Wednesday, May 14, 2008

So sore

Here are some pictures form Mother's Day.

Dave made an awesome champagne brunch.  It was yummy!

This is me and Samuel right before he went to bed on Mother's Day.  

This was George this morning.  I had played with Samuel and did a little tummy time.  I picked him up to change him and I turned around and there was George, she wanted to do some tummy time too on the blanket.  

I went to baby boot camp yesterday.  It rained in the morning so she held the class indoors.  I showed up and only one other mom showed up.  Oh my goodness, she worked us so hard.  We did tons of sit-ups, push ups, weights, lunges and squats.  I am in soooo much pain today.  I haven't worked out like that in so long.  I do feel a lot healthier.  Samuel and I went on a walk today, but he screamed for the first 10-15 minutes and I held him, while pushing the stroller, but then he fell asleep and I walked for another 20 minutes.  It was a short walk, but at least I got some exercise today.
Today Samuel is 10 weeks.  I can't believe how time is flying by.  It is crazy.  He is getting really big.  He is becoming really cuddly.  He wants to be held a lot lately, which is really tiring for me. 
He is starting to cry upstairs.  He has only been asleep for 20 minutes.  I really wish he would take longer naps.  I better go get him. 


Charity said...

How was your Amish Bread? Did you add anything extra to it?

Anonymous said...

Well at least we know he inherited his crying ability from his father!

Sarah said...

The Amish Bread was good. I made it with Chocolate Pudding instead of Vanilla. It tasted great. I saved one of the starter kits, so when you are ready to have more bread let me know and I will start another batch.