Monday, September 30, 2013

Conversations with the boys

Kids say the funniest things.  Sometimes it is frustrating when you can't get through to them or they just outright ignore you.  I always wondering what is going on inside of their heads and what their thought process actually looks like.

Here are a few conversations with the boys from the last few weeks.

Conversation #1

Joseph for a while was waking up very early in the morning, I am talking about like 4 am.  I am very sensitive to light when I am sleeping so any amount of light always wakes me up.  Anyway, I would wake up and the lights in our kitchen and living room would all be on, so the whole house would be illuminated.  When I would come out into the family room Joseph would be on the couch wide awake. I would have to walk him back to his room and get him to go back to sleep, which only lasted a few more hours.  So after I few nights of him waking up I had a conversation with him before he went to bed:

Me: Joseph, you know you really need to sleep all night in your bed, so you are rested in the morning.
Joseph:  But, I am awake and I don't want to sleep anymore in my bed.

Me:  Well, then you need to stay in your room until everyone else gets up because when you wake up in the middle of the night and turn on all the lights every where you are waking me up and you might wake up Samuel and Simone too.  They really need their sleep too.

Joseph:  If the light bothers you, then just shut your door and you won't have to worry about me getting up.

It was a smart solution and good point.  He ended up sleeping in his bed and not getting up until his normal 6 am wake up time, which is still too freaking early.

Conversation #2

You know sometimes when you are having a talk with your kids and you actually feel like you are getting through to them.  Well, I felt like a total rock star parent one night.  Joseph and I normally have talks about his school day at night when I am putting him to bed.

Me: Do you have any new friends at school?

J: No, not really.  But there is a new boy in class.  His first name starts with an O.

Me: Have you talked to O?  Is he nice?

J:  No, he cries all the time.

Me:  Maybe he cries because he is at a new school and he doesn't really know anyone.  He probably misses his mom and dad.

J: Yeah, probably.

Me:  Maybe you should talk to him and tell him that it will be alright.  You could tell him that his mom will pick him up after school and he will be okay, just like your mom picks you up from school.  Maybe he just needs a friend since he is new.  You think you could help him out a little bit?

Joseph looks at me like he is taking it all in.  The look he was giving me was like I just said the smartest thing ever and he was totally going to go up to this boy tomorrow and be so nice.

Joseph's response after sitting there for a minute taking in everything I said: Yeah, I'm not saying any of that to him.

Great.  Parent failure number who knows what.

Conversation #3

Last night the kids were playing and Joseph called someone a "stupid dumb dumb head".  I told him that we don't use that language and it is not nice to call people names.  I told him that I didn't want to hear him say that again.

Then Samuel stepped in:  Well at least he didn't say FUCK!
Me:  What the...heck, Samuel!  You never say that word.  Where in the world did you hear that?
(Usually that would be something that I would say, but I really have been watching my language a lot since kids.  This was definitely a regular vocabulary word for me pre-kids).
Samuel:  I heard it on a video.  I have kept it secret for a really long time.
Me:  That word is very inappropriate.  Go upstairs and take a little break.

He proceeded to go upstairs and told Dave what he said.  He felt absolutely terrible and was crying.  Dave talked to him about words that some adults may use which are still not right and kids should not say them either.  He apologized and felt terrible.  I was so shocked that for once I had no idea how to handle the situation.  I probably should have had a conversation with him right away but I was just dumbfounded.  I never would have thought he would have said that word.

Those are the conversations we have been having lately.  We are learning so much and apparently so are the kids.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Emotions are flowing

This has been a very emotional week.  All the kids started school.  Simone has gone to a "school" two days a week for about a year, but now she is going with the boys at the International Schoolhouse.  She is going five mornings a week, along with Joseph.  They both have been adjusting really well.  I am so proud of both of them.  I look forward to picking them up at 11:45, eating lunch together and playing until they take a nap.  It is nice quality time.

