Friday, March 27, 2009


I feel much better today.  I still have a cough and stuffed up nose, but I don't feel like I am in a fog.  My head has cleared up.  However, I have a terrible attitude today.  I have reached my patience limit with Samuel.  I don't want to have to deal with him at all.  One week and one day of spending all my time with him and I am burnt out.  

He looks so freaking cute and looks up at me and smiles and I feel bad that I just want to walk away.  A nap can't come any sooner.  

I have a meeting today from 10 to at least 12 and I have to bring him with me.  That means I will be running around chasing Samuel and trying to concentrate on the meeting.  So much fun.  
Last night the Parents as Teachers (PAT) lady came by.  I had been thinking that Samuel was saying "Thank you" but I am the only one who has heard it, so I thought it could be possible that I was making it up in my mind.  However, the PAT lady was here and Samuel brought me one of his toys and I said thank you to him and he said thank you back.  I looked at her and he said he definitely said it.  Hip Hip Hooray!  I wasn't making it up.  I can tell his vocabulary is really increasing.  He understands everything.  The PAT lady asked him to get things for her in his toy box, things that I have never asked him to get and he went right over and brought them to her.  I was pretty impressed.  

It looks like it is going to rain, which isn't helping my disposition.  Would it be bad if I just locked myself in my room and let Samuel and George free in the house?  I am seriously considering it.  

Thank goodness it is Friday.

1 comment:

megan said...

HA! yes, it might be a bad idea to let Samuel and George have the run of the house. :) So glad to hear you're feeling better though! Just remember, tomorrow is Saturday and Dave will be home. You can make it. :)