Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Yesterday was eventful for the boys.  I got a call around 11 am from Joseph's school.  They said that he got bit by a little boy at school on his shoulder.  It was through his shirt, but they said the top layer of skin was definitely taken off.  They said they cleaned it with water and put ice on it and tried to calm Joseph down.  Apparently he was cranky all morning and he wasn't very happy when the kid bit him.  By the time I talked to his teacher she said they were doing art projects and were about to eat lunch, both things that Joseph likes to do, so he wasn't crying anymore.  They said if he started acting unhappy again they would call me.  They didn't call and when I picked him up he was perfectly happy.  He has teeth marks on his shoulder and this morning the area around the bite is bruising up, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him.

I remember a few years ago when Samuel bit the little girl at his school and the little girl's mom was a real bitch to me about it.  Now the tables were turned and  I am the mom of the kid being bit and I still can't believe the reaction of that mom.  Kids will be kids.  There is only so much you can control.  No one can anticipate when a kid is going to bite unless they do it all the time, which is a whole other issue.  Anyway, this incident made me think back to when Samuel bit that little girl and I still think I handled it well then and would do the same things now.

Also yesterday I took Samuel to the gym in the morning to try to get a workout in and get this baby out.  It was an interesting gym experience all around.  I was on a machine for about 10 minutes when this old man got onto the the machine right next to me.  I had my ear phones on listening to the TV and all of the sudden I heard him belching.  It was so loud and disgusting and it didn't stop.  He belched at least every 5 minutes and I was getting sick to my stomach.  Then another lady got on the machine on the other side of me.  Her phone rang and then she just talked and talked the entire time.  It was a very annoying 20 more minutes of working out.  I think the belching was absolutely more disgusting then the talking on the phone.  I could have handled that fine, but my goodness this guy seriously had a problem.

So after that experience, I showered and then went to pick Samuel up at the child care.  I walked in and he had a huge scratch on the right side of his face all the way from his right eye down to his mouth.  It was definitely a fingernail that did it.  Apparently a little girl he was playing with grabbed his face and scratched it.  Samuel didn't seem to mind and said it didn't hurt, but he was just mad because the little girl didn't say she was sorry.

So that was the exciting day for the boys.

I forgot to mention on my last post about my last doctor's appointment.  I made them examine me to see if anything was going on because Thursday night I had some extremely strong contractions and I was hoping that it did something.  I am 2 centimeters dilated, finally.  They couldn't feel the baby's head at all, which means it is really high up still.  That doesn't really mean anything to me though because Joseph never dropped until I was in active labor.  He wasn't low at all, but when he was ready to come out he just flew out.  I have been feeling more pressure in my pelvic area, but my contractions haven't been bad at all lately.  I have been walking like crazy, but nothing seems to do anything.  Dave wants this baby to come on the 1st of October, which is Saturday, I hope it happens!! 10 more days!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Continuing the Countdown

We are getting closer.  11 days until my due date.  I feel like at this point I can start counting in days since it is getting so close.  I went on two longer walks yesterday, but it didn't get anything going.  I am going to the gym this morning too.  Let's hope it happens soon.  Dave is still really pushing for October 1st.  That would be this upcoming Saturday.  It would be nice to go on a weekend.  We will see.

We had a very busy weekend.  The boys did much better at soccer this weekend.  Joseph actually participated instead of screaming and holding onto Dave the entire time.  Then we had a BBQ for Samuel's school on Saturday early evening.  We had a play date with one of Samuel's friends from school on Sunday and we just relaxed the rest of the weekend.  The boys have been pretty good lately.  It is a nice change.

I forgot to mention this last week.  I think Samuel has a crush on a little girl at school.  On Thursday night, when we were about to give the boys a bath Samuel pointed to two different objects and said, "This is me and this is Morgan."  I asked who Morgan was and he said it was a girl in his class and he liked her.  He had never mentioned a Morgan before and I hadn't seen her name on the school roster, so I thought maybe he made her up or it was an imaginary friend.  I had no idea.  The next day on the way to school, Samuel randomly said, "I really hope I see Morgan today.  I think I may hold her hand."  I said, "What?!"  Then he didn't mention her again.

