Thursday, July 15, 2010

Time Zooms By

I can't believe that it has been a week since I posted. Admittedly, I have had no desire nor time to post anything. The past few weeks have been absolutely terrible here. Thank goodness this week has been better or I would be checking myself into a mental hospital. Joseph and Samuel have been behaving terribly and have required tons of attention, which in turn completely wears me out. I would say that in the past two and a half weeks (other then yesterday) I have had about 2 hours of alone or down time during the day. Yesterday was wonderful though. I put Samuel down for his nap at 1pm and then Joseph was asleep by 1:40pm and I had to wake them both up at 4pm. The break was wonderful and I was able to get a lot of things done around the house, which isn't really a break, but at least I didn't have one of the kids screaming as I was doing it.

I think I am also more sane this week because our babysitter who normally comes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons came back from her vacation and is babysitting again this week. I really need that break.

In exercise news, I actually got motivated on Monday and went to spinning class at 8:15 am. It was wonderful and I felt great, but then I proceeded to eat everything possible all day long because I was so hungry. Kind of defeats the purpose of working out, when I burn 600 calories, but then consume 1000. Now that I am getting myself on a good exercise schedule, next is to really focus on my food intake. I know that is the reason I can't lose the last few pounds of baby weight. I also started a yoga class on Wednesday mornings. Oh how I miss taking yoga. I feel so stretched out and relaxed when I am done. I really need that hour or so of relaxation and calmness. If only I could keep that state of mind the rest of the day.

The boys have been doing new things lately too:

1. Joseph is talking like crazy now. Along with all his babbling, he is saying "Dada" all the time. Dave is pretty happy since Samuel didn't say Dad or Daddy or Dada until he was over 2 years old.

2. Joseph is loving his rice cereal. I am mixing it with a little bit of applesauce to help with his digestion, since he still has pooping issues. It seems to be helping because he is actually going on his own now with no apple juice.

3. I also started to mix his rice cereal with formula, since I don't want to defrost a whole package of breast milk and know that he won't eat the remaining amount in a bottle. He likes that too.

4. On Monday, Samuel decided that he was ready to start climbing out of his crib. The good thing is that he hasn't tried it again since Monday, but I now know he can do it without getting hurt. It might be time for a big boy bed soon. Not ready for that.

Samuel was pretty funny when he got out of his bed. I was in Joseph's room trying to get him to sleep and all of the sudden I heard Samuel's door knob jiggling. I went to his door and opened it up and there Samuel was standing there just looking at me. I put him back in his bed and told him to take his nap and then I left his room.

About a minute later I could tell he got back out of his bed again, so I went and stood by his door. He slowly opened his door to peek out and saw me there and said "Hello Mommy". I couldn't help but laugh. Then I went in his room and he had thrown his blankets and pillows out on the floor and I guess used that as his landing pad when he jumped out of his bed. I told him that he needed to take a nap and he ran to his pillows on the floor, laid down and covered himself up, closed his eyes and said "I am sleeping." I told him that I didn't care where he slept as long as he took a nap, so I just left his room. I was still in Joseph's room trying to get him to bed during this process. Then the telephone rang and Samuel opened the door to his room and yelled "Telone (his word for telephone) ringing Mama." Then he went back in his room and closed the door. That made me laugh. He knew he wasn't supposed to leave his room, so he just wanted to tell me the phone was ringing and then he went back to bed. A few minutes later I heard him making a lot of noise in his room, so I went back in there. He was trying to get back into his crib. He said "me take nap now." So I put him in his bed and he went right to sleep. It was an interesting exchange and I am just happy he hasn't tried it again.

5. Samuel has this weird issue when I wear my hair up in a ponytail. He goes nuts, throwing a tantrum and telling me "hair down". He hates it when I wear my hair up. When our babysitter came on Tuesday she said that he started yelling at her too about her hair being up in a ponytail. It is the strangest thing ever and I really don't understand why it bothers him so much.

I think that is all the updates I have. I know more things have happened in the last week, but I am so drained that I can't remember anything. Now off to try to get Joseph to take his first nap of the day.


Anonymous said...

How i love those Samuel stories! oma

megan said...

seriously, that crib story is funny!!! Glad to hear the week is getting better and congrats on all the exercise! eating is definitely my problem too. :)

Anonymous said...

You won't believe it, but Rowan went through the hair phase thing too! It was while I was pregnant that he all of a sudden started telling me how to wear my hair, mostly he wanted it down. When we would rock at night he would talk about what I would do with my hair the next day. Don't you wonder why they take the interests they do?? What 2 year old cares or even notices how their mom wears their hair?! LOVE the crib story.

Laura and Jonathan said...

The issue with the hair must be a Teal/Glasser boy thing...your brother loves when I or your mom wear our hair up. Guess he's the opposite of Samuel! It's so funny that they care. I mean, boys don't care about anything, really, then they get all weird about something silly! Makes me laugh.

I had a blast with Samuel on Tuesday! Bring him over any time. :)