Saturday, October 30, 2010

Aint that some Shi*t

Dave and I decided that we would try something new this weekend. I have been absolutely exhausted lately. I had a little bit of a cold this whole week and I have been trying to fight it off. I have been in some serious need of sleep. As I mentioned before Joseph has been teething and hasn't been sleeping well. He is such a random sleeper. He does however normally wake up at least once a night. For a while now Samuel has been waking up at least once a night too. He will wake up saying that he needs to blow his nose or he is thirsty or lately it has been that he needs to go potty. Sometimes he just screams a little bit and goes right back to bed. On Thursday night Joseph woke up at 2 and wouldn't go back to bed until around 2:45, then Samuel woke up and screamed around 3ish (he went right back to bed), then at 4 George woke me up because she needed to go outside (which rarely ever happens).

Anyway, I haven't had a full night sleep without interruption since before Joseph was born. Face it, when you are 8 and 9 months pregnant you can't sleep through the night anyway because the baby is so big and you have to pee all the time.

So, Dave and I decided that this weekend I would sleep in the basement on Friday night and get a full night sleep and then he would sleep there on Saturday night so he could get a full night of sleep. I woke up at 4:30 and needed to go to the bathroom and I was super happy that I had slept all night until 4:30. At around 6:30 Dave came down stairs with Joseph. I asked him how the night went and he said that both boys didn't make a sound all night and Joseph just got up at 6:30. Are you freaking kidding me?!?!?!?! Of all F*#%ing nights the boys slept all night. Tonight is my night to sleep upstairs and I am sure they both will be up all night just to F with me.

We are off to the Museum of Transportation for the morning. Got to get in an outside activity before it gets super cold here.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Teeth

What does a screaming boy, sleepless nights, fever, poopy diapers and all around unhappiness equal? Top left middle tooth breaking through the gums yesterday. Joseph hasn't been the most pleasant baby to be around, but now we have an explanation. Joseph slept last night from 7 pm (woke up coughing for about 10 minutes at 11pm, but went right back to sleep) until 5:15. I can't believe that I got 6 hours straight of sleep. It felt great this morning. I guess the tooth coming through made a big difference.

Last night when we were reading Samuel a book he was being adorable. I couldn't help myself so I gave him a really big hug and I said "I love you so much Samuel." He just huffed and said "I know you do Mommy." When did my little boy become a big boy!?

I am about to make homemade chicken barley soup. It is cold outside and we need something warm. I have to do it while Joseph is napping or I will never get it done. I am off.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I think we are officially potty trained (knocking on wood right now). Samuel has gone several days, including a full day at mother's day out and school today without any accidents. He wakes up almost everyday from his nap with a dry diaper. He is still pretty wet when he wakes up from a full night sleep (even though we did have one night that he woke up completely dry). I think for the first time in all my parenting of Samuel, potty training the easiest. He pretty much did it himself. I removed the little potty from all the bathrooms and he stands to pee and sits on the toilet to poop. Aaaah a sigh of relief.

I threw a baby shower for Jonathan and Laura this past weekend. I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of all the cakes and food. We had a great time and I think Jonathan and Laura got some great gifts for their new baby girl. My parents were in town to help celebrate as well and I got a great picture of them with the boys.

My dad carved a pumpkin with Samuel on Sunday. He loved it once again this year. He wasn't as scared of the guts on the inside. I think my Dad was pretty excited about helping Samuel carve the pumpkin too. It was such a beautiful day to be outside and carve.

We went to Trunk or Treat at the MAC for the first time this year. It was actually a ton of fun and I can't wait for next year when Joseph will be able to participate as well. People decorated the trunks of their cars, there was a DJ that played great music, there was food including smores and then the kids went car to car to trick or treat. Samuel was a gorilla and Joseph was a spider.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pictures and More Pictures

I just can't take enough pictures of the boys lately. They are playing together so much and having so much fun and I love being able to capture it on camera. I try to get videos of them, but inevitably Samuel sees that I have the video camera on and then he want to hold it and look right into the lens and the videos end up not being the greatest.

This week Samuel has been calling me Mommy. He never really called me Mommy before, it was always Mom or Mama. Now all the sudden he is calling me by Mommy. I feel my heart melting every time. Even when he is driving me nuts, when he says Mommy, I can't help it, but my heart just softens. I love it. Samuel has really been curious about where we are going when I am driving. He always asks me which way I am going to turn: right, left or go straight. This weekend when Oma and Opa were in town, Oma would sing the ABC's to Samuel every time he washed his hands. Samuel has been pretty good with his ABC's but could never get through the whole alphabet without getting confused on some letters. Well, he knows them all now. He can also say about 5 words in Spanish. They are pretty simple (even I know them), but I think that is pretty good. It is amazing how much he is learning.

Well, I am off to wake up Joseph and pick Samuel up from school. I don't understand why Joseph usually sleeps for 45 minutes, but when I need to pick Samuel up from school, he sleeps for 2 hours. Amazing timing.

Here are some pictures of the boys:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Busy Weekend

We had a wonderful and busy weekend.

