Sunday, August 28, 2011

Have I mentioned

how I am so done being pregnant.  I know this is old news and everyone is sick of me complaining about the end of my pregnancy, but I'm done.  I am no longer wearing my rings.  I could wear my wedding band, but moving around all day and walking around make my hands swell and it just wasn't comfortable at the end of the day to try to pry my rings off my finger.

I have officially gained 30 pounds now.  I am feeling like I gained at least 60.  I'm huge.  I am not exaggerating when I say I am huge.  Here is the story: Today we took the boys to the zoo. They love going and it is nice to get out and walk around for a few hours in the morning.  We took the boys into the sting-ray exhibit.  I was standing behind the boys and a zoo worker was standing next to me.  She asked if I was walking around the zoo trying to get things moving with the baby.  I said no, but that in 3 to 6 weeks I will be doing whatever is possible to get the baby out.  She said "You look pretty close.  The baby is coming straight out front.  You look like you are normally pretty small, but that baby looks big and all in front."  Then she said that 3 kids was a good number.  I asked her if she had 3 and she said no, she had SIX.  Okay, so you would think for a woman who had 6 babies she would know not to tell a huge pregnant lady that she looks gigantic.  Thanks lady, that really helped with my self-esteem for the day.

Here is another story:  We went to the car after the zoo and the boys were having serious meltdowns because they were exhausted.  Dave opened both sides of the van so we could put the boys in.  He went to put Samuel in and I got Joseph out of the stroller and then tried to get to his side of the car.  Another car was parked close to our car, but not super close and I couldn't even fit between the cars.  Dave had to get Joseph and put him in.

Okay, so I have to conclude on a positive note.  For all day long when I feel terrible, tired and huge last night made up for it.  It was getting late and the boys needed to go to bed.  I was sitting on the couch with both Samuel and Joseph.  I had my pajamas on and my shirt was showing some of my belly.  Joseph looked over patted my stomach and said "Baby".  This is the first time that he has associated my big belly with a baby.  Then Samuel said, "Yes, baby."  Then Joseph pulled my shirt up and kissed my belly.  Samuel then kissed my belly.  They went back and forth kissing my belly.  It was really so cute.  Joseph is becoming more and more affectionate.  He is starting to give kisses more and will cuddle up every once in a while.  I actually have more of a positive feeling that Joseph will become instantly attached to this new baby the same way Samuel was to Joseph.  I know Samuel will be in love with his new brother or sister right away because that is just his personality.  I am now so excited to see how Joseph reacts.

In reality I don't have much longer.  Almost done.

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