Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Getting prepared

I haven't been sleeping at all the last few nights.  Last night I was so comfortable on all my pillows, but the baby was super super active.  It was kicking like crazy and the foot finally reached my ribs.  It was kicking and kicking way up in my rib cage and that freaks me out because I think there might be a possibility that it could crack a rib.  Samuel kicked super hard too when I was pregnant with him and now this baby I feel like is just as strong.  I finally fell asleep around 4 am and then Joseph was up at 6:15.  Needless to say, I am very tired today.

Joseph is off to school today, which will be a nice break.  Samuel has his pre-school open house this morning.  We get to meet his new teachers.  He is so excited and it makes me happy to know that he is really excited to start school again.  He told me today that he is ready to start counting in Spanish again.  He is also really mad that today I have to stay.  He wants me to drop him off and then pick him up later.  

Hopefully Samuel will take a nap this afternoon.  Joseph has started a new thing in the morning.  When he wakes up and goes out of his room, he runs to Samuel's room and yells "Samuel, wake up!"  I tired to get him to be quiet this morning (since I finally got him up around 6:30), but he was yelling for Samuel and therefore woke Samuel up.  It is really cute to see both boys in the morning together. They always give each other a really big hug and kiss.  Too bad it doesn't happen around 7 or 7:30 in the morning.  I am not asking for much.  I would love it if they slept in even later, but 7 would be great for me.

Yesterday I was so excited to make a roast in the crock pot.  We don't eat that much beef around here and I was looking forward to having a nice roast with potatoes and carrots.  I got everything ready in the morning and the house smelled so good all day.  Dave got home from work and took the beef out and started cutting it up.  There were a few pieces that had a good amount of fat in it, so we threw the two pieces to George for a little snack.  Within about two minutes George was puking all over the floor.

Dave and I looked at each other and we both had the same feeling.  We weren't about to eat that beef if it made George puke immediately after eating it.  We threw everything in the trash.  I was so grossed out it was hard to even have an appetite.  I made a quick dinner of spinach salad with tomatoes, garbanzo beans, almonds and fresh goat cheese and a grilled sandwich with Manchego cheese, tomatoes and provel cheese.  It ended up being a really good dinner, just not what I intended.

Today the goal is to relax and get more stuff done around the house.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Have I mentioned

how I am so done being pregnant.  I know this is old news and everyone is sick of me complaining about the end of my pregnancy, but I'm done.  I am no longer wearing my rings.  I could wear my wedding band, but moving around all day and walking around make my hands swell and it just wasn't comfortable at the end of the day to try to pry my rings off my finger.

I have officially gained 30 pounds now.  I am feeling like I gained at least 60.  I'm huge.  I am not exaggerating when I say I am huge.  Here is the story: Today we took the boys to the zoo. They love going and it is nice to get out and walk around for a few hours in the morning.  We took the boys into the sting-ray exhibit.  I was standing behind the boys and a zoo worker was standing next to me.  She asked if I was walking around the zoo trying to get things moving with the baby.  I said no, but that in 3 to 6 weeks I will be doing whatever is possible to get the baby out.  She said "You look pretty close.  The baby is coming straight out front.  You look like you are normally pretty small, but that baby looks big and all in front."  Then she said that 3 kids was a good number.  I asked her if she had 3 and she said no, she had SIX.  Okay, so you would think for a woman who had 6 babies she would know not to tell a huge pregnant lady that she looks gigantic.  Thanks lady, that really helped with my self-esteem for the day.

Here is another story:  We went to the car after the zoo and the boys were having serious meltdowns because they were exhausted.  Dave opened both sides of the van so we could put the boys in.  He went to put Samuel in and I got Joseph out of the stroller and then tried to get to his side of the car.  Another car was parked close to our car, but not super close and I couldn't even fit between the cars.  Dave had to get Joseph and put him in.

