Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

It is supposed to rain and storm all day today. I have really enjoyed the last few days, so I am not looking forward to a day of rain. Yuck.

So, I am taking Samuel to the doctor this morning. He has been pulling on his ears and he has a runny nose. He has been refusing to eat which he never does. Since the horrible Sunday night, he has been sleeping like a champ again. I am going to have to wake him up in a few, so we can get to the doctor by 9. Dave and I watch this 20/20 or Dateline, I can't remember what news show it was, but they had this huge story on Swine Flu and flu symptoms and there was a boy that was in the ICU. He was fine one day and then in the ICU the next. It totally freaked me out. Even though I really don't think Samuel is sick, I want to get his ears checked out. Also since he has been going to Mother's Day out and is in contact with lots of kids, I am sure this flu season things will get passed around. I don't want to take any chances.

I have been in a complete funk since Monday. I am just down for some reason. Well, I know some of the reasons. I am getting freaking huge. I am shocked at how much I have grown in the last two weeks. The baby is starting to move a lot more (well, a little in the morning and a lot at night). I barely feel the baby during the day. I know the baby has gotten bigger and stronger and my body is just getting huge. When it is cold like this, I just want to sit around all day and drink coffee, but I can't.

I guess I better go wake up Samuel.


megan said...

I'm sorry you've been in a funk. :( I'm sure you look beautiful and glowing. :)

I hope Samuel isn't sick! Hopefully just a cold. I agree though, better safe than sorry!!

Charity said...

Maybe a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks will cheer you up! Would love to see pictures of you pregnant!

Sarah said...

I actually went and got one yesterday. Yummy. I love this time of year and I love pumpkin everything lately. First Watch has amazing pumpkin pancakes right now if anyone is interested. We got one for Samuel last weekend and Dave and I ate almost the entire thing.