Thursday, September 23, 2010

Weekend Approaching

I survived Mother's Day out on Monday, but Joseph barely did. The ladies said that he cried almost the entire time, except during his 20 minute nap and then about 30 minutes after he played in his crib and then cried the rest of the time. Poor kid. He was so tired Monday evening that he went to bed around 6:45. Samuel had a great time and played very hard. He was also exhausted by the evening and asked us if he could go to bed around 7:15. It was awesome. Dave and I got to have alone time starting at 7:30. Hopefully this will continue because it would be nice to start off the week with the kids going to bed early.

After only one and a half weeks of Spanish school, Samuel said his first word this morning without being prompted. I took out his school uniform and he said, "I go to school and say Hola!" I think that is pretty good. The only problem is that Hola is about the only word I know in Spanish other then counting 1-10. Should be interesting when he starts really talking in Spanish because I will have no idea what he is saying.

Joseph is getting much better at standing, but he can't pull himself up and he isn't really interested in crawling yet. I am sure one of these days it will just happen. Here he is standing, he was pretty happy with himself:

Samuel was really enjoying his cereal yesterday:

Samuel has been going through a non-cooperation phase when it comes to pictures. He doesn't really like to look at the camera and won't smile on command like he used too. Well, yesterday I was taking pictures of Joseph and I asked Samuel if he would pose for the camera and these are the funny pictures I got of him. He actually put his hand under his chin on his own.

Lastly, I have been making some awesome food this week. I liked the curry the best and Dave loved the Ragu. Here are the recipes. They are super easy and very tasty.

2. Mushroom and Sausage Ragu with Polenta - I used spicy chicken sausage instead of the turkey sausage

3. Cider Glazed Chicken (I didn't make the rice even though it sounds really good). Instead I made cous cous with Feta Cheese, Tomatoes and Shallots. It was delicious.

It has been a great eating week and I have been feeling super healthy and satisfied. I only have about 45 minutes until I have to pick up Samuel from school, so I am off to do some house stuff.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Cute photos of the boys! Can't believe Joseph is standing, he looks so big. Tell Samuel hola from Savta and Papa. Love you lots, Mom