Okay, so I have to conclude on a positive note.  For all day long when I feel terrible, tired and huge last night made up for it.  It was getting late and the boys needed to go to bed.  I was sitting on the couch with both Samuel and Joseph.  I had my pajamas on and my shirt was showing some of my belly.  Joseph looked over patted my stomach and said "Baby".  This is the first time that he has associated my big belly with a baby.  Then Samuel said, "Yes, baby."  Then Joseph pulled my shirt up and kissed my belly.  Samuel then kissed my belly.  They went back and forth kissing my belly.  It was really so cute.  Joseph is becoming more and more affectionate.  He is starting to give kisses more and will cuddle up every once in a while.  I actually have more of a positive feeling that Joseph will become instantly attached to this new baby the same way Samuel was to Joseph.  I know Samuel will be in love with his new brother or sister right away because that is just his personality.  I am now so excited to see how Joseph reacts.

In reality I don't have much longer.  Almost done.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Begging Did Nothing

I had a doctor's appointment today.  I felt a little bad going in because really all I wanted to do was complain and get sympathy from my doctor.  She ended up having to go to a delivery so I got the other OB in the office.  I wasn't too excited to talk to her, but she ended up being great today.  I am still have tons of contractions and this week they got pretty strong, but luckily I am still not dilated.  She told me I really needed to pay attention to my contractions because I could all of the sudden go into labor and I will need to go to the hospital right away.

Tomorrow I am 34 weeks.  In three weeks at 37 weeks they will begin doing the natural induction they did with Joseph.  They won't start doing it any earlier even though I was basically begging for them to do something.  I understand that this baby needs to stay in as long as possible because it is best for its health and I really do want to go as long as I can, but I am miserable.  I feel like this baby is huge and growing by the hour.  The doctor told me that the baby doesn't feel that big and I am not measuring like the baby is huge, but that with a third pregnancy the baby usually comes straight out front and is really uncomfortable especially if you are picking up and carrying around another little one.

I can make 3 weeks for sure.  Just hearing 3 weeks though makes me nervous.  It is really soon.  I am going to pack up my toiletries this weekend and start getting a few things ready, so I don't have to worry about it later.  I also need to do some organizing around the house, so I am fully prepared for the baby to come.

I am also a little stressed because we are getting close to one of the biggest fundraising events for Woman's Place that I have been planning with our committee.  The Iris Ball is October 14th and there is still so much to do and I have a feeling I am going to be out at a very crucial time.  I have been getting things organized for that so I can pass all the responsibilities on to other committee members.

Things are crazy around here.  I am off to try to relax.  The boys are quiet for now.  Hopefully this will continue the rest of the evening.  I think they can tell I am completely worn out!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Where has the time gone

...oh yeah, to complaining about how I am so done with being pregnant.

I am now 33 years old.  My birthday was last Monday.  Samuel and I spent the day together.  Joseph had his first day of school last Monday.  He is doing pretty well.  He goes every Monday and Wednesday from 9-3pm.  Yesterday he started crying as soon as we drove into the parking lot.  I feel terrible when he is crying, but by the time I pick him up he is running around playing with all the kids.  They told me yesterday that he only cried for a few minutes after I dropped him off.

The crazy part is that he is napping on a cot there.  He naps for a long time too.  Yesterday he napped from 12:30 to 2:15.  That is almost better then he naps at home.  He must be so worn out from all the activities that he just passes out.

I am happy to have a little bit of time with Samuel alone.  Once Samuel starts school I will have 2 hours to myself in the afternoon.  It is just enough time to get absolutely nothing done.  At least the house will be quiet.  Both Samuel and Joseph's schools are 10 minutes from our house, so the drive isn't bad and I can spend a good period of time doing stuff at home.

This past weekend Dave's parents came in town and kept the boys super busy. Dave and I were able to run tons of errands, go out to brunch and dinner and then on Sunday we slept in until 9:30am.  We haven't slept in until 9:30 since Samuel was 9 months old and we went to Vegas for the weekend and I couldn't get out of bed the whole weekend.  That has been a little over 2 years.  It was so needed.

