it out.  We figured it was probably a good year to do it.  The boys are older and we are in our new house.  The boys loved it.  

Here it is all lit up with the ornaments.  I am actually really excited about the holidays this year.  The boys are going to have so much fun.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More Pictures

I just downloaded pictures from my phone to my computer and there are so many good pictures.  Some of these are old but I still wanted to post them.

Simone's first picture at the hospital

Simone gave Samuel a doctor's set for a homecoming gift.  He loved it.

Simone's first doctor's appointment.  She wasn't very happy.

She was only about a week old here.

This is how she sleeps at night.  All wrapped up and cozy.  She loves it because she sleeps at least 5-8 hours at night!!!!  Yea for Simone.

Savta with Samuel and Simone.

Papa with Samuel after they carved the Halloween pumpkin

Joseph wearing the doctor glasses.  

Samuel in his football costume that he refused to wear on Halloween.

Joseph enjoying his very first lollipop.  He loved it.

Simone at the park for the first time

The boys one day just brought out thier pillows and blankets and layed down on the couch.  Too bad they didn't go to sleep.  It was still really cute.

Joseph being funny

The boys with Simone.  They love seeing her first thing in the morning.

Where does the time go?

If only I had more time and then once I found it I wasn't so exhausted.  I am struggling with finding time for myself.  Although I normally have a babysitter on Fridays I am usually running to the grocery store or attending appointments.  Time is just flying.  Simone is 6 weeks already.  I have felt like with the third baby the weeks just fly.  When I have time I am unloading the dishwasher, loading it, doing laundry, cleaning up toys, figuring out what to make for dinner, etc.  You know the list goes on and on.  It is going to take me a while to get in a better routine.  

This winter is going to be rough.  I can't really take all three kids out.  It is just too much work right now.  I already feel like I am stuck inside the house all the time and it isn't even freezing cold yet.  Oh well.  I need to figure out good activities for the boys.  The problem is that their attention span is about 10-20 minutes tops.  So it is hard to come up with tons of things to do.  We all get bored and get on each others nerves.  Thank goodness for school!

My emails are starting to pile up.  I barely have time to respond to anything.  I think I have about 30 emails to read and at least half I need to respond to.  Sorry if you are one of those people.  I will get back to you eventually.  I am not intentionally trying to ignore anyone. I barely have time to even shower during the day (normally I don't).  Alone time is very limited.  I don't even get to go to the bathroom by myself.  I try to sneak off and if one of the boys sees that I have disappeared, they run to find me and they have to bug me until I am finished.  There I times when I have to run to the bathroom, lock the door behind me just in order to take a pee by myself.  Oh the joys of motherhood.  

Last weekend Dave and I did get a break.  Oma and Opa were in town and they wore the boys out everyday.  On Saturday night they watched all three kids and Dave and I got an evening out to ourselves.  We left around 4:30 and got back around 8 pm.  It was a wonderful break and we really needed some time alone.  By 8 we were exhausted and ready to go to bed.  Times sure have changed.  I don't think we could handle a late night out anymore.  That would wreck us for at least a week.  

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks:

I figured we should get a picture of me with Simone when she is a baby.  I am always taking pictures so I am rarely in the pictures.  I know later I will be upset if I don't get more of me with the kids when they are little.  Anyway, we are both smiling in this picture.  

A rare showing of affection by Joseph.  It doesn't happen very often, so we all cherish the times when he gives hugs, kisses and snuggles.  He LOVES Simone, so she gets most of the attention right now.  

Here are the boys with the sister.

Joseph always sticks out his bottom lip when he get mad or frustrated.  I was finally able to get a picture of it.

I wanted to take a picture of how tiny Simone is right now.  She is already growing so fast.  

Oma and Opa with the grandkids.  Of course, we can't get a good picture of the boys because they won't sit still.  They both had to have their own camera.  At least that sat still for a few pictures.  

Oma and Opa with Simone.

Before Oma and Opa left Joseph was playing with their suitcase.  He was making funny faces and looked so cute.

I have gotten a picture of all the kids sleeping in their car seats, so I couldn't leave Simone out.  She fell asleep on the way to Samuel's school.  She didn't sleep long like that, but I took the 15 minutes!