Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We survived the night

Samuel's head looks so much better today.  It is not swollen, just bruised.  You can see in the pictures below that it looks so much better then last night.  He did great when we woke him up last night.  He just smiled, waved at us and then acted really happy, so we put him back down to bed and he fell right back to sleep.   

We are getting our fireplace replaced today.  We haven't used our fireplace in over a year because it didn't put off any heat and it was a waste.  Hopefully now it will be better.  We will probably use it tonight when Samuel goes to bed.  I will post pictures when he is done with it.  


Nicki said...

OMG! I would have completely freaked out. I am so glad that today was better. It asbolutely looks better than the ones from last night! Poor guy...and poor you guys!

Anonymous said...

Wow Sarah, what a night for you guys. It looked aweful last night, I would have freaked out. Glad Samuel is ok.
-Steph K.

megan said...

so glad he's doing better!!! phew!