Well I clearly can't seem to get my shit together. I swear from October until the middle to end of March life is just absolutely crazy. I wish I could say that things will calm down, but I am not sure if that is going to happen anymore. The kids are busy busy busy. We have birthday parties almost every weekend, play dates, sport events and of course the list could go on forever.
I have continued to train for my half-marathon. Everything is going great. However, last Wednesday I rolled my ankle while running outside. I didn't think it was a big deal because it didn't hurt during the rest of my run, but by the evening when I stepped down I had shooting pains. The next day it was sore. When I ran 2 miles on Friday it was still not feeling normal. I was supposed to run 11 miles on Saturday, but the running couch said to take the day off and make sure my ankle was healed. Things happen for a reason. It rained like crazy on Saturday morning and it was cold. I probably would have really hurt myself. Instead of running I did a spinning class and it felt sooo good. I needed a different workout. I will be back to running this afternoon. I am happy with my progress. I am consistently running 10 minute miles on the long runs and really pushing it on my short runs during the week. Let's hope I break 2 hours 15 minutes for my half!
A very belated Happy Birthday to my gorgeous 5 year old Samuel! He was so excited to turn five. We celebrated at least 3 times his birthday. All the grandparents came in town for Grandparents day at the boys school the end of February (which was awesome and another long update. I don't know if I will ever get to that). Anyway we celebrated both of the boys birthdays with the grandparents, we celebrated on Samuel's actual birthday, then we had a birthday party with Samuel's school friends over the weekend. Samuel was convinced that he turned 5 on his actual birthday and then on Saturday at his party he told everyone he was now 6, since he was celebrating his birthday again. He is so funny.
Samuel is really one of the most loving boys. He is always thinking of others. He always makes sure others are happy and satisfied. He is curious and asks tons of questions. His memory is unbelievable. He remembers things from when he was 2 years old in such detail it is amazing. His Spanish language is incredible. I could go on and on. I just love seeing him grow and mature. He really is one amazing kid.
I forgot to post after I took Joseph to his 3 year doctor appointment and now I just took Samuel to his 5 year appointment, so I have all their stats.
Joseph (my little man):
Height: 37.10 inches (41%)
Weight: 30.80 pounds (40%)
Samuel (my big man):
Height: 47.30 inches (99%)
Weight: 53 pounds (96%)
They are soooo different and not just in height and weight, but in every other aspect.
This weekend both boys are starting outdoor soccer. I am really excited to see how they do. Samuel has played many times, but this will really be Joseph's first experience. We have to get them really soccer cleats and probably shin guards too. I can't wait.
I am off to get a few more things done before I have to pick the boys up in 30 minutes. AHHH! Where does the time go?