Friday, December 11, 2009

Right Side of the Bed and Happy Hanukkah

I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. I feel so much better then I have the last few days. I got much better sleep and I just feel 100 times better. It is still freezing around here, but I made our house nice and warm, so I am feeling so much better.

I have been doing phone CLEs (Continuing Legal Education) for the past couple of weeks in the afternoons and I had my last one that I signed up for yesterday. I still need to do a few more to get all my credits, but I have until July of 2010. I wanted to get as much done as possible before the baby comes. It is a relief to get them done. I need 7 more hours.

Yesterday we went to the Magic House for story time and the kids had a great time running around and playing. Samuel didn't really listen to the book. He enjoyed running around the room and Taylor enjoyed entertaining the baby that was sitting next to her. They read a really short book that only took about 10 minutes and then they sang Jingle Bells and then Santa showed up. Samuel freaked out. He hasn't been that close to a Santa and he was not interested. He stayed attached to me and screamed if I tried to get him to go sit by Santa. He wouldn't even really look at the guy. When Santa was leaving Samuel waved bye and was instantly in a better mood when Santa left. When I was a kid, my parents said that I was frightened of Santa too. He must get that from me. Andrea posted some pictures on her blog, so take a look.

I thought it was nice that Magic House had Santa come, but a part of me was pissed off too. I mean the Magic House is not religiously associated with anything and then they have Santa show up at an open story time. That annoyed me, especially because Hanukkah starts today! Of course I want Samuel to experience everything, including seeing Santa and maybe sitting on his lap, but to assume that every kid in the room celebrates Christmas really annoys me. That is my little bitching for the day.

On a happy note, Happy Hanukkah to everyone. We are lighting our first candles tonight and Samuel is going to get his first gift.

I have been meaning to post about how time out is working for us and I just keep forgetting, so here it is. Right after Samuel bit that girl in Mother's Day out we started being really strict with him about following the rules and listening to us. He was starting to get a little wild. For about two or three weeks (until right before Thanksgiving), we were telling him no and putting him in time out for a minute and a half if he didn't listen to us. It has worked wonders. I don't think we have put him in time out at all since right before Thanksgiving. Now all we have to say is that if he does something one more time he is going in time out and he completely stops. It is amazing. I am a big fan of time outs now. He screams and cries when we do put him in time out, but doesn't continue the bad behavior. Pretty cool. We are continuing to be really strict with rules and listening to us and Samuel is behaving better and better.

Okay, I am off. Have a wonderful weekend!


megan said...

Happy Hannukah! :) And congrats on the successful timeouts! So glad to hear you're feeling better now.

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!