Then there is Samuel.  He just started Kindergarten.  He is going to the International Schoolhouse too.  He goes from 8:45 to 3:45.  It is a long day.  He is so happy, which makes me happy but I am so sad too.  I truly can't believe that 5 years have gone by and he is now in school full time.  I remember on my rough days at home I would think that I couldn't wait for him to go to Kindergarten and now I just miss my buddy.  Now that he isn't here, I miss those afternoons of him following me around.  "Can I help you cook? Can I help make dinner? Can we play go fish? Can we play war? Can we play checkers? Can we play video games?"  The list goes on, but as annoying as it was some days I miss him terribly.  The first day that I dropped him off, I held in tears because I didn't want him to see me cry.  Yesterday, I noticed the quietness in the afternoon.   Then today it totally hit me.  This was the first day that I had two and a half hours to myself (I had to pick up Simone early the first two days because they wanted to ease in the 2 year olds) and I just got sad.

I stopped working when I had Samuel and it has just been me and the kids.  Now one part of my parenting time has ended.  Now he spends more time at school and in activities then he does with me.  I know it will get easier, but I think it may be more of an adjustment for me then it is for him.

Now I have to figure out what my new schedule is going to be.  I need to figure out when I am going to fit in exercising, laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, organizing, writing, volunteering, etc.  It is amazing how quickly two and a half hours go.  Today I ran four errands all around town and finished in one hour.  It was amazing how quickly I got things done.  My goal for the next few weeks it to finally have time to go through the house and clean up all the clutter.  I need to organize toys and go through stacks of mail, catalogs and everything.

Right now I am just trying to go with the flow.  I have learned that I am not very good with change and this is going to take some time to get used to.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Slow down

Just when I think life is slowing down, it picks right back up.  I can't believe it is the end of July already.  This summer has flown by.  This is Samuel's last week of camp and we are going to have the full month of August together.  Actually me and all the kids will have the entire month of August together.  Should be interesting.  I am starting to get all the back to school stuff ready as well.  I am in a little bit of denial that Samuel is going to be starting Kindergarten.  I can't believe that he is even old enough to do that.  I don't want to talk about this yet, so we will just not think about it until the end of August.  All the kids start school the Tuesday after Labor Day, so we have a lot of time to prepare.

Well, I had a first today.  I fired a babysitter.  Since our wonderful babysitter left in May we have been searching for a replacement.  We interviewed four and we have had three babysit to try them out.  The kids really liked one of them, but she is only free on the weekends mostly.  I was really looking for someone that could babysit on Thursday mornings because once a month I have a board meeting for Woman's Place and Simone was only going to go to school three days a week starting in September.  I had this new babysitter twice and I just fired her today.  I feel so old saying this, but what is wrong with sitters nowadays? This one totally sucked.  She was totally clueless.  When I interviewed her she said that she babysat three to four kids at a time and she babysat for a family all through high school and was still in contact with them (I probably should have called them to see if she was telling the truth).  Anyway, she said that she didn't like little babies but she was okay with kids that could walk.  I figured that was a good sign that she was honest and Simone is actually very easy.

The first day I had her babysit she only had Simone.  While I was showing her around and telling her where things were in the kitchen I looked up and noticed she was texting on her phone.  What the hell?!?!  Strike one.  Then she acted like she was listening and everything was fine.  I get home after two hours and she says that she changed Simone's diaper, but she put her in a pull-up because she had no idea how to change a diaper.  Again, what the hell?!?!  Strike two.  She asked if I would show her how to do it next time. I was not happy after the first day, but I figured I would give her one more chance.

Yesterday she babysat for both Simone and Joseph.  I showed her how to change the diaper.  She didn't get on her phone at all and was actually playing with the kids as soon as she got there.  I was thinking positive that she just had a bad first day and everything was going to be fine.  It was a beautiful day yesterday, so I told her to play outside with the kids.  I turned off the TV and left.  I ran a few quick errands and was back in a hour in a half.  I was planning to get a lot of stuff done at home.  I get home and the garage door is wide open, the toys are all over the garage. What the hell!?!?! Strike three.  I walk inside and she has the TV on and Simone is sitting on the couch by herself, Joseph is no where to be found and the girl is sitting at the kitchen table chatting away on her phone.  WHAT THE HELL?!?!?  Stirke four, five, six!!!  I was livid.  I went back out to get the groceries, while steam was shooting out of my ears.  I came in and she was still on the phone, but sitting next to Simone on the couch.  She finally got off the phone and said she thought Joseph was using the bathroom.  She had no clue.  I told her to turn off the TV go downstairs and play with the kids.  I didn't want the TV on at all.  She tried to make excuses that they played outside for a while.  Whatever.  Let's just say in the 30 more minutes that she stayed more shit happened and I was so stressed and pissed.  I had her leave, I made arrangements for Simone to go to school five days a week and made sure I had a replacement sitter for a night Dave and I already had planned the end of August.  Then today I fired her ass.

