Wow! It is already 2014. Unbelievable how time just seems to be zooming by. The beginning of 2014 has been interesting so far. We got an amazing snow storm, which brought us at least 10 inches of snow and negative temperatures. We have been stuck in this house for a good three days and I think we are all losing our mind. The kids want to play outside, but with the temperature literally negative 8 and the windchill making it even colder the risk for frostbite is very high. Fortunately today the high is supposed to be in the 20's, so we may be able to get out.
There hasn't been school for two days and Joseph has had a fever for the last two days. I am on the verge of losing my mind! Although Joseph is sick he still continues to tell everyone what to do, yell about everything and whine about everything. He is a terrible sick kid. Samuel is antagonizing him which makes it even worse. They might kill each other, which at this point I am okay with.
Simone is also becoming a little Joseph. She loves telling her brothers what to do. It is actually kind of funny. She yells at Samuel not to suck his thumb and she tells them to go to their rooms if they fight with each other. She is talking non-stop from the time she wakes up.
Overall, even though I feel like I am losing my mind being stuck in the house with the kids it is nice to spend time with them. I don't have to worry about going to work and dealing with bosses and deadlines.
My goal for 2014 is to be more positive. I am going to try to write more, so this blog can be my bitchy outlet. Hopefully if I write out all my irritations, frustrations and insecurities I will be more positive in my daily life.
I am off to play with the kids and try to get them to pretend like they are in school!