Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sickness again

I feel like we never get a break.  Samuel has a cold again.  He has a mild case of croup cough.  He has a runny nose and isn't in the best mood.  Yesterday he barely slept during the day and was very tired last night.  He slept from about 7:15 pm until 7:50 am.  It was the longest he has ever slept and it was wonderful.  He bottom two molar teeth are coming in.  The top two are in already.  

I have a bit of a cough and a runny nose as well.  I need to get healthy soon.  

Today Samuel decided that he wanted to take George for a walk.  

This weekend we were heading out for a birthday party and Samuel was screaming the entire time.  Dave and I couldn't handle the screaming so we popped in a movie and he was so happy.  Take a look:

Other pictures:

This was a fun game that Samuel and Dave were playing.  This kept Samuel entertained for a while.  

1 comment:

megan said...

sorry to hear you guys are sick again!!! Yuck! You need to get better before your trip! :)

Love the pics though!