Yesterday I took Samuel to his 3 year check-up. He did pretty well. His hearing and eye sight is great. He still has a little bit of issues with his language skills. I went through a questionnaire where I had to ask him questions and he was supposed to answer me verbally. Almost all of the questions he answered by acting out. He could do everything that required a physical response or naming all the colors and sounds of animals, but verbally he isn't quite as advanced. He has always been slow to talk. The doctor said it is clear that he understands everything, but just doesn't verbalize. One interesting thing was when I asked about a color (it was red), he responded by saying rojo. The doctor said that with some kids who are learning a new language, they start slowing down on their verbal responses to things because they are trying to think in both languages. She said he will probably start picking up his language skills soon.
So here are Samuel's stats:
Height: 39.75 in (89%)
Weight: 41 lbs (>97%)
BMI: 18.24 (95%) They said that 85-95% is considered overweight
The doctor said that she thought Samuel looked very talk and thin and at 3 years old the BMI is kind of inaccurate because he is so tall, but she did say that I really need to watch him because he is considered overweight. I freaked out. He is no where near overweight. He is just a huge kid. He eats pretty well. Some days he eats a ton of veggies and then the next day a ton of fruit. He eats when he is hungry and usually makes good food choices. He does like junk food, but what kid at this age doesn't. I try to limit his unhealthy snacks to one a day. Usually after lunch or dinner he can have dessert.
The whole doctor's appointment stressed me out. I was really feeling like a bad mom. I think this nasty weather around here is really effecting my mood. I have been tired and not feeling motivated to do anything. I look around the house and think about everything I need to start packing and organizing. My goal is to be as organized as possible when it comes to all the boxes. I am indicating on all the boxes what rooms they go into and what is in each box. It seems like a lot of work, but I know it will save me time and hassle when we move into our new house. I just need to find the time to do it all.
Not only do I need to pack, but I still have to keep up with all the laundry, house cleaning, kid watching and all the meal. It is so hard to come up with new and exciting meals everyday. I packed all my cookbooks and food magazines, so I am just trying to through things together that I have around the house. Frustrating!
I need some sunlight so I can get out of this funk!
I think it's supposed to be sunny this weekend, so maybe you can get some good Vit D time in-between all the chores/packing.
I also don't mind if we had "help Sarah pack day" next week, though I know you'll be busy getting everything together for Vegas. Anyway, extra hands (or children-watching eyes) here if you need them.
Skip the exciting meals and create less stress for yourself! Make those boys soup and grilled cheese and get on with your day! :)
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