Monday, July 14, 2008

Busy few weeks and weekend

There were many firsts that happened this weekend. Here they are:

1. Dave and I went out on Friday night for dinner to Justin and Charisa's. They bought a beautiful house in St. Charles and they are pretty close to us now, which is wonderful. Play dates and adult time!!!  The last time we saw them I posted the funny picture of Samuel and Vance, where Samuel was out of control crying during the picture. We were able to get a really good picture this time. 


New Picture:

(How cute!)

2. Dave and I went out on Saturday night to our friends Cara and Jon's house for dinner and we stayed out until 11:30 pm. Holy cow, we haven't stayed out that late in forever.

3. On Sunday morning Samuel came in our bed around 6 am and then he fell back asleep until 9 am. We got to sleep in!

4. Then this is the biggest first: Samuel slept through the night! He slept from 8:30 pm until 6:30 am. It was awesome. He woke up twice and made a few noises and then went right back to bed. It was amazing. I however still woke up every 3 to 4 hours checking the clock and being amazed that he was still sleeping. At one point I had to go in and check on him because I was worried he wasn't breathing or something.   He was breathing and sleeping great.  We will see if this continues.

More pictures from the weekend:

Aunt Laura, Samuel and I went to Forest Park to walk and here is a picture of Samuel in his stroller.  I love his new hat.

Laura and I went shopping on Friday and as you can tell we completely wore Samuel out.  He didn't even wake up for the fun in World Market.

I forgot to post this picture earlier, but last week Samuel met Tuesday Brown.  This is a picture of Joel, Tuesday and Samuel.  We wish Joel and Rachael would move back to St. Louis.  We miss them!

Side note: Samuel has been sleeping for an hour and a half right now for his nap.  I am getting so much done.

I pureed some Butternut Squash and Sweet Potatoes.  I am planning on trying some recipes from the cookbook Deceptively Delicious.  I will let you all know how it goes.  

Have a great week everyone. 


Anonymous said...

I had so much fun hanging out with you all this weekend! Let's hit the pool on Friday...maybe this time Samuel will stay awake for the excitement. :-) Love you all!

Nicki said...

I know you are stoked that Samuel seems to be sleeping is crazy what lack of sleep will do to you! Brody has the same hat and matching swim trunks. I love how they look like they are going to get swallowed in those hats! We absolutely need to get together soon! I would love to see you all in person rather than in pictures and let Brody meet his cousin!:)