We celebrated Dave's birthday on Thursday, by having Mexican food for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Samuel was so excited for Dave to blow out his candles. On Saturday we picked up Oma and Opa at the airport and hung out and relaxed. Oma made Halloween place mats for us and a train pillow case for Samuel. Sunday we went to see Thomas the Train (see below).

Here are some pictures.

Cute picture of Joseph and George:

Birthday evening. All my boys:

I found out earlier in the week that Thomas the Tank Engine was going to be in Granite City, IL. I got tickets for all of us to see Thomas. Samuel had so much fun with all of us. You can just see his face in all the pictures. I think Joseph had a great time too. The one thing I love about being a parent is being able to experience new and exciting things through my kids. Just seeing the excitement in Samuel's eyes made the event so much fun. Here are pictures:

Here are a few pictures of the house this morning. They are getting ready to pour the foundation tomorrow. It is so exciting.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is Dave's birthday. I wanted to post something earlier, but I have about 15 minutes of alone time now and I finally have to opportunity. Happy Birthday to the most wonderful husband and father. We all love you lots!

We are going to celebrate a little bit tonight with Mexican food. Then tomorrow night Dave and I are going to go out and celebrate. Yeah for alone time!

On Saturday morning, Dave's parents are coming in town and we are going to celebrate again with a yummy dinner and cake. It is a weekend of celebrating.

I am really excited about Sunday though. We are going to take Samuel (well and everyone else is coming too), to see a real Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas is going to be in Granite City, Illinois which is about 30 minutes away. We had to get tickets ahead of time so that we will all be able to ride the train. I am so excited. I have been talking to Samuel about it since I bought the tickets and he is asking everyday when we are going to see Thomas. I can't wait to see the look on his face when Thomas actually pulls into the station. I will post lots of pictures.

I am off to get a few things done before I have to wake Samuel up from his nap.

Again, Happy Birthday Dave!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The House and Joseph

We have a huge hole in the ground. They are making progress with our new house and it is really exciting. We have almost completed all our decision making. Randomly in the middle of the night or when I am falling asleep, I start thinking about things we need to do or questions we need to ask the builder. I have decided to keep a notebook and pen by the side of the bed, so when I have these great ideas or questions I can quickly jot them down. It drives me nuts when I can't remember things. Right now I am not remembering much. I feel like my brain is overloaded.

I am busier then I think I have ever been in my life. I wish I had much more time in the day. Or I wish that Joseph and Samuel would go to bed earlier and sleep in later, which would give me more time in my day.

Today Joseph and I hung out while Samuel is at school. I took some really good pictures of him. He is so funny now. He smiles all the time and makes the craziest faces. It is almost hard to get a good picture of him because of all the crazy looks he gives when I pull out the camera. I can't believe that he is 8 months old.

Joseph went to sleep about an hour ago and is still sound asleep, which sucks because I have to leave in about 5 minutes to pick Samuel up. However, while he was asleep I organized all of our bills, cut all the brussel sprouts up that we are eating for dinner (which if you don't cook with brussel sprouts very much, the preparation of the sprouts are so time consuming because I like to cut them up), unloaded the dishwasher, loaded it and did all the dishes. It is amazing what I can get done in an hour.

Well, I am off to pick Samuel up. Here are some 8 month pictures of Joseph:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ignorant People and Funny and Smart boys

I just have to complain a little bit. I hate this time of year when we see political commercials non stop.

I have some time to watch the Today show this morning and I am absolutely disgusted by Carl Paladino, the Tea Party candidate in New York and the Hasidic Jewish leaders he was talking to regarding homosexuals. Here is an article about what was said, it is absolutely disgusting and so sad. Paladino's interview on the Today show makes him look even worse. I don't know how he can say with a straight face that he will be the Governor for all people in New York when he is clearly discriminating.

Okay now to funnier and happier things.

Conversation with Samuel last night:

Samuel: Mom what clock is it?

Me: Do you mean, "What time is it?"

Samuel: Yes, what clock is it?

Me: It is 5:30.

Samuel: Is it bedtime yet?

Me: No, it is dinner time. Are you ready for bed?

Samuel: No, what clock is bedtime?

Me: You mean, what time is bedtime? It is around 7:30.

Samuel: Oh, Okay. I am tired.

Around 6:30, yesterday evening.

Samuel: Dad, what clock is it?

Dave: You mean what time is it?

Samuel: Yes.

Dave: It is 6:30.

Samuel: I watch movie now and then go to bed.

Dave: Okay.

He was in bed by 7:30. I guess we wore him out this weekend. It was nice. Such funny conversations now.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Paintings for our new home

I have this obsession, probably comes from my Dad, with art. I am determined not to have anything in my house except for original artwork. We have lots of photographs, but my goal is to start saving money and purchasing paintings.

I found this website today, a gallery in Chicago, Melanee Cooper Gallery, that has the most amazing artists. I wanted to list my favorites so I can look them up later if they are no longer featured at this gallery:
John Denpcy
Michael Kessler
Miranda Lake
James Leonard
Tremain Smith
Jill Sutton (I am LOVING her stuff)
Cheryl Warrick
Alicia LaChance (she is a St. Louis artist and I met her at the St. Louis Art Fair - email address: and phone number is 314.398.9636)

I also love this art work from Ginny Herzog.