When I got to school I saw the director and I asked her if there was a Morgan in his class.  She said yes that a girl named Morgan just started school that Wednesday.  She said she had forgotten to tell me, but the week before Morgan came to visit the school to see if she would fit in and all the kids were playing on the playground.  Morgan was playing by herself and the director said that Samuel went right over to her, grabbed her hand and said, "Let me show you around."  All the teachers thought it was really funny and cute.

Don't you think he is too young for this?  Holy cow.  I am not ready for him to be having a little crush on a girl.  I plan to talk to the director and his teachers today just to warn them that Samuel is very affectionate.  I know that they know that he likes to hug and kiss them, but if he really has a little crush I could totally see him trying to lay a big kiss on her.  I don't think Morgan's mom would be too happy about that.  Oh my gosh, I can't believe this already.

Here's hoping for an exciting week.  I hope we have a baby soon!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A little free time

Today will be my first day since both Samuel and Joseph started school that I will have a completely empty and free of commitment house for two hours.  I did not plan anything from 12:45 until 2:45 today.  Normally I have appointments or I plan to run errands while they are both gone, but today I decided that I am going to do whatever I feel like doing.  Maybe I will go for a walk and then take a bath or read a book. I have no idea, but I am pretty excited for complete quiet time.

Samuel and I are going to run errands this morning after I take Joseph to school and then I plan to take him to lunch, drop him off and have some freedom.

I am getting pretty tired lately.  I get worn out really quickly and by the end of the day I just don't function well.  The boys have been pretty good lately, making nighttime much easier to manage.  The baby is also slowing down in the middle of the night.  I am getting about 3 hours of sleep at a time without having to go pee or be kicked to death.  Last night before I went to bed I think the baby was practicing karate or something.  It was going nuts.  It finally calmed down around 10:30 and I was able to sleep until 1:30.  I felt so refreshed.

George seems to be feeling a little bit better.  She is still eating grass and isn't her normal spunky self, but I can tell she feels a little bit better.  Tomorrow I am taking her to the vet, so we will see what they say.

Last night I was home alone with the kids because Dave had to go to a baseball game for work.  We were relaxing on the couch and I told Samuel that I loved him.  I asked him if he knew how much I loved him.  He used to always say "sooo much" and hold his arms out wide.  Last night he looked at me rolled his eyes and gave a huge sigh.  My little boy is growing up and is already annoyed at me.  It was like I had a peak into the future.  I know I will be seeing a lot of that eye rolling and I know I will be getting looks like I am a complete idiot.  So many things to look forward to.

On another note, when I was reading a book to Joseph last night before I put him to bed he counted from 1 to 12 all by himself.  I knew he was pretty good at counting to ten, but I had no idea he could count to 12.  It was pretty exciting.  Then, before I put Samuel to bed we turned on his night light turtle that put stars on the ceiling and he started to count all the stars in Spanish from 1 to 12.  It was pretty cool.  Now that he is starting Spanish school again, he will randomly say things in Spanish.  I am slowly learning what everything means.  The other night he brought me half of his snack and just said "No mas".  It is really cool to hear him speaking and understanding another language at such a young age.

I am off to get the boys ready to leave.  Have a great Wednesday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Another week

As I mentioned before we had a pretty busy weekend.  We went to Yo Gabba Gabba on Saturday afternoon and it was actually a ton of fun.  The boys loved it and it was really entertaining.  The Fox Theatre was packed with parents and kids.

We were planning to go to the Balloon Race at Forest Park after but it was so busy and Joseph passed out in the car on the way there.  So we drove around a little and went to an early dinner.

So far no sign of the baby coming.  I think I may start working out a little this week and see if I can get things moving.

Of course things can't always go completely smoothly.  I am taking George in to the vet on Thursday morning.  She hasn't been feeling well.  Starting this past Thursday, she just hasn't been herself.  She has been throwing up and having pooping issues.  I took her to doggie day care on Friday because we thought she needed some activity.  When Dave picked her up the day care lady said that George wasn't being herself during the day.  She was acting really tired and wanted them to pet her a lot.  Not only has she been acting funny, but Dave felt a lump under her rib cage.  We are kind of freaked out about her getting sick.  We are trying not to talk about it or think about it because it makes us too sad.  She is 8 years old and I feel like she is just too young to be having issues.  I don't want her to be in pain, so I want them to check her out and make her better.