I am trying to reduce stress in my life and I feel I made one step in the right direction.  I am never going to have someone I don't trust watch my kids.  They are way too precious for me to let any idiot take care of them.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

No documentation

I have been thinking about my lack of posting and how I have missed out on documenting Simone's first few years and things that the boys are doing too.  I remember posting every little thing about Samuel and I think I continued for a while with Joseph, but then Simone came and I feel like life just got super busy.

There are a few things I wanted to write down before I forgot.  Simone is completely crazy about going pee in the potty.  She is only 20 months old, but she wants to pee and poop in the potty.  She isn't quite ready to put on undies all the time.  I have tried because she is now throwing huge fits about putting diapers on.  She will pee in the potty every morning and anytime one of the boys goes, so does she.  I tried for a while asking her every 30 minutes to go pee, but she gets really annoyed and won't go.  Today I bought her some pull-ups, which of course were Dora since once she saw those I couldn't get anything else.  She is wearing them now.  We will just keep practicing.  Hopefully by the end of the summer she will be more consistent.  It is amazing how much interest she has, kind of like Samuel.  Samuel just decided he wanted to start using the big potty and never went back.  Joseph on the other hand, just started to wear underwear full time and only because they require it at his summer camp.  I think his fear and issues with pooping caused him to have anxiety when he wasn't wearing his pull-ups. We are still working on him pooping in the potty all the time.

Besides peeing and pooping, we have had issues with our house.  We finished our basement 9 months ago and last Monday we had a huge rainstorm and our entire basement flooded.  2-3 inches of water everywhere.  The restoration people finally pulled all the fans yesterday.  They saved the carpet, but the pad had to be pulled.  I went down there today and I feel like the basement stinks.  We have to get a new pad, have the carpet cleaned, fix all the drywall that got ruined and put up the baseboards, which also got ruined.  It is a freaking disaster.  Not too much stuff got destroyed because we didn't have a ton of stuff on the floor other then all the kids toys.  Most of the toys were okay, but all the books and puzzles had to be thrown out.  Admittedly most of it needed to go anyway, but it was just so much shit to clean up.  It was awful.  I am still exhausted from all the issues and still stressed about the clean up.

My first few weeks of the kids being in camp have been focused on cleaning up all the stuff in the basement and sticking around while workers come in and out of the house.  The boys love their camps, which is a relief.  Joseph is just in half day and Samuel goes all day.

I am trying get into the flow of summer and now June is already almost over.  Hopefully July will be a better month!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer Summer Summertime

Where the heck did the month of May go?  Shit.  I blinked my eyes and it was gone.  I can't believe that school is out for the summer (thinking of the movie Dazed and Confused).   Yesterday was the last day of preschool for Joseph and last day forever for Samuel.  My big boy will be started Kindergarten in the fall.  Where in the world did five years go?  I hear this saying all the time about parenting, "The days are long and the years are short."  So absolutely true.  However, I have to say the days are flying by as well.  We all have bad days, but lately life with kids has been a little bit easier.  Other then breaking up wrestling matches, choke holds and some screaming fights between the kids life is pretty good.

I have a goal of writing at least three times a week on the blog because I need an outlet for my frustrates with life.  Sometimes just writing about it releases the stress.  I just need to find a few minutes to myself to sit down and write.  Along with doing five hundred million of things.

I am on a mission this summer to get in much better shape.  I had a few personal training sessions at our gym and it felt so good.  I told the trainer that I have no excuses anymore, since I am done with having kids.  I told him that I needed some serious help in the buttock area and I want it lifted and never to come back down again.  He laughed at first, but then he realized I was dead serious, so then he proceeded to kick my ass in the workouts.  My plan is to do weights two to three times a week and work in my cardio.  I still have the goal of doing my first sprint triathlon this summer.

