These past few weeks haven't been the greatest. Sometimes I get down on myself because everything really is wonderful around here, but I still get depressed and upset. I know a lot of my mood has to do with the very little sleep I have been getting. My insomnia the past few weeks was really really bad. I was up at least every two hours to pee. Normally I can go right back to bed, but not the past few weeks. I spend at least 30 minutes to an hour awake and then when I finally fall asleep I get back up an hour or so later. Then I have been waking up at 4 am and I am wide awake. Sometimes I contemplate just getting out of bed and doing stuff, but I keep thinking or hoping I am going to go back to sleep.
This week, well Sunday night through Tuesday night, I have been able to sleep from 11:30 pm to 5 am straight. This is a nice change, but I think my body is in a little bit of shock with getting more sleep. I am still really tired, but if I can continue this 5 and half hours a night sleep I will be great. If I go back to my few hours of sleep a night I am not going to make it through the first few months of the baby.
The boys have been napping terribly. Samuel isn't really napping at all in the afternoons, which isn't too bad. However, Joseph is falling asleep late morning or early afternoon and then not taking any afternoon nap. He is almost unbearable in the evenings. He gets so cranky. The good thing is that he goes to bed at 6:30 pm. The bad thing is he starts off the day at 6 am or earlier. It makes for a really long day for me.
I am trying to find a balance in my life right now because I know how important that will be with three kids. Right now I am so sick of all my mom duties. I feel like all I do lately is laundry, loading and unloading the dishwasher, cleaning the pots and pans, keeping the house looking not like a tornado has hit it everyday and thinking and cooking meals. Plus, I know I mentioned it before, but I am also doing a ton of work for Woman's Place. I don't mind doing any of the above mentioned it just feels like there is more of everything lately.
I did four loads of laundry yesterday and I had done almost all all of our laundry on Sunday. It was mostly sheets because Samuel woke up yesterday and had leaked, which rarely happens, but it starts off the day with a load of laundry.
By the way, anyone have advice on potty training at night? Samuel has been potty trained for almost a year and doesn't have any accidents at nap time, but he rarely goes through the night without peeing. We tried getting him to pee after he had already been asleep for a while, but he is a very heavy sleeper and got really out of control when he tried to get him to pee because he was sound asleep. Anyway, any ideas would be great.
Enough with the complaining. On an exciting note, today I am having my BIG ultrasound. We could be finding out the sex, but of course we aren't. I am just excited to see how big the baby has gotten and what it looks like. This is going to be our last ultrasound before I go into labor. I will have to post pictures when we get them. I can't believe that I am 20 weeks in two days. Half way through this pregnancy. This is crazy. Time has really flown by. So far this baby is really calm and easy. I can't wait to see what this one is really like. Only have four and a half more months to go.
I am off to enjoy the day.
Excited for the ultrasound today. You guys aren't really being fair to your friends and family that are dying to know what's cooking. :) Can't wait to find out!!!
I think the night time peeing is just something you have to wait out. It will happen when he gets older.
I know sometimes all the daily routine stuff is hard. But that's what we signed up for, isn't it? I have to remind myself that all of the time. And it helps to think about others that have it worse off. Makes me feel like an a**hole and helps me to not feel sorry for myself.
Hope you start feeling better and hey!, the sun is out today! There's a reason to smile!
I feel terrible when I am in these states because like you said people have it much worse. Sometimes I tell myself that if people are allowed to have bad days at work, then I am allowed to have bad days at home too. I mean this is our full time job. I don't have to like it all the time.
The sun is out. I opened all the shades and I am trying to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Thanks for your post Charisa!
Agreed! And having a place to vent with makes it better! :)
We all have bad days/weeks. Some days I wonder what in the world I was thinking! It is our full time job and I have let myself not like it at times and ask Dave if I can quit. :) He must really wonder about me some days. This is the hardest job in the world and nothing can prepare us for it. Then it seems like all of a sudden we have a really great day around here and I am so thankful that I was here to see it. Or like today when Kieran was crying in the middle of his nap. I was a little upset because it was my time to just relax for a few minutes, but if I wasn't here, someone else would be trying to comfort him and that would make me feel far worse than trying to survive these trying days. I just wish it was a bit less hectic right now I could actually really try to enjoy them. I know how fast time is going and one day they will be in school (most days I cannot wait for this) and then driving (one of my biggest fears of life) and off to college and I know I will be so lonely and just wish to God I could have back these days when they were in my sights and I knew they were ok.
Wow, what a rant. I guess you really made me think. I really miss not getting to see you from time to time. Oh the things we would have to talk about now!! Hang in there with life right now...oh and it was totally unfair of you two to keep this a surprise, I can't wait to see who you add to the Glasser clan. I'm guessing a baby girl!
Ok, you know me - I suggest anything cloth diaper related. Ran across these yesterday and thought of Samuel. Perhaps feeling the wetness more would encourage him to stay dry.
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