For many of you this is not breaking news, but I needed to post new changes in our lives and I figured it was about time to announce that we are expecting baby #3. I am 15 and a half weeks pregnant. Will be 16 weeks on Friday. Time has really flown by. I was only sick with this baby for 3 weeks, so I feel really really lucky. It has been pretty easy and most of the time I completely forget that I am even pregnant. Well, until this week. My belly completely popped out over the weekend. I am clearly pregnant now.
I figured for documentation purposes I should give you background information and the story before I completely forget (I am forgetting everything now. My short term memory is gone. The baby is sucking brain cells like crazy. Good thing this is our last one or I would really be in trouble).
Pregnancy History: As many of you know, we had a lot of trouble getting pregnant with Samuel and additional problems getting pregnant with Joseph. Some parts are graphic, just to worn you.
I got pregnant for the first time in October 2005. I had a miscarriage the end of December 2005. We thought it was going to be just a normal miscarriage because I had all the normal activity that occurs with a miscarriage. However in early January 2006, I woke up one morning and started pretty much hemorrhaging. Since the bleeding wouldn't stop, my doctor sent me directly to the ER and I was there all day. Basically, I didn't have a full miscarriage in December. There was still stuff leftover and my body was trying to get rid of everything inside. They thought I was going to have an emergency D & C, but by late afternoon the ultrasound showed that nothing was left in my uterus. From January 2006 through June of 2007 I had three Hysterosalphingographys, which show if there is a blockage of my fallopian tubes. The first one showed that I had a blockage. Then I had outpatient surgery because I had a mass in my uterus that was blocking my fallopian tubes. The second one was done to see if they had removed the blockage, which they didn't really. So I had another outpatient surgery that they blasted liquid through my uterus and fallopian tubes to open them up. The last Hysterosalphingograph was to confirm that indeed everything was flowing well.
After all those surgeries and procedures, I started clomid and still couldn't get pregnant. Then they decided to do clomid with Artificial Insemination, which luckily for us worked on the first try. That was our story with Samuel.
When Samuel was 6 months old we decided to start trying for baby number 2 because we were worried about how long it might take us to get pregnant again. After 6 months of trying with no luck, I went back to our fertility specialist. I had another Hysterosalphingograph, which said everything was flowing fine, so we started back up on Clomid and did Artificial Insemination and got pregnant again. It took us 9 months to get pregnant with Joseph.
Now for the new pregnancy. Dave and I had talked about the possibility of having three, but we wanted to wait a little while before making our final decision. We were being really careful about having unprotected sex. We had said in the event we wanted to try again for a third, we would try to do it without help from the fertility specialist and if it happened on its own it was meant to be. We wanted to wait until we were settled in our new house and we wanted to go on a few trips just the two of us in 2011 and I was planning to run the St. Louis Half-Marathon in April. We had already planned two trips, one to Miami in January and the second to Vegas in March. We were planning in the late summer - early fall to go to California to do winery tours. We finally got our first trip to Miami in without the boys and had a wonderful time. We were eating and drinking, staying up late and sleeping in. It was awesome.
When we got back from Miami I started back to running and then got a terrible cold and was sick for over a week. When I finally felt better to run again, I started having terrible side pains (I also got terrible side pains when I was pregnant with Joseph). I thought it was strange and I figured I was just cramping and getting ready to start my period. After a few days of continued pain when I ran, I decided to take a pregnancy test just to confirm that I am about to start my period. Then the biggest shocker hit, the pregnancy test had two solid pink lines. I had just gone for a run, peed on the stick and jumped in the shower. I was totally expecting to get out and see one line, but I was dumbfounded when I saw two. I literally started shaking. I could not believe it. I texted Dave and told him to call me when he went to a back private office so we could talk. Of course he calls me from his desk. I didn't know what to do. I thought he might freak out or pass out or who knows when I told him, but I told him over the phone and his reaction was so much better then mine.
Anyway, now I am almost 16 weeks in and things are looking great. I have another appointment in May with my doctor and then we have the BIG ultrasound. Sorry to say, but we are not finding out the sex of this baby either. This is our last real surprise. I really don't care what we have next. I will be happy with any healthy baby.
I will keep you updated on my progress. I do have to inform you that the huge varicose vein I got in my leg when I was pregnant with Joseph has once again exploded during the pregnancy. It is disgusting an ugly and will be a great addition to my bathing suit this summer. I will just be one really attractive beached whale at the pool.
I am off to pick Samuel up from school.
Happy Passover and Happy Easter!
When you come to Tulsa in June, can we at least do the ring on the string test???? or maybe the Drano test???? You know I am so excited for you and Dave, but I peek at Christmas presents so the suspense is killing me! Hope you are finally able to relax and enjoy your new house!
I know I've already said it, but congratulations!!! Very excited for you guys and this new baby, who was obviously meant to be. :)
Paula, you are crazy! I'm not doing any of those tests. I don't want to have any idea what it might be. This is the excitement. You only have 5 more months to go!
Thanks Megan. We are pretty excited now. Things are moving along. I can't believe it!
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