Last night was the first night that my contractions were really consistent all night long. I was having a contraction every 20 minutes or so. They never got any closer, but they started at around 4 pm and continued through the night. I am tired today, but I was able to relax in between contractions and fell asleep off and on all night.
Today hasn't been bad and I haven't really had too many contractions.
On a positive note, Samuel has been wearing his big boy undies yesterday and today. He wore them yesterday from 8:30 am to about 12:30 with no accidents. He is wearing them again this morning and no accidents either. He gets really mad if I suggest putting on a diaper (like before his nap). He had to have a meltdown yesterday when I put the diaper on him before his nap. Oh well.
Not much else going on here. We are all just playing the waiting game.
Thank god I was induced both times. This waiting just would not worked fot the uptight type A person I am. Whew, you are patient. That is why I keep joking about, GET THE DRUGS....with the potosin drip, their was no way I could "not" get drugs. The first 2 hours, no pain, the next 2 hour, like cramps, the next 2 hours...this really hurts, AND then the next 2 hours my eyes were rolling back in my head. Never got a break from the contractions, could not do it. Had the epidural, slept from 4cm to 10cm. Had no idea I was in labor at all. It was great, so, when I went in to have Abby, I just went straight to the DRUGS. I knew better. Still dying to know boy or girl...But my guess is still a girl. Keep us posted... on pins and needles here...Amie
thinking of you!!!! xoxoxo
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