Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby Shower

This past weekend I had my baby shower. It was wonderful. We got tons of stuff for the baby and there were wonderful people there to celebrate with me.

I am so tired this week though. It was a little overwhelming getting everything. Now it seems to be more of a reality. I can't believe that it is almost February. Time has really flown by. I am losing motivation to do things around the house and just in general. I am finally enjoying being able to relax, read and not get out of my pajamas all day.

We just got our carpet cleaned, so right now I am hanging out in the basement. I might spend the rest of the day down here because I turned the heat up to 72 so it will help dry the carpet and it is much cooler in the basement.

I will try to post more later.


Charisa said...

So glad the shower went well! Sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

The weekend was so much fun!!! Thanks again for hosting us chez Glasser. I had such a good time. :)