Here are some pictures from this last week:

Samuel was obsessed with wearing my rain boots.  He was walking all around the house.  They were huge obviously.  

Last Wednesday I went to pick Joseph up from school.  He goes from 9 until 3.  They normally put them down for naps at 12:30 pm. Joseph isn't much of a sleeper, but he always takes a good nap at school.  They said that he was completely worn out on Wednesday.  That was no joke.  When I came at 3 to pick him up he was still asleep on his cot.  I always wondered what he looked like sleeping on the cot at school.  He was so passed out.  The lights were all on, everyone was talking and kids were playing in the room. The teachers said that the kids even went by him and were playing and he still didn't wake up.  He looked so cute and peaceful, I didn't want to wake him up either, but I had too.  I snapped some pictures of him sleeping though:

Joseph is crazy about wearing whatever Samuel wears.  He wanted to put on Samuel jacket and he looked so cute.  I was trying to take a picture, but he was mad because he wanted my phone.  He still looks pretty cute.

Here we are at Yo Gabba Gabba.  The boys were so happy to be there, but they didn't want to have anything to do with Dave and me.  They were happy as long as we weren't trying to take pictures with them.

Happy Boys!

Not so happy to be getting his picture taken with Dad.

Samuel is down right pissed to be taking a picture with me.  This is just too funny.  I love his face.  

Sunday morning all the boys were having cereal.  It was so cute.  Joseph was clearly happy to be making a huge mess.  

Friday, September 16, 2011

37 weeks and counting

Another week and I'm still pregnant.  Thankfully I am full term now, so anytime now that I go into labor I would be happy.  Unfortunately I don't think it will be soon.  I had my doctor's appointment on Wednesday.  Nothing new is happening.  My contractions have actually started to slow down a little bit, but at night the intensity of the contractions are much stronger.  I am feeling more pressure in my pelvic area too.  Instead of feeling like I am going to go early, I am starting to feel like this baby might be staying in longer.  I am measuring 35 weeks at this point.  I asked my doctor what we were going to do if I get to my due date.  She said if my cervix has not changed and I am not dilated, then she wants to wait a while.  Every appointment that I go in gets a little more discouraging.  I was really hoping to start getting things moving, but now it looks like we aren't going to do anything at all.

For a few weeks now I have gotten no sleep at night.  The baby normally wakes up at night and kicks like crazy.  However, the past two nights I am getting at least 3 hours of sleep at a time or longer.  I am not being kicked or having to go pee.  It feels so nice to get a few hours of continuous sleep.  The boys slept until 7 am this morning, which was absolutely wonderful.  I woke up and got to just relax in bed for a while before having to get them.

I can't believe we are going to have another baby soon.  I have been saying from the beginning that I think this is a boy.  But yesterday when I was driving around all of the sudden I got a really strange feeling I was having a girl.  It kind of freaked me out a little.  I would say now I am 99% sure I am having a boy.  I am preparing for the possibility of a girl.

For those of you with kids, what was the heart rate of your baby?  Both of my boys had heart rates in the 130-140's.  This baby has been consistently in the 140's.  That is another reason I think it is a boy, but I am just wondering what other people's experiences have been.  I heard higher heart rates are girls, but I am not sure how true that is.

I am off to read dinosaur books to the boys.  Joseph is completely obsessed with dinosaurs and unfortunately Thomas the Train.  He has only seen one Thomas episode that was on TV and that got him completely hooked.

We have a very busy weekend planned.  Samuel and Joseph start soccer on Saturday morning.  We are going to see Yo Gabba Gabba Saturday afternoon at 2 pm and then there is the Great Hot Air Balloon Race in Forrest Park Saturday evening.  Then we have a birthday party on Sunday late morning.  I am sure the boys are going to be an exhausted mess by the end of the weekend.  Lots to do.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picture time

I haven't been very good at posting pictures.  I finally downloaded them from my camera and phone.  Here are some updated pictures.

Joseph's first day of pre-school.  He had no idea what to expect.

Another first day of school picture

Here is Samuel rocking out. 
Samuel's first day of school.

I caught him rolling his eyes at me because he thought it was ridiculous that I was taking so many pictures of him before school.

