Holy shit this week has been busy, crazy, tiring, hectic and the list goes on. The boys started school this week and I feel like all I have been doing is driving. School starts for them at 8:45, so we have to leave the house around 8:15. School is released at 11:45. However, on Tuesday and Wednesday Joseph was released at 10:30 because all the 2 year olds were let out early. So I was driving back and forth non stop on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday and today I got a little bit of a break, but not much.
I got home yesterday and was planning to bake a little bit. I went outside to the fridge in our garage to get some more eggs and I found that our fridge was not on. The lights were off and things in the freezer were starting to melt. Our other big freezer chest was also not working. I had to run extension cords and get the freezer chest back up and running. Apparently our fridge is completely broken. So I moved everything that I could from the outside fridge to the one inside and all the stuff in the freezer to the chest. By the time I got all that done it was 11 and Simone woke up from her nap and I had to pick the boys up.
It is always something.
The boys have been exhausted after school. Joseph has boycotted naps all week, which is fine but by 4:30 they are all going nuts. Needless to say it has been an early bedtime for the boys. We start the bedtime routine at 6:30 and they are in bed attempting to sleep by 7. Samuel usually passes out within 5 minutes of rubbing his back and Joseph stays up and plays for a good 30-45 minutes before he goes to bed. I swear he requires no sleep to function.
Simone was supposed to start her school on Wednesday. She is going to go Monday and Wednesday, but I kept her home. She got a little cold on Sunday night. I think it is a combination of allergies and teeth. On Monday another tooth cut through. So she now has a total of 5 teeth. Another tooth will be popping out soon. I am anticipating it making an appearance this weekend. Anyway, she hasn't been herself, so I kept her home. Hopefully Monday she will go.
Simone turned 11 months on Tuesday. She is getting quite the attitude. She is still sweet and most of the time easy, but boy is she feisty. She isn't taking shit from anyone lately. As I mentioned she has had a cold, so her nose has been running. If I try to wipe her nose off, she leans back as far as she can away from me, screams and yells, then whips her head forward and tries to pinch or smack me and if I'm not quick she will try to bite the hand that is holding the Kleenex. Of course she gets in trouble for her behavior which causes her to scream even more, but at the same time it is pretty funny how pissed off she gets. I am shocked and how passionate she is. She is also not taking shit from her brothers. She is starting to steal toys from them, she yells at them if they take her toys and she gets right in on the wrestling. This is little girl is going to be tough. It is pretty clear that she is going to be ruling this house pretty soon.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the last few weeks.
When Joseph was little I caught Samuel giving him a Popsicle and now it was Joseph's turn to give it to Simone. Look at the guilty look on her face. She LOVED it. |
First Michigan game of the year and we have a little Michigan cheerleader. |
Joseph is dressed up too. |
Dave got these pants for Samuel last year. Size 7. Dave thought for sure it would fit him for a while because they were so big last year. The fit him perfectly. By the end of the season they are going to be too small. Samuel is huge! |
Samuel is yelling "Go Blue". Clearly Dave was super excited about the game and getting the kids all dressed up. |
Oma and Opa were town over the weekend. Everyone was ready for the game. |
First day of Pre-School. He was so excited. |
Samuel is ready for pre-K! |
Joseph put on his smock. |
Samuel is clearly happy again. He couldn't sit still. |
The crazy boys. |
Outside school with their back packs on. |
Joseph in class with his teacher Sr. Martha. |
Samuel with his teachers, Sr. Paraquey and Sr. Isabel |
Hanging out after school. You can see how tired the boys are, but not Simone. |
Simone at 11 months with crazy hair. |
More 11 month pictures |
Look at those teeth! |
Here is how crazy the boys are. A few weeks ago they got into markers while I went to the bathroom. Samuel drew on some new eye brows and Joseph drew a uni-brow. I still laugh when I look at the picture. |
After their first day of school, I was putting Simone down for a nap and I heard noise in the kitchen. After I put her down, I ran out to see what they were up to. They had two spoons and a half gallon of ice cream and they were shoveling it in as fast as they could. I asked them, "Whose idea was this?" Samuel replied, "It was my idea. We were trying to be sneaky." Great, the sneaking around is already starting. I can't wait for when they are teenagers. |