We went to a donut shop close by and when he walked in and say the case of donuts he gasped and yelled "CAAAAAAKE". He was so excited he couldn't stand it. He picked out a cake donut with chocolate icing and blue and white sprinkles. I love cake donuts too so I got a plain one with chocolate icing. While I was paying Samuel ran to a table and sat down. It was funny because he almost couldn't contain himself he was so excited. He ended up eating the majority of his and about forth to a half of mine. I guess things haven't changed much from the beginning of my pregnancy because the donut didn't taste very good to me and then I ended up burping it up all day. Baby still doesn't like sweets that much. Anyway, Samuel enjoyed his breakfast and then he headed to Trader Joes.
They have little carts there for kids to push and I have never let him push it before because I didn't think he would stick with me, but he did awesome. I could tell he thought he was a big boy and loved every minute of it. We left we everything we needed with the addition of a block of Gouda cheese which I didn't see him sneak into his basket. When I told him we were ready to check out he looked at me with his hand up and said "Pay". He wanted my credit card. He helped unload the groceries, handing each item to the check out lady and then he looked up at me and said "Pay" again. So I let him try to swipe the card. Overall it was so much fun.
For the past few days, Samuel has really been wanting to wear big boy underwear. We can make it now for about 3 hours without him peeing in his undies. He is great at telling me he has to pee and then we run in the bathroom. However, I think we are going to have issues with pooping. He refuses to go in the toilet. He wants to put a diaper back on and then he goes. I think eventually he will go and since I am not pushing him to use the toilet I am sure it will happen on his own time. I will put more effort into this once the next baby comes.
Yesterday, we tried out a Gymboree class. He did a great job and was really helpful cleaning up all the toys and participating in the different games. I am trying to decide if I want to sign us up for the winter. I want to have a place to take him so he can burn off some energy. He desperately needs to do that. He can't sit around at home. I might look into a gymnastics place right down the street too. He may like that.
The only annoying thing about this week, is that Samuel has been absolutely terrible to put to bed at night. I noticed on Tuesday that his left 2 year molar is halfway in and the right one is about to break through the skin. I am sure his mouth is killing him, but he normally goes down right away at night. Lately he has been crying and screaming for almost 45 minutes before he finally falls asleep. Dave goes in and pats his back and rubs his head and sometimes rocks him, but Samuel won't let him leave the room. This isn't normal behavior for him, so I am thinking it is his teeth, but we don't know. Hopefully he will go back to normal soon.
Okay, so this is a really long post, I'm going to go eat.
1 comment:
So glad you've been having good days!
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