Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dear Baby

Hurray up and come out.

Grandparents are leaving today, which freaks me out because now we are going to be all alone again.

Had contractions for an hour last night and the contractions were 10 minutes apart. I went to sleep and only woke up a few times with a few monstrous contractions, but nothing consistent.

Just wanted to keep everyone updated. Thanks for all your positive thoughts, it is making me feel so much better.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Still no baby. It is super cold outside. Snow should be coming soon. Grandparents are all in town. Eating lots of pineapple and about to get on the treadmill. Hopefully I can encourage this baby to come out soon.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not for the weak stomach

Today I am taking Samuel to music class. I know he will love it, but I am feeling terrible today. I had a terrible night of sleep. I think I only slept for about 3 hours. I was having some serious contractions and then once they stopped I just couldn't get comfortable. I think I was up from 2-6:30 this morning. Finally when Dave's alarm went off, I got out of bed.

I am feeling super nauseous this morning and I have a bit of a headache. I was craving Ginger Ale so badly in the middle of the night, but I didn't want to get out of bed. I think I am going to have one soon.

This part of my post you shouldn't read unless you want to be grossed out:

I lost my mucus plug yesterday. It was just disgusting. With Samuel's pregnancy when I thought I lost my mucus plug, I went into labor and day and a half later. This time I know it was my mucus plug because I wanted to vomit all over the bathroom when I saw it. Since then, my contractions have gotten really strong. I am having a lot of pelvic pain as well. I hope labor is soon because I would like to have a night of sleep without labor pains. Albeit, I will be having nights of screaming crying baby I will take that because it is rewarding and exciting, these labor pains just hurt and are annoying.

I will try to continue to post, but hopefully labor will be soon and my next post will be those of the new baby Glasser.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Labor Dreams

Last night I dreamed all night long that I was going or was in labor. I woke up several times in the middle of the night, but every time I fell back asleep, I continued to dream that I was in labor. Wonder if that means it will happen soon?

I thought for sure last night I was going into labor. I had some of the longest and strongest contractions. My first huge one was at midnight. I only had one and then I went to the bathroom and was able to fall right back asleep. Then I woke up a little before 3 to an extremely intense contraction that seemed to last forever. It was the first one that I truly needed to breathe through. I went to the bathroom again and started to walk back to bed and I had another contraction. My back was on fire, so I just leaned over the bed for a while until I started to relax. When I finally got myself back to bed I couldn't get comfortable. Every time I tried to move on one of my sides, I had a contraction. So I just hiked myself up on my back and tried to relax. I kept thinking that I would start timing the contractions if they kept coming and I wasn't going to wake Dave up until I was sure they were consistent. I also felt okay if I went into labor because I had about 5 hours of sleep and that was sufficient. So I was up until a little after 4, when I guess I finally fell asleep.

Dave said this morning that I woke him up a little after 4 because my snoring was the loudest he has ever heard. Which is pretty amazing, since we have both heard our Dads snore and let's just say, it isn't quite. When I am pregnant, I snore like no other. I was so exhausted, so it doesn't surprise me that I was snoring.

I am feeling pretty good this morning, so I guess we will just see what the day brings. Today I am exactly 2 weeks from my due date. Anytime now.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Family Time and Doctor Appointment

This weekend we were very busy doing lots of family things. Since we don't have much time being just a threesome we decided this weekend we were going to pack full of fun activities with Samuel.

On Saturday, Dave and Samuel went to swim lessons, came home ate lunch together and then Dave put him down for a nap. I went and got my haircut, which felt so nice. Once Samuel woke up from his nap we went to the Dinosaur Exhibit at the Science Center. Even though I took Samuel one other time, I thought it would be fun to go as a family since Samuel liked it the first time. This second time he loved it even more. He was running around a pointing to the different dinosaurs and was much more into this time.

Then we rented Horton Hears a Who. Samuel actually sat through almost the entire movie and then went straight to bed. I think he was worn out from his long day.

See all Samuel's pointing at the Dinosaur exhibit:

On Sunday, we decided to go to the Museum of Transportation. I had heard that they had lots of trains there and Samuel is COMPLETELY OBSESSED with trains. He wakes up saying "Choo Choo" almost everyday. Yesterday he started saying "All Aboard". It was pretty funny. I tried to get him saying it on video but it wasn't clear at all. Anyway, the weather started to get cold yesterday and all of the trains were outside, but we figured we should try to go anyway. Samuel loved it. We got to walk through lots of the trains. It was actually really educational and fun. We will probably go back this summer when it is warmer and we think Samuel will like it better when he is a little bit older.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning. I haven't gained any weight. So I still have just gained 32 pounds. The baby is much less active now, it is barely moving probably because it has no room left. The heartbeat was 146. It hasn't ever been that low. I have been feeling really nauseous today and my appetite has gone way down. My contractions have slowed, but when they come on they are really strong. I told my doctor all my new symptoms and she said it sounds like my body is preparing. I did have an exam today and she said she stripped my membranes, but it really didn't feel any different then a regular pelvic exam, which isn't all that comfortable anyway. I have an appointment next Monday, but my doctor said she thinks she may see me this weekend. She said to think positive thoughts that the baby will come this weekend. I am pretty much ready. I started to feel really uncomfortable this past weekend. I am feeling really crampy right now. The weather has drastically changed overnight. It is freezing cold and it is supposed to snow Thursday and Friday, so