Thursday, December 22, 2011


Wow.  The days just fly by.  This is the first time I have had a moment to myself all week.  I am writing this blog and watching the finale of X-Factor, which by the way has turned out to be a great show.  

We have been so busy the past few weeks. We had Oma and Opa in town this past weekend and celebrated an early Christmas.  The boys got lots of wonderful gifts, which I have tons of pictures below.  We also went to breakfast with Santa at the Missouri Athletic Club.  It was our first experience and it was clear that this is a big traditional breakfast with a lot of families.  I know we will go back for many years because it was a lot of fun, but  I was a little stressed out because I never know how long the boys will behave themselves.  This year Samuel was so excited to see Santa and tell him what he wanted.  Joseph on the other hand, freak the f-out.  He screamed so much and would not let go of me.  We weren't planning on having a family picture, but that is what we got.  There was no way Joseph was letting me put him down, plus Simone was fast asleep.  Oh well, maybe next year.  

Not only did we have a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with Oma and Opa, but they were also so amazingly helpful in watching the kids that I got to go to Bikrum Yoga twice and Dave went with me one time.  I think I am obsessed.  I love the way it makes me feel.  I sweat like crazy and I smell so absolutely disgusting afterwards, but it is such an awesome workout.  Since I started last Wednesday night, I have lost 3 pounds.  I thought at first it was water weight, but it hasn't come back.  I am just feeling great and Dave loves it too.  

Simone is getting so big.  She is smiling all the time and is such a happy baby.  Today when we went over to Justin and Charisa's new house we were walking down into their basement and Simone laughed out loud for the first time.  I have no idea what she found funny, but it was so cute to hear.  Then I put her down on the floor to change her diaper and she started to roll over from her back to her stomach.  She almost made it completely over, but her left arm got stuck underneath her and she couldn't figure out how to kick herself over.  Anyway, I could not believe it.  She must love the McFarland's new house because she had two huge milestones over there.  

On Tuesday morning Samuel woke up and his eyes were super red and crusty.  I thought for sure he had pink eye in both of his eyes, so I put drops in them and kept him home from school.  In the afternoon, I put Joseph in the tub and Samuel in the shower.  After Samuel got out of the shower he started complaining that his ear was killing him.  He got a really high fever and was grabbing his right ear.  I called the doctor and luckily they had late office hours that night, so Dave was able to take him in.  It turns out, he had a double ear infection and his right ear was super infected.  The infection caused his red blood shot eyes.  As soon as he had one dose of the medicine his eyes completely cleared up.  I have never heard of such a thing, but thank goodness he didn't have pink eye.  I hate having to hold him down to put the drops in.  

This morning Samuel woke up and had splotches all over his body.  I thought for sure he had an allergic reaction to the medicine, but within 30 minutes the spots went away, so then I thought it was just a heat rash or something.  It was gone all day until about 2:30 in the afternoon and then all of the sudden it came back again.  I called the doctor and he wanted to see us right away to see what was going one.  Turns out he really is allergic to the medication.  His ears had completely cleared up, so the doctor said to not give him anymore medicine and see what happens.  Samuel has never had a reaction to any medicine so this was a whole new experience for me.  He is feeling fine now and hopefully our house is done with sickness.

Tuesday night was the beginning of Hanukkah.  Since Samuel felt terrible he wasn't in a great mood.  We lit the candles and didn't do much else.  On Wednesday night we lit the candles and the boys got rain boots.  Samuel was so excited about his Batman boots, but Joseph was freaking out about putting on his Thomas the Train boots.  He wants nothing to do with them and screams anytime we try to put them on his feet.  I hope he gets over that soon, but that will be a waste of money if he won't wear them.  Tonight I made a nice dinner and the boys each got a dollar.  It has been such a nice holiday season so far.  I am looking forward to having a nice family weekend with all the kids and Dave.  

More pictures to come, but for now here you go:

Making the gingerbread house.  Joseph wasn't too happy that he wasn't able to help out with the frosting.

Simone starting to smile

Another smiling picture

The other night the boys put their shirts over their heads and ran around, they were having so much fun.  I love to hear their laughter together.

Just look at the Samuel's face, pure joy.  I love it!

Another funny picture

Oma holding Simone in the back in her cute dress.  She is looking at her big brother.  

My handsome Joseph.  Such a cutie pie.

This is such a great picture of Oma and Opa with the kids.  The kids did such a great job of sitting for the picture.  

Here we are with Santa.  You can see how absolutely crazy it was.  Simone sleeping, Samuel smiling and so happy and Joseph screaming.  It was quite a scene. 

Samuel enjoying the cool airplane that Opa made for him.  That plane is made completely by hand out of wood.  It is really cool.  Obviously you can tell, Samuel loved it.  

Whatever Samuel has, Joseph has to have too.  Luckily Oma and Opa were smart enough to get Joseph a plane too.  

The boys got flashlights to play in their new tents.  Joseph is imitating the Statue of Liberty here.

Opa made Joseph handmade block to build with.  

Here is Samuel playing in his new tent. 

A rare photo of me with Oma and Simone.  