Dave and I bought bikes last weekend.  I haven't had a bike since I was in middle school.  I am so excited to start riding again.  It will be great for Dave and I to be able to go on some long bike rides and get some exercise in together.  He can't really run anymore due to a knee injury, but we can bike.  Hopefully my bike will come in next week.  We had to order an extra small frame.  I knew I was short, but I didn't realize that my legs were that short.  Hopefully when the bike gets in, we can get it all decked out with everything I need for a long ride and get to it.

I am so ready for the weekend.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Where are you nice weather?

I am so ready for it to be consistently nice outside.  All this rain and cold is making me depressed.  I think the entire family is ready for more outdoor play.

I haven't posted since running my half-marathon the first weekend of April (can you believe it is already the end of April! This month has flown by.)  Anyway, my goal was to finish in 2 hours 15 minutes.  I wasn't sure if I could do it, but I killed it.  I ran it in 2 hours 11 minutes.  While training for this half I consistently said that this was my last one and I was going to move on to something else list triathlons.  I am still planning on doing that, but I think I am going to run at least one more half.  I would love to get closer to 2 hours and if I am lucky enough to get under 2 I would be so excited.  The St. Louis Go! Half Marathon is a very difficult course.  It has a ton of hills and then the last two miles are almost completely uphill.  It is a killer.  I heard that the St. Louis Rock-n-Roll half in October is a really good course and a lot more fun.  I think I am going to try it.  We will see.

I have been more motivated to run then ever due to the tragic and terrible events at the Boston Marathon.  I was sickened at the fact that spectators were killed and injured.  It freaked me out because I had just ran the race the weekend before.  Dave was planning to meet me at the finish line with all the kids and I he ended up not being able to come, but I was thinking of all the other family members that were waiting for their loved ones to cross the line or just enjoying and cheering on runners.  It made me sick.

This past Saturday the entire family met at Forest Park for a St. Louis Unity Run 4 Boston.  It was a three mile run and the kids were great.  Simone sat in the stroller the whole time although she really wanted to get out.  Samuel ran close to 2 and a half miles and I think Joseph ran about half of a mile.  It was nice to see so many people come together.  We had a great time and the kids really enjoyed be out and exercising.  Samuel is become really excited about running.  He wants to go on runs with me all the time.  Maybe he will turn out to be my running partner!

We are going to be starting our garden again.  We can't wait to grow our own food.  It was so much fun to pick green beans, lettuce, beets and carrots last year.  Can't wait to expand.

Time to go pick the boys up for school.  My free mornings just fly by. It is unbelievable.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My half is almost here

After three full months of training, the half marathon is finally here this weekend.  I am running on Sunday and although I have been extremely excited to see how I do time wise with training I am a little unhappy about the weather forecast.  It is supposed to be nice, like in the 60's but it looks like it will be raining in the morning.  Yuck.  I HATE running in the rain.  I am hoping that it will clear up and I won't be running 2 hours soaking wet.

My body is so ready for this running to be over.  My back is hurting and my knees are hurting.  I can't imagine training and running a full marathon.  I think my body might crumble into little pieces if I tried to do that.

This may be my last half.  I say may because most likely I will want to do it again, but right now I don't have much desire.  I am however going to start training for a sprint triathlon.  I am really excited about that.  I know I can breeze through the running and after some practice and training the biking will be fine too.  What I am worried about it the swimming.  I need to take a couple swim lessons for adults.  I have a problem with coordination when it comes to kicking and breathing and keeping up the swimming.  If I could just get some guidance I think I will be okay.  I am actually really looking forward to doing a tri because I think it will be much easier on my body and it will be such a rush to finish.  My plan is to either do one in July or August.  I just need to see how training goes.