This pregnancy is wearing me out.  It is pushing straight out.  It moves like a mad person.  I am also having terrible back pain and I feel like my tailbone is bruised.  I have a really hard time sitting for more then 30 minutes.  Sleeping is nearly impossible too.  This is by far the hardest pregnancy.  I really wanted to enjoy this pregnancy because it is my last, but I am just not a huge fan.  I just want to see this baby.  Luckily I am 34 weeks on Friday.  The weeks are flying by, but that doesn't make it easier.

I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday, so I will find out more information about when we can start moving forward with having this baby.  I still think I am having a boy, but last night I had a dream it was a girl.  We will see.

I am off to play with the kids.  Joseph is standing by me screaming.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Busy Busy Week

This was one of the busiest weeks I have had in a long time.  This past weekend my parents were in town and they kept the boys very busy and worn out.  

On Monday I had a doctor's appointment.  I am 32 weeks today.  I am measuring one week ahead.  I feel like the baby is growing at a rapid speed.  I am feeling stretched out and tired.  The baby doesn't stop moving and kicking.  It is super wild.  I still think I am having a boy, but Dave thinks it is a girl.  Not much longer.  I am still have contractions.  I opted not to get examined this last time because I had very painful contractions after my last examination.  Probably at my next appointment they will check me out and see if I am dilated.  

We set up the crib and changing table in my office.  It fits perfectly.  I bought a new bumper and a few organizational baskets to go under the changing table.  I also bought a boy and girl newborn outfit.  I really want this baby to come home in a gender appropriate outfit since both Samuel and Joseph came home in just plain green and white.  

My birthday is on Monday and when my parents were here we had cake one night for dessert and then Samuel and my mom made a marble cake for me, which is my favorite.  The boys were so happy to have dessert two days in a row.  Here are some pictures:

On Tuesday I took the boys peach picking with my friend Andrea and her two daughters.  They had a lot of fun.  Joseph kept saying "Apples!!!!!", we finally convinced him they were peaches.  He has actually been eating them at home.  They have ripened up great and taste delicious.  I need to make a few peach recipes so I can use up the peaches before they go bad.  This was pretty much a full day trip and by the time we got home everyone was exhausted.

Here are some pictures from peach picking.

On Wednesday Joseph had his 18 month doctor's appointment.  He is such a little guy.  The doctor told me that she has a feeling Joseph is about to have a growth spurt because his percentages were so much lower then they have been.  I told her that I was sure it was about to happen because he is eating a ton of food and sleeping great.  Those are always two signs that he is about to grow.

Here are his percentages:

Height:  31.8 Inches (35%)
Weight: 25 lbs (36%)
Head Circum.: 19.50 Inches (90%)

I don't know why, but seeing how freaking big his head is always makes me laugh.  He is just a little guy with a huge head.  No wonder he hits his head on everything.  His tiny body can't keep up with his gigantic head.  Poor kid.  At least he doesn't look disproportional.

On Thursday Joseph had is unofficial/official start of school.  He only went for 2 hours, just so they could make sure that he wasn't completely freaked out when I drop him off on Monday.

He is going to start going to the Jewish Community Center/Early Childhood Center on Monday and Wednesday from 9am-3pm.  It is going to be a nice break for all of us.  The teachers said he did a great job the first day.  It took him about an hour or so to warm up to everyone.  Then they said he just started talking and repeating everything they said.  I always know he is comfortable when he starts talking.  That was a good sign for me.

While Joseph was at school, Samuel and I ran to Target and got all the school supplies we needed for both he and Joseph.  It was amazing how fast two hours went.  For the rest of August, Monday and Wednesday will be a day I get to spend with just Samuel.  It will be nice to have alone time with just Samuel before the baby comes.  Samuel starts school the beginning of September and only goes in the afternoons.

