Thursday, March 13, 2008

A new day

Yesterday Samuel had his Bris. As my family called it, he had his pee pee waked. It was a very emotional day. I was so nervous and freaking out. It was a very special ceremony. My grandfather came in town from Kansas City, as well as my Uncle Izzy and Aunt Kay. My parents were there, Dave's parents were there, Jonathan and Laura and Dee and Jessica. We also had photographers come about an hour earlier and we got some great pictures. I can't wait to see them all.

I wanted to wish Jamie and Josh a Happy belated Birthday on March 9th! I was thinking about you guys, but I didn't have time to write a Birthday wish until now.

Also, just in case I forget, I wanted to wish Sylvia a very Happy Birthday. I may forget to give you a call this weekend and I didn't want you to think I wasn't thinking about you.

Things are going well so far. Slowly I am getting used to my new sleeping schedule. It has been wonderful with all the help. My parents left this morning and it was very sad and hard to see them go. I know they will be back soon. But, the other grandmother is here until Sunday, so I know everything will be fine. It gives me a nice break, like right now to be able to check my email, download pictures and write on the blog.

I promise to start calling people back soon. I have just been so overwhelmed and tired that it is difficult for me to call everyone back. But thank you for all the phone calls and well wishes. I appreciate everyone.

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