Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We had another doctor's appointment today. I am still not anymore dilated, so nothing really new to report. The head has dropped lower. I am actually having a lot more pain and pressure and my contractions are getting stronger everyday, but we have to still wait.

I am really hoping we have this baby soon. I am getting more and more uncomfortable. I think my hands are really starting to swell up. I don't think my legs, feet, ankles or face have become swollen, but for sure my fingers are expanding.

I have started to have nose bleeds again. They aren't very much fun.

I am going to go read a little more of my book before American Idol comes on tonight. I don't have a favorite yet. I will have to wait until the top 12 are picked and then I will pick my favorite.

Anyone get their girl scout cookies yet? We have like 6 boxes of something at our house. Anyway, I am really liking the lemon cookies this year. They are so refreshing and yummy. If you have a chance to try one you should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those little munchkins sure make you want them don't they? take care of yourself, and oma