Thursday, February 18, 2010


I can't believe it has been 11 days since Joseph was born. We have been really busy and trying to adjust to the new addition to the family. Joseph has been sleeping pretty well at night. He sleeps for about 2-3 hours and then usually has one time a night that he sleeps for a period of 4 hours. He isn't very consistent during the day. Like yesterday he slept most of the day and then was up for about 2-3 hours before we went to bed. Today he has been up all morning from about 8 to 12:30 when he finally fell asleep.

I am pretty tired and trying to get lost of things done while I have help. The first 8 days Dave's parents were here to help out, which was wonderful because Samuel was really sick with croup. Dave slept with him for about three nights, which completely wore Dave out. Now my parents are here for the week and I am trying to get as much stuff done and caught up on as possible before they leave on Sunday.

I am a little nervous about being alone for the first time next week. Hopefully things will go okay.

So on Monday we had Joseph's bris. It was super emotional again. I thought I would be able to handle it better since I have already been through it once with Samuel, but I think it freaked me out even more because I knew what was coming. He did really well and it was wonderful to have family and friends to help celebrate this very spiritual and unforgettable milestone in Joseph's life.

So here are some more pictures:

Here is what Samuel looked like when he was 8 days old and this is Joseph at 9 days old:

Here are some more pictures:

Got him smiling

His second bath at home:

Samuel helping to rock Joseph:

Some more pictures of Joseph:

More pictures of family the day of Joseph's bris:


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are hanging in there, I will be coming to you for tips in a few months. I'm not kidding you, I am freaking out! Rowan has been such a handful the past few days that I just can't imagine having a baby on top of it. I love the pictures, Joseph is adorable and Samuel looks like such a proud big brother. Take care!!

Charisa said...

So glad to hear an update! I think Joseph is going to look like Dave.

Anonymous said...

great pic's ... its gonna get easier. your a pro already. just try to nap when you can...take advantage of your parents there and get some sleep...amie

Paula said...

What adorable boys you have!!!! I too think that Joseph looks like Dave especially that last picture of Joseph by himself and have always thought Samuel looks alot like you. The picture of Joseph smiling is so cute, you can see a bit of a resemblance to Samuel. Hang in there, every day will get better and better and the chaos of it all will be your new normal.

Charisa said...

You'll get the hang of dealing with 2 in no time. Stock up on fast, ready to eat foods - granola bars, that sort of thing to keep your energy up!

Awesome that Samuel still takes a nap, that will help out so much! Vance was beyond naps when Vaughn was born, so I bounced back and forth from kid to kid all day and it was tiring!

The first few months will be hard, but they'll go by so quickly! Try to enjoy them!

megan said...

LOVE the pics!! Joseph is such a sweetie pie. He's so tiny!

I'm glad you're surviving. You'll do awesome, I'm sure, even when everyone leaves.

Thinking of you all!!! xoxo

Flower Girl said...

Good luck this week. I know you'll do great. I am always a phone call away. :)
Loved seeing the pics. I personally can not tell who Joseph is going to look like?! I can't get over how much Samuel's 8 day old picture still looks like him today!!!!
Love you. Big hugs and kisses