Another week and I'm still pregnant. Thankfully I am full term now, so anytime now that I go into labor I would be happy. Unfortunately I don't think it will be soon. I had my doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Nothing new is happening. My contractions have actually started to slow down a little bit, but at night the intensity of the contractions are much stronger. I am feeling more pressure in my pelvic area too. Instead of feeling like I am going to go early, I am starting to feel like this baby might be staying in longer. I am measuring 35 weeks at this point. I asked my doctor what we were going to do if I get to my due date. She said if my cervix has not changed and I am not dilated, then she wants to wait a while. Every appointment that I go in gets a little more discouraging. I was really hoping to start getting things moving, but now it looks like we aren't going to do anything at all.
For a few weeks now I have gotten no sleep at night. The baby normally wakes up at night and kicks like crazy. However, the past two nights I am getting at least 3 hours of sleep at a time or longer. I am not being kicked or having to go pee. It feels so nice to get a few hours of continuous sleep. The boys slept until 7 am this morning, which was absolutely wonderful. I woke up and got to just relax in bed for a while before having to get them.
I can't believe we are going to have another baby soon. I have been saying from the beginning that I think this is a boy. But yesterday when I was driving around all of the sudden I got a really strange feeling I was having a girl. It kind of freaked me out a little. I would say now I am 99% sure I am having a boy. I am preparing for the possibility of a girl.
For those of you with kids, what was the heart rate of your baby? Both of my boys had heart rates in the 130-140's. This baby has been consistently in the 140's. That is another reason I think it is a boy, but I am just wondering what other people's experiences have been. I heard higher heart rates are girls, but I am not sure how true that is.
I am off to read dinosaur books to the boys. Joseph is completely obsessed with dinosaurs and unfortunately Thomas the Train. He has only seen one Thomas episode that was on TV and that got him completely hooked.
We have a very busy weekend planned. Samuel and Joseph start soccer on Saturday morning. We are going to see Yo Gabba Gabba Saturday afternoon at 2 pm and then there is the Great Hot Air Balloon Race in Forrest Park Saturday evening. Then we have a birthday party on Sunday late morning. I am sure the boys are going to be an exhausted mess by the end of the weekend. Lots to do.
I just went back and looked at my blog. When I was 36 weeks pregnant with Molly, her heart beat was in the 140s. So, who knows?? You could possibly be carring a little Ms. Glasser! So exciting!
If that busy weekend doesn't bring on labor I don't know what will!
You are Supermom!!
I am so excited and can't wait to hear what the baby is!
Have a fun weekend!
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