Other then exercising, life is as crazy as always.  We had a wonderful Passover.  I tried to do my first seder, but it didn't go over well.  The kids were going crazy that night and seemed to have no interest at all.  I poured a glass of apple juice (it is normally wine, but I didn't want the kids to accidentally drink it) for the prophet Elijah, which is part of the Passover seder.  Anyway, Samuel has a friend Elijah and he totally lost it because he didn't understand why Elijah was going to come over and get to drink out of a fancy kiddish cup and he couldn't.  We had a good 30 minute meltdown about that.  When Samuel finally calmed down and I put all the food on the table, he actually became pretty interested in the story of Passover and why we were eating certain things.  I hope next year will be better.  This was my first attempt at a Passover seder, so I couldn't expect much.

We also celebrated Easter with Jonathan and Laura and the kids.  We had a wonderful brunch and an easter egg hunt.  All the kids, except Luke participated and it was so much fun.  They had a great time. I love having family traditions and I love that my kids are exposed to different aspects of different religions.

Lastly, of course we watched Michigan pull off an amazing win in the NCAA tournament.  I don't even care that much of all the basketball stuff, but that was pretty exciting.  Dave is looking forward to this weekend and the final four.

I am off to get Simone, she has been sleeping in lately and it has been awesome.  Don't know why the boys can't do the same thing, but I will get what I can take.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Updates Galore

Well I clearly can't seem to get my shit together.  I swear from October until the middle to end of March life is just absolutely crazy.  I wish I could say that things will calm down, but I am not sure if that is going to happen anymore.  The kids are busy busy busy.  We have birthday parties almost every weekend, play dates, sport events and of course the list could go on forever.

I have continued to train for my half-marathon.  Everything is going great.  However, last Wednesday I rolled my ankle while running outside.  I didn't think it was a big deal because it didn't hurt during the rest of my run, but by the evening when I stepped down I had shooting pains.  The next day it was sore.  When I ran 2 miles on Friday it was still not feeling normal.  I was supposed to run 11 miles on Saturday, but the running couch said to take the day off and make sure my ankle was healed.  Things happen for a reason.  It rained like crazy on Saturday morning and it was cold.  I probably would have really hurt myself.  Instead of running I did a spinning class and it felt sooo good.  I needed a different workout.  I will be back to running this afternoon.  I am happy with my progress.  I am consistently running 10 minute miles on the long runs and really pushing it on my short runs during the week.  Let's hope I break 2 hours 15 minutes for my half!

A very belated Happy Birthday to my gorgeous 5 year old Samuel!  He was so excited to turn five.  We celebrated at least 3 times his birthday.  All the grandparents came in town for Grandparents day at the boys school the end of February (which was awesome and another long update.  I don't know if I will ever get to that).  Anyway we celebrated both of the boys birthdays with the grandparents, we celebrated on Samuel's actual birthday, then we had a birthday party with Samuel's school friends over the weekend.  Samuel was convinced that he turned 5 on his actual birthday and then on Saturday at his party he told everyone he was now 6, since he was celebrating his birthday again.  He is so funny.

Samuel is really one of the most loving boys.  He is always thinking of others.  He always makes sure others are happy and satisfied.  He is curious and asks tons of questions.  His memory is unbelievable.  He remembers things from when he was 2 years old in such detail it is amazing.  His Spanish language is incredible.  I could go on and on.  I just love seeing him grow and mature.  He really is one amazing kid.

I forgot to post after I took Joseph to his 3 year doctor appointment and now I just took Samuel to his 5 year appointment, so I have all their stats.

Joseph (my little man):

Height:  37.10 inches (41%)
Weight:  30.80 pounds (40%)

Samuel (my big man):
Height:  47.30 inches (99%)
Weight:  53 pounds  (96%)

They are soooo different and not just in height and weight, but in every other aspect.

This weekend both boys are starting outdoor soccer.  I am really excited to see how they do.  Samuel has played many times, but this will really be Joseph's first experience.  We have to get them really soccer cleats and probably shin guards too.  I can't wait.

I am off to get a few more things done before I have to pick the boys up in 30 minutes.  AHHH! Where does the time go?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Birthday Boy

Happy 3rd birthday to my handsome little Joseph!  I can't believe that he is already three.  It amazes me every birthday because I can't believe how quickly the years fly by.  Days are long, but the years are short.

Joseph has such a personality.  He is strong-willed and passionate.  He knows what he wants and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks.  Which clearly at his age is a good and bad thing.  Mostly bad when it comes to learning to share and be respectful of others, but we are working on that.