I feel crazy busy trying to get everything organized.  All the paperwork and immunization records, everything.  Luckily it is all done now and I can just try to relax.

Here is a picture of Joseph before I took him to school:

Thank goodness it is Friday.  I am exhausted.  We ran to the grocery store this morning and to Pottery Barn Kids.  Joseph has just now fallen asleep and Samuel is relaxing on the couch.  I am pooped and ready to have a nice relaxing weekend.

Hopefully next week will be a little less hectic.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So Hot!

It is just unbearably hot outside.  At 11:30 we were coming home from the gym and it was 101 degrees and I called the weather line and it is 60% humidity.  It is just miserable to go outside.

The last two days I have taken to boys to the gym daycare and I have gotten some alone time.  Yesterday I swam in the pool and did just a very slow breast stroke so I didn't get my heart rate up and then I sat out for about 15 minutes to dry off.  It was so nice and relaxing.  Then today I went and did some arm weights and squats, read a little bit of a book and then got them.  It was great for everyone.  They got playtime inside with other kids and I got alone time.

Tomorrow I am checking out an Early Childhood Center at the Jewish Community Center for Joseph.  I can sign him up two days a week from 9am-3pm (Monday and Wednesday).  They have an educational curriculum and lots of playtime.  They feed him lunch and give him an afternoon nap.  If I like the place I am going to sign him up.  He needs to be in some type of school before I send him to the International Spanish school that Samuel goes to.  Joseph will be able be able to start at that school next September.

I am getting more and more frustrated with fixing meals around here for the boys.  Joseph is completely boycotting meat.  He will only eat chicken that I have in my homemade chicken soup and that is it.  He is also refusing to eat tofu.  I also keep him on a higher fiber diet, which is really hard.  He isn't supposed to eat (and he really doesn't like it anyway) cheese and bananas.  He loves cauliflower, bread, eggs and smoothies, some veggie things, but that is about it.  Meals are just getting harder and harder to figure out.

I have been making smoothies everyday for them.  I am trying to mix up the fruit to give a variety.  Every meal I make, half of it gets thrown on the floor.  It is so frustrating.

Samuel on the other hand has decided he wants Salami for every meal.  He wants salami sandwiches for lunch and dinner.  He doesn't really like bread, so he will eat a few bites with the bread and then just eat the salami.  Today he mixed it up a bit because he wanted Salami and Turkey on his sandwich.  He took about 5 bites with all the bread and everything and then just ate the meat.  Samuel is a pretty good eater.  he makes good food choices, but he only eats when he is hungry.  If he isn't hungry at lunchtime or dinner time he just won't eat.  That is annoying too.

Anyway, last night I needed to use up Ricotta cheese and fresh mozzarella cheese I had in the fridge so I whipped up this very yummy pasta dish.  Dave and I thought it was great and of course neither of the boys ate any of it.

Fresh Spinach and Fresh Mozzarella Pasta Bake

Saute two tablespoons of minced garlic and half of an diced onion in about a tablespoon of olive oil.
Chop up a ton of fresh spinach and add that to the garlic and onion mixture when the onions are translucent.
Cook the spinach down
Add two jars of Pasta Sauce (I used an organic Garlic Marinara Sauce)
Cook until a little bubbly
Add one small container of Ricotta Cheese
Cube up some fresh mozzarella cheese and add to sauce

Cook a container of whole wheat pasta (I used leftover pasta I had in the pantry (Rigatoni and Fusilli) in boiling water for 9 minutes then drain

Put a little bit of sauce at the bottom of a baking dish (11x13) to coat the bottom

Add pasta to sauce mixture and make sure all the pasta is covered in sauce

Put everything into baking dish

Cover all the pasta with thin slices of fresh mozzarella cheese.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30-45 minutes until all the cheese is melted and it is bubbling.

It was super creamy and delicious.  It was great for leftovers too!