One of your only pictures of me pregnant.  Samuel took this picture.  I am 35 weeks pregnant here.

Samuel in his smock ready for school.

Giving Joseph a big hug before he left.  Joseph had a very hard time dropping Samuel off.  He cried a lot.  Poor guy missed his brother.

One of Samuel's best friends at school.  They were so excited to see each other.

Ready for the first Michigan game of the season.

Samuel was ready too!

Samuel dressed up as a pirate.

Joseph trying to be a pirate too.

Pink Eye.  He looks terrible.  His eye was so swollen.

Another pink eye picture.  It is almost all gone now.  Hopefully tomorrow if he has no redness, he can go back to school. It is just slightly blood shot today.  

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Time is flying

I can't believe the week is over.  It went by really quickly.  Samuel had his first week of school.  He survived and I survived.  I was so excited for him to go to school and I would get a break in the afternoons, but the truth is, I missed him.  Having school in the afternoons is really wearing him out.  Over the summer he started to cut out afternoon naps, but he usually just relaxed and played quietly at home.  Now he is super busy in the afternoons, so he comes home starving and exhausted.  Bedtime is at 7:30 now and not much later.  It makes for an earlier night for us, which is nice for Dave and I to have a little bit more time together.

School was a bit of an adjustment for Samuel, more then just being worn out.  The first two days he got put in time out by his teacher because he wouldn't stop talking while she was talking.  When she told him not to talk he would just ignore her.  We had talks all week about not talking while the teacher was talking because he was not learning and he was preventing other students from learning too.  By Friday, he said he didn't talk at all and didn't get in trouble.  His teacher confirmed.  So in one week he made progress.  I remember getting in trouble a lot in pre-school and kindergarten for talking too much.  Samuel was just so excited to see his friends from last year and he barely ever stops talking at home, so I am sure she couldn't get him to be quiet.  Hopefully next week will be even better.

That is if he makes it to school next week.  He woke up this morning with a very swollen red and blood shot eye.  He was complaining that it hurt, but there was no crust or yucky stuff coming out of his eye.  I wasn't sure if he had pink eye or what.  I was worried he had an eye injury or something else was wrong.  I called the doctor and we got him in around 8:30 this morning.  Sure enough he has pink eye.  It looks miserable.  Now both eyes are getting red and gross.  The doctor said it looked really contagious.  I washed all the sheets and blankets and I am trying to keep Joseph away from Samuel, but that isn't working so well.  Hopefully the rest of us don't get it.  We have to put drops in his eyes and he can't go back to school until his eyes clear up.  This is such a pain.  I have never gotten pink eye, so I have no idea what it is like or how long it lasts.  Hopefully not too long.  Unfortunately now we are stuck at home all weekend.  Two weekends stuck at home.  I am going a little stir crazy.

Last update,  I had a doctor's appointment this past Wednesday.  I lost 2 pounds in a week and a half, which they said is no big deal right now because the weather got much cooler and some people at the end of the pregnancy lose weight.  I'm not too unhappy.  I am not doing anything differently except for eating a TON of fruit.  I am craving every fruit possible.  It is the only thing that sounds good lately.  Not a bad thing to crave.  I have gained 29 pounds so far.  For a little while I was worried about gaining as much as I did with Samuel (48 pounds), but now I know that is impossible.  4 more weeks until my due date.

I was hoping that at 37 weeks the doctor would start the natural induction process, but things have changed a little bit.  I am starting to measure a little bit smaller then my actual week.  So when I went in on Wednesday I was 35 and a half weeks and I was measuring about 34 weeks.  For the last few visits I started measuring smaller.  There was a time when I was measuring a week or two bigger, but I guess the baby had a huge growth spurt at that time.  Anyway, they aren't worried because this baby is an absolute wild child.  It doesn't stop moving, it kicks like crazy and the heart rate hasn't changed at all.  I have even had several contractions while at the doctor's office and they listen to the heartbeat throughout the entire contraction and the baby is handling them fine.  My contractions are getting stronger all the time, but nothing is happening.  I have barely dilated at all.  The doctor doesn't want to do anything with this pregnancy.  She wants to just see what happens.  At my next appointment I am going to ask her how long she is going to let me go.  I have ZERO desire to go over my due date, but I guess we will see.