8 months

Joseph is 8 months old today. I can't believe that time has flown by so quickly. He is growing so much and changing all the time. He is really developing a personality. I love how excited he gets when I tell him we are picking Samuel up from school and how he and Samuel laugh in the back seat when they are together. He isn't crawling yet, but I think it is soon. He can go backwards, but he just can't propel himself forward. I am not sad that he is not crawling yet though. I know it is time, but I like how he is still somewhat stationary and isn't into everything. I know the time is soon to come, but I also would like him to stay small and a baby as long as possible.

He is really becoming quite verbal and will say "Mama" and "Dada" a lot. His other new trick which I am not very happy about is biting. Biting only me and he is vicious. This morning for example he was nursing on my right boob and I was going to switch him to the other side. He looked up at me with his big beautiful brown eyes, smiled the sweetest adorable smile and while I was thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful sweet baby he leaned over and chomped on my nipple. I am not talking a little nip, it was a full on chomp. Of course I screamed really loudly which scared the shit out of Joseph, which led to full on screaming and crying from Joseph. However that only lasted a few seconds because then he gave me the big smile again and then started nursing. Do you think he knew what he was doing? I think so. He is already becoming manipulative. I guess he is learning early from his brother. Anyway, his new thing is when he isn't hungry instead of just turning his head away or just down right refusing to eat, he takes a snap at me. I am actually nervous now every time I go to feed him because I never know if I am going to be attacked by his razor sharp two little teeth. I am fearing more teeth coming in, which I also know is coming soon because he has had explosions in his diaper for the last two days. Nice.

On the Samuel front, today when I picked him up from school I asked him what he did. Normally his answer is "I don't know." Today he started talking and telling me some things he did in school and I really think it was in Spanish. I had asked him what he ate for lunch and if he had anything to drink. He said something and then I caught the last word he said and it was "Leche". I called Dave right away and I asked him what the word for milk was in Spanish and he said it was in fact "leche." How exciting is that?! It is scary to think that my 2 and a half year old knows more then me already and it is only going to happen more often.

Well, I have to go to try to put Joseph down for a nap.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pictures from the last week

For those of you that did not see this when I posted it on Facebook, here is a picture of the boys last week in their footed pajamas. I think they look absolutely adorable.

This is what Samuel is normally doing to Joseph. He always wants to lay on top of him and as you can see Joseph loves it.

Joseph started to make these crazy faces and I was able to finally get some this morning:

Samuel cooperated for pictures today:

This is our lot. Hopefully a hole will be dug very soon.

Getting Colder

This past week the weather has been pretty chilly. We turned on the heat last night because it was freezing in our house at night. We all sleep much better though when the house is cold, but when it gets below 65 degrees, the boys get chilly.

Samuel's vocabulary is really expanding. He has started to say some pretty big words (for a 2 year old). Lately when he really likes food he will say to either Dave or me, "this food is delicious." It is funny to hear him say delicious. Then last night we gave the boys a bath and Samuel looked at Dave and me and said "get Joe Joe out immediately." At first we weren't sure what he said but when we questioned him he was definitely saying immediately. It is amazing how much his language skills can improve in just 6 months. We were worried when he wasn't really talking when he turned 2, but he has really started and I know it won't stop now.

I think Samuel is completely potty trained (I am knocking on wood right now). He has gone four full days with no diaper, expect at nap time and night time. We have run errands and he went to Mother's Day Out all day yesterday and didn't have an accident. We are going to try it again at his other school today and see what happens. I am pretty excited. He pretty much potty trained himself. We encouraged him and rewarded him for going in the toilet, but I never actively tried to potty train him. Luckily it was easy. I am sure Joseph will be a disaster as is everything with him lately. Anyway, I am pretty excited about not having to change anymore Samuel diapers.

I know I mentioned several times that Joseph was a wonderful baby, but now he is turning into a very difficult toddler. He screams and cries all the time if he doesn't get attention. And he wanted attention all the time. They said at Mother's Day Out yesterday he cried almost all day. They felt terrible for him, but they couldn't get him to stop crying. When I got there to pick him up, he wasn't crying and seemed to be in a good mood, but I am sure that was the only time he wasn't crying. He isn't crawling yet and I know that is really frustrating him. He gets pissed when he is on his stomach and can't get where he wants to go.

On the house front, we are breaking ground this week. We still have so many decisions to make. It seems like it is never ending. Dave is taking half day on Friday, so we are going to finalize our kitchen and bathroom layouts, pick out our granite for the kitchen and fireplaces, tile for all the bathrooms and hopefully carpeting and marble for the bathroom counter tops. We also have to finalize our brick, siding and roof colors. Monday we are going to pick out all our lighting fixtures, knobs and pulls and door levers. We are getting closer to making all of our selections. I have days when I am really stressed out, but overall it hasn't been too bad.

I really need to decide what I want for our back splash in the kitchen and in our bathroom. That is stressing me out.

I better start getting things done this morning.