Even though it gets annoying some nights, I always want to remember how he begs that I put him to bed every night.  He always wants me to rub his head.  He doesn't have any desire to rock or be cuddled before bedtime, he just wants to get in bed, have his head rubbed and go to sleep.

He has such a strong personality that really emerged in his second year of life, I am a little scared and excited to see what his third year will bring.  It would be nice if he decided to mellow out a little bit.  

He is still not much of an eater.  He asked for pancakes and sausage for his birthday dinner.  That's one meal he likes.  Other then that it is usually peanut butter and honey sandwiches, veggie corn dogs, veggie sausages, broccoli, cauliflower and smoothies.  I guess it's not too unhealthy, but it just isn't much variety.

Also, in the last two weeks he has decided he is ready to be potty trained.  However, he will not wear underwear.  He wants to wear a pull up, but he always has a dry one.  He even has a dry overnight diaper in the morning.  The only thing we haven't concurred is going poop in the potty all the time.  That's why I think he wants to continue to wear a pull up.  Then he doesn't have to worry about going in the toilet.  Oh well.  Baby steps.

I can't wait to see what this year will bring for him.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sleep Sleep Sleep, I miss you!

I guess at this point in my life I shouldn't really expect to get much sleep, but it is so annoying.  If it isn't the kids waking me up, it's Dave snoring like crazy or the dog needing to go out.  Why can't it all happen on the same night.  Somehow, they all think it is funny to switch off waking up in the middle of the night.

Last night the kids barely made a noise (until Simone woke up at her usual time at 4am to talk and move around for about 30-45, then goes back to sleep until about 6).  We have got to get her to stop waking up then and too early, but what are you going to do when she is so exhausted at night and wants to go to sleep at 6:30?!  That's not really a problem, going to bed early and waking up early if I got a full night sleep.

Samuel usually sleeps pretty well until he starts growing.  Then he gets terrible nightmares and comes in our room.  Anyone else have kids who get nightmares?  It is really terrible.  I used to get them when I was a kids (and I still have them).  I remember being so scared I could barely move in my room.  Luckily Samuel comes in our room, so I don't have to run across the house in the middle of the night.  He is normally shaking like crazy and I feel terrible for him.

Joseph is usually a pretty good sleeper.  He only wakes up in the middle of the night if he isn't feeling well.

This has just been an off week, because all the kids woke up in the middle of the night and all on different days.  Then throw in Dave snoring his head off in the few hours that I actually fall asleep.  What you get in one cranky tired mom.

Even with all my lack of sleep I am excited to say that today I start my half-marathon training.  I joined a running group and I am hoping that it will keep me motivated and that I will get my best time yet.  I am thinking this is my last half-marathon.  I am just not really into running half's anymore.  I will go 10K and other shorter races, but I think I am done with anything longer then a 10K.  I want to go out on a good note.  This morning we are running 3.5 miles, which I am hoping I can do in about 30 minutes.  We will see.

This training and running this last half-marathon is one of my new years resolutions.  I am excited to begin.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and hopefully I will get a good night sleep tonight!

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year

I can't believe that it is already 2013.  2012 was a very fast year, but I am ready to move on to a new year.  I am hoping for wonderful things in 2013.

We ended the year on a high note.  My brother had a little boy named Luke Hudson on December 29th, which is also my mom's birthday.  She was so excited to share a birthday with a beautiful new grandson.  He is absolutely adorable.  It makes me ALMOST want another one.  I just love holding little newborn babies.  However I think our house is pretty packed with crazy kids already.

I also made a trip down to Tulsa the end of December to see one of my oldest and dearest friends.  She just had a beautiful little girl.  I got to see her when she was only 7 weeks old.  The next time I will see her will be in June and she will almost be 7 months.  Little babies change so much from 0 to 6 months.

I have come up with another long list of new years resolutions.  Some are totally practical and attainable and others are goals that I would love to accomplish.  I will try to remember to post resolutions that I have fulfilled as the year goes on.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Here's to a new year, to the kids starting school again today and I get a few hours of freedom, to health, happiness, love and peace!