So that is the update with the new baby.

I am trying to enjoy the weekend stuck at home again.  I guess we will be watching lots of movies.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend and Samuel starting school

The weekend wasn't exactly what I had hoped and planned it to be.  Friday night Dave and I had made reservations for dinner at the Ritz because he had bought an online deal which expires in October and we wanted to use it before the baby came.  I hadn't been feeling great all day Friday and Dave ended up coming home an hour early from work.  I was just feeling like I might be getting a cold or something.

Anyway we were having nice family time snuggled in our bed watching a little bit of TV before Dave and I started to get ready.  Joseph jumped out of bed and then threw up twice.  This is very uncharacteristic of Joseph.  I think in his whole life he has only thrown up one or two other times and that was when he was eating rice cereal and ate too much too fast.  Anyway, I was hoping that it was just a freak throw up and that he would be fine (this was about 4:30 pm).  Dave took the boys to get smoothies and a little food for dinner.  Our babysitter came over around 5  and we decided to try to go out to dinner.  I told her to call me if Joseph threw up again and we could just come home.

At 5:45 I got a text message from her that Joseph threw up again.  We had just ordered some drinks at that point, so we got our check, cancelled our reservations for dinner and went home.  We got home at 6:15 and when we walked in our babysitter said Joseph had just thrown up again.  Needless to say, I was looking forward to a relaxing evening out, but instead took care of Joseph, who was absolutely miserable.  He continued to throw up until he fell asleep at around 8:30.  He threw up one other time at around 10:30 and then was fine all night (other then just waking up a few times).  When he woke up in the morning, he was acting perfectly fine.  He wasn't really hungry all day, but he acted fine.

Saturday morning, Dave golfed and got home around 1 pm, then all the boys watched a little Michigan football.  By Saturday night I was so exhausted from dealing with Joseph, getting no sleep Friday night and then having to deal with the kids all morning Saturday.

Sunday we ate at the Boathouse in Forrest Park and planned to go to the zoo, but there was a War Veterans Festival right next to the boathouse.  They had some pretty cool old war replicas (boats, guns, cannons, etc.)  We ended up staying there for about 45 minutes and then headed home.  The boys both fell asleep in the car and we got a little bit of a break in the afternoon.  That was when Dave started to not feel well.  By Monday, Dave was sick.  Joseph must have given him whatever he had.  Dave had a fever and was miserable all day.  We tried to keep the boys busy in the morning, then Dave laid down around 12:15 and slept all afternoon.  I took the boys to the park in the afternoon and then the weekend ended.

Not exactly the exciting and relaxing weekend I was planning.  The wonderful part about the weekend starting at Saturday evening was that the weather is absolutely amazing.  It has been in the 70s and actually chilly in the morning.  I am hoping the cooler weather will help with my swelling and uncomfortableness.

I am back to getting pretty much no sleep at night.  This baby is up pretty much all night.  Last night I thought it was going to kick its way out of my stomach.  It kicked so hard and I really felt its entire foot and leg.  It was pretty amazing.  I finally feel asleep at 3:30 and then was up at 6:30 (Joseph was nice and slept in 30 minutes).

I am increasingly more uncomfortable at night.  My back really hurts and like I said the baby is nuts at night.  I am 35 and a half weeks.  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.  My contractions are getting significantly stronger.  When I lay in bed at night they are actually approaching the somewhat painful point.  It is all exciting and scary at the same time.  I always get freaked out about labor right before it actually happens.  The anticipation is so scary.  I can't believe we will have another baby soon.  I had a very vivid dream last night about the birth.  I dreamed that it was a very fast labor and we just made it to the hospital.  Somehow my mom and Dave's mom made it to the hospital for the birth.  I was standing up to move to the bed and then I just pushed the baby out.  I grabbed it and it was a boy.  I am telling you that if this baby comes out a girl I am going to completely freak out.  I am 100% convinced that it is a boy.  I will be shocked if a little girl comes out.

Lastly, it is Samuel's first day of pre-school for the year.  He is so excited and so am I.  He can't wait.  I will take a picture today when he is about to leave.  He goes in the afternoons and I have to drop him off at 12:45.

Time to start the day.