Simone in her holiday dress with Opa.

I just love this picture because every time I look at it I laugh because Simone's face just cracks me up.  Hilarious.

This is a much better picture of them all.  Love it.

Fist night of Hanukkah.  

Although Samuel felt terrible, he still smiled for the camera.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rain makes me tired

It rained yesterday and stormed today.  I get in such a funk when it rains.  It is just so dark and nasty and depressing.

To make it even better, Joseph has had a stomach bug for a few weeks now.  He was just having tons of bowel movements, but starting Sunday it turned to diarrhea.  I know too much information, but it is disgusting and I have to share how disgusting it is.  Yesterday he pooped through two pairs of pants.  He hasn't had a fever during the day or any other problems.  I debated whether or not I should send him to school because I don't send the kids to school when I am worried they are going to pass something along to another student.  Joseph has been acting completely normal and fine, but is just having diarrhea, so I sent him to school today.  They said he was fine, but had one yucky diaper.  Well when I was loading him into the car, I smelled another load in his pants.  As soon as we got home I went to change his diaper and it wasn't a pretty sight.  I immediately put him in the tub for a good cleansing and then started gagging at how disgusting it was.

Samuel luckily is healthy and happy.  He is starting to speak so much more Spanish.  Today when he finished his snack after school, he looked at me and said "mas por favor".  It is really exciting that he is learning and speaking Spanish.

Simone had a rough day today.  She also started pooping a bunch today, which worries me because I really don't want her to get sick.  She has a little runny nose, but nothing else.  This morning when I dropped Joseph off at school, I went in the back seat to get Simone and she had blood coming out of one of her nostrils.  I freaked.  It wasn't a lot of blood, but none of my kids have ever had a nose bleed before and it was just scary to see.  I get nose bleeds when I am stressed out, pregnant or the house is really dry.  I called the doctor and they said that she may just be effected by the dryness in the house too.  I need to watch it and then call them back if she gets anymore.

Life is super busy.  I feel like I don't have much time at all for myself.  But I have to admit, having three isn't much more difficult then two.  I think we got really lucky with Simone.  She is an awesome baby.  I was always jealous of people that said they had easy babies that barely cried and slept great.  Really I thought most of them had to be over exaggerating and just acting like their babies were great when in reality they were going nuts behind closed doors.  Now I can say that happy easy babies really do exist.  Simone is normally awesome.  She naps, barely cries and sleeps from 9pm to 4/5am every day.  Sometimes she will throw in a 6 or 7am wake up, which is absolutely amazing.  She is truly a gift.  Thank goodness she is my last and I can go out on a positive note.

In order to find time for myself I am going to start Bikrum Yoga.  On Monday and Wednesday nights there is a class at 8:45 pm.  The classes are 90 minutes long and I won't get home until 10:30, but that is the best time for me to get in a workout.  The boys would be asleep and Dave can easily put Simone to bed.  Hopefully I will start it soon and I will let you know how it goes.  I am super excited to try something new, get in a good workout and have some alone time.  I am really trying to get rid of this baby weight.  I have lost about 20 pounds and I would like to lose 25 more to reach my goal weight.  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I can't believe how fast the time is flying.  It is already December 7th.  Anyone else feel like they are going 100 miles per hour?! I feel like there is just so much to do.  I can't believe I am already trying to put together a holiday card, 2012 calendar, baking for Samuel and Joseph's school and preparing for the holidays.  I have noticed more now how quickly the time is flying because Simone is growing so fast.  

On Sunday she turned 2 months old.  Already!!!  My baby girl.  We went to the doctor on Monday and she is growing like crazy.  

Here are her statistics:

Height: 22.5 inches (56%)
Weight: 11 lbs 5.5 oz (61%)
Head: 15.20 (46%)

Here were the boys:

Height: 24 inches
Weight: 13 lbs 14.5 oz

Height: 23.25 in (64%)
Weight: 14 lbs 4 oz (95%)
Head Cir: 40.4 (62%)

Although her percentages seem like she is smaller then Joseph, she is already wearing 3 month clothes.  She is growing like a weed and is such a wonderful baby.  I was telling her pediatrician how lucky I feel that my third is just so easy to deal with considering I have two crazy boys at home.  He said that we are only given what we can handle and I couldn't agree more.  She is still sleeping through the night, taking awesome naps and only cries when she is hungry, sleepy, pooped in her pants or she is hot.  I feel so lucky.

Here is her two month picture:

I have been trying to get pictures for our holiday cards.  It so so difficult to get all the kids to look at the camera at the same time.  I am about to give up and just get the cards done and in the mail.  That is one things I need to cross off our list and it is stressing me out.  Here are some attempts at pictures.
Everyday I look at Samuel and I can't believe how big he is getting.  He comes up to my boobs.  Pretty soon he is going to be taller then me and I am going to freak out.  

If only I could get a really cute picture of Joseph.  He will only take a picture on his terms.  One of these days I am going to snap a good one.

So much for a cute picture of all three.  It is a work in progress.

So easy to get a picture of Samuel and Simone because Samuel loves to hold her.  

Another picture attempt.