Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Been a long time.

I figured pictures would be the best way to illustrate everything that has been going on in our lives with a little commentary.  The past few months have been extremely busy, emotional, trying, etc....

Since my last post we have finished the basement (almost).  It was finished right up to the day that all the family arrived for Simone's birthday party and baby naming.  We still need to put shelving in the play room and in the wine room.  There will always be things to add, but it is comfortable and people can stay in the basement.  We have been having lots of fun utilizing it.  We play and hang out in the basement almost every night.  

Okay, so here are more pictures.

Simone's favorite meal is pasta with pasta sauce.  She also loves it when we add ground beef to the sauce.  She gobbles it all up.  This was the meal we gave her on her birthday.  

See how much she loves it?

She loves making funny faces and LOVES the camera.  
 Savta, Papa, Oma, Opa, Uncle Izzy, Aunt Kay and Zayde all came in town for Simone's birthday celebration and Hebrew baby naming ceremony.  Also in attendance were Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Laura and Haidyn.
Papa and Simone

Samuel and Zayde

All the pictures with Zayde are very special to me.  I am so happy that he was able to make the trip to St. Louis.  We had a huge celebration and I know he was very excited to be in St. Louis.  One week after he was at our house in St. Louis, he passed away.  He was an extraordinary man.  I am so lucky to have had him in my life for so long, but I was not ready for him to leave.  I honor and cherish the time I had with him.  What a gift he was to me and my kids.

Dave and Simone on her celebration day!

Simone, Oma and Opa.  

First time she ever wore a headband.  She loved putting it on, but it didn't last too long on her head.  

A rare picture of me and Simone.  

Here we are at the naming ceremony.  Simone's Hebrew name is Shayna Bayle.  She is named after my grandmother "Shayna Toba" and her middle name Bayle is after my grandfather's sister who died in the Holocaust.  She is a lucky girl to carry on such beautiful names in honor of beautiful people. 

There is a feet washing portion of the ceremony for little girls.  The boys were a little nervous to help out, but eventually got really into it.   
Simone's first cake.  We found out that she loves vanilla and isn't a huge fan of chocolate, just like her brothers.  What is wrong with this kids?!

Another family picture with Zayde.

On Sunday, Oma and Savta ran a 5K race.  They did a great job!  The kids were really excited to cheer them on as the crossed the finish line. 

Originally the boys were both going to be super heroes.  Samuel changed his mind later.   Here they are trying on their costumes.  

All the kids hanging out with their grandparents.  I think everyone was in heaven.

Savta dressed up with them.

This was the morning of Simone's birthday.  Samuel decided when he woke up that he was going to dress up for school in honor of Simone.  He picked a tie, but later decided on a bow tie.

I love the look on Simone's face.  It's the biggest smile I have seen.

All the kiddos

Here's the bow tie he ended up wearing.  I think he actually looks better in the bow tie.  Super cute.  

Simone on her first birthday.
 Simone's statistics:

Height: 30 inches (79%)
Weight: 20 pounds 11 oz. (44%)
Head Circm: 18.19 inches (81%)

She's a big girl.  I thought her weight percentage would have been higher because she feels so heavy.  Apparently she is tall and skinny.  Not bad.

The kids on Simone's bday.

Right before Halloween

Halloween night - Samuel decided to be a gorilla.  

Simone's daytime Halloween outfit.

About to leave for trick or treating.

Simone was a spider.  

Out and about.  We only lasted 45 minutes, but I thought that was pretty good.  They got enough candy to last them weeks.  

So that is a quick update of everything that has been going on.  Last week Joseph had a monster ear infection and this week Simone is sick with some type of stomach bug.  Life in the Glasser house in the winter.  Somehow from November through February we have many rough weeks.  Hears hoping everyone stays healthy.

I can't believe that it is already time for Thanksgiving planning, Holiday shopping and New Years planning.  This year has flown by.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!