Samuel was a mess. He eyes were glassy and he was so lethargic. He wouldn't walk down the stairs so I had to carry him and Joseph downstairs. Finally when Dave came home we took his temperature and it was 101 something. Later in the evening it was 102.8. Samuel wouldn't eat anything for dinner and actually put his head down on the table which he has never done. When Dave gave him a bath he started shivering. We got him all dressed for bed and he fell asleep in Dave's arms a little before 7 pm. Poor baby.
This morning his fever is down and he is acting better, but he won't get out of his pj's. We have been just hanging out and watching videos all morning. He is drinking juice now and eating goldfish, so I know he is feeling better.
Joseph on the other hand is taking a great nap in his crib right now. I laid him down while I was changing Samuel's diaper and he stayed asleep, so I figured I would leave him there and see how long he lasted. It has been about 30 minutes so far. He is a great sleeper thank goodness. I don't think Samuel took a nap at all until he was 6 months old. Let's hope Joseph's sleeping behavior continues.
I can't wait for Samuel's nap time, so I can actually shower. I am feeling pretty nasty right now.
I really don't like our ear thermometer. It's never consistent and I'm growing to never trust it. The nurse at our doctor said they are usually inaccurate and that she always subtracts a degree when parents say they used an ear thermometer. Think I'm going to pick up the old type whenever I'm at Walgreens again. Looked for one at Target, but they didn't have any.
Hope you have better luck and that Samuel starts feeling better. Poor guy!
Poor Samuel! I hope gets back to normal soon! I'm glad Joseph is napping well and giving you a break. :) Hope you got your shower!
Charisa, if you find a good thermometer, let me know. Samuel is so freaked out by the one we have. My doctor doesn't like ear thermometers either. I wanted to get those strips that you just put right on their head, but I don't know if they sell those. Let me know.
Thanks Megan, I got my shower. I feel so much better now.
I'll let you know if I find one I like. My sister-in-law, who runs a day care, has the same thermometer issues. They have all types, even the ones you put on their foreheads, and she can't find one that she likes the best. She tends to use the digital one for under their arms. I guess that's part of my issue with the ear one. If I use it on myself, I can tell if it's in my ear the right way. I can't ever tell on the kids. I have better luck with Vance than Vaughn and I even follow the instructions on how to pull their ear, blah, blah, blah... My parents have the thermal scan one. Maybe I should see how they like that one.
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