Samuel's cough got worse last night. He finally fell asleep around 8 last night after I rocked him for about 30 minutes. He screamed if I put him down before. He normally goes down so easily, so we knew he wasn't feeling well. At midnight he woke up and screamed for about 15 minutes and was just getting louder and showed no signs of going back to sleep. I went in his room and rocked him until he was sound asleep and put him down, then he woke up screaming louder then before. We weren't sure what to do because we knew he was sick and I didn't want to spend my night rocking him, so we brought him into bed again. This will end tonight. His cough loosened up in the middle of the night and this morning he isn't acting sick at all. Actually sine he got up at 5:45 he hasn't coughed at all, his nose isn't running and he ate like a champ for breakfast.
I on the other hand am so exhausted. I want to take care of Samuel and make him feel better, but at the same time I want to lock him in his room, so I can sleep all afternoon. I am pooped. Plus, my body is so sore from exercising. I realize how out of shape I am now. So sad.
I am off to drink more coffee.
I'm sorry to hear you're so tired!!! That's great that Samuel seems to have turned the corner though. I've been sick for about 2 freaking weeks now so I can feel both of your pain. :)
Sarah, when my girls are really freaking out like usally turns out to be an ear infection...
i know you said he is better today, but may be good to have his ears looked at... amie
If he doesn't sleep through the night tonight, I am going take him to the doctor. He has only had two ear infections and I hope he doesn't have another one. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he sleeps tonight.
Megan, I didn't know you were sick for that long. I hope you feel better soon!
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