Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pregnancy Sucks

I know that I should be very happy about being pregnant, especially since it took us so long to get pregnant, but there are days when I just hate it. Yesterday was one of those days. My stomach hurt so badly, I felt like I was going to die. The baby was super active and I think it kicked me for about 5 hours straight. I felt like I did a million sit ups because of all the kicking going on. Anyway, then I woke up this morning and I swear my stomach grew overnight.

I hate the fact that I can't go on long walks anymore without figuring out a path that goes by a bathroom because I can't make it that far. I am so out of breath just when doing light exercises at the gym. I have barely any energy after 8:00 at night. My pelvis is killing me because the baby is sitting so low it feels like it is splitting my pelvic bone apart and not to mention sitting directly on my bladder, so I am peeing about every 10 minutes. I could go on and on with all the uncomfortableness of all of this, but I will stop now.

I am very excited about having a baby and being able to stay at home with the baby. It really is amazing to feel the kicking and movement and knowing that there is a living being inside of me (I won't go into more commentary about that because it kind of freaks me out too).

Anyway, all and all it is very exciting, but when I have days like yesterday and last night it makes me question why I even wanted to get pregnant to begin with.

Please people have a glass of wine or two or three for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah - with all that kicking your baby is doing, I am guessing he or she is going to have a little baby six pack and huge hammies and quads. Never mind the gluts... at least alll the working out will not make the head bigger. :)
