Monday, May 18, 2009

We had a very busy weekend.  Oma came to visit.  On Saturday, Marleen and I went on a 6 mile walk (it only took us 1 hour and 20 minutes).  Then on Saturday night Dave and I went out for the evening.  It is always nice to get a night out when we have family in town.  On Sunday we went out to breakfast and relaxed the rest of the day.  It was such a nice weekend, I was not ready for the week to start.  

Samuel has a cough that will not go away and it is getting worse.  He cried all night last night and finally at 3 am I went in to rock him.  He wanted to be held and would not let me put him back in his crib and I was so tired, so I just brought him in bed with us.  He cuddled up with me and went back to sleep pretty quickly.  As much as I loved cuddling with him, I really hope he sleeps all night tonight.  If not we will be off to the doctor.  Other then the cough he is acting fine.  I am so tired though.  

Today Samuel and I went on a 4.5 mile run/walk.  I feel so good exercising so much in the last few days.  It is a lot of me and it feels great.  

Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Samuel enjoying his jello pudding:

Oma and Samuel at brunch:


Anonymous said...

Samuel is looking like such a big guy! His hair looks like it is getting blonder and wavy, is it? He is SO cute! Exercise is good for the soul and our nerves, I am convinced of it. The days go so much better when Rowan and I get out to walk.

megan said...

yay for exercise! are you guys having nice weather too? I love the spring!

I hope the cough goes away soon!!!! and that you get some sleep! :)