Two nights in a row we have been woken up and stayed awake due to huge thunderstorms. Last night we woke up because there was amazing winds coming through and I swear it sounded like a tornado. Both Dave and I jumped out of bed and ran to the boys rooms, but when we looked outside it was just windy, lightening, thundering and raining. We turned on the news and saw that it was just a huge storm rolling through. I think both Dave and I were up from 2-4 because the storm was so loud. Luckily the boys slept through it.
Samuel is so strange sometimes. Last night we put him to bed and about 30 minutes later we heard noise in his room and then it sounded like he opened his door, but he never came out, so we didn't even go over to his room. Then about 9:30 we went to check on the boys before we went to bed. Samuel's door was open. He normally burrows down way in his bed at night and we have to pull him up and recover him up before we go to bed. I went up to his bed and I didn't see him anywhere. I heard a big sign and breath and it came from his bed, but he wasn't in it. I looked under his bed and he was sound asleep under his bed. We have no idea why he did that, but we had a good laugh.
The boys are really starting to play with each other. They laugh, jump on each other and just have so much fun. I love seeing them together. Joseph isn't a cuddler, kisser or a hugger. If he hugs you or kisses you then you are lucky. He gives hugs and kisses sometimes at night before we put him to bed but it isn't a regular occurrence. However, he LOVES to give Samuel hugs and kisses. He loves his brother and I love to see that. It makes me feel so good.
Samuel told me this morning, "You are my favorite Mommy." A good way to start the day.
Pregnancy update: Last week I was having a bad feeling week. I was feeling huge, uncomfortable and not happy to be pregnant at all. I worked out three times last week and I am already feeling a little bit better. I am trying to keep it up this week. I think the working out really helps with my mental state.
This weekend I started having Braxton-Hicks contractions. They are random and it is usually when I have been on my feet doing things for a long time. When I finally relax I start having some contractions. I have an appointment on Thursday so we will see what my doctor has to say about that.
Thank goodness this is my last pregnancy. I don't think my body could handle being pregnant again. I am so done with being pregnant. Everything seems like it is falling apart. My scar from when I got my appendix taken out is really hurting with this pregnancy. I called the doctor last week because I was having pretty severe pain around the incision. It went away after a day, but I had to ice it and take it easy. My legs still look absolutely terrible and I am now developing spider veins on my left leg.
This baby is super active. I think it is pretty comparable to my pregnancy with Samuel. It barely stops moving. Last night both Dave and I felt its foot come right across my stomach. It was such a creepy feeling. Whether it is a boy or a girl it is a wild baby right now.
Dave and I are still having issues picking out names. We think we have the first names figured out, but we are trying to figure out middle names. I am not totally set on the boys name, but Dave really likes it. We will see. We will continue to look and think of names. If you have any good ideas let us know. We don't want anything popular but nothing too crazy either.
I think it is going to be movie day today. It is raining and yucky out, so we will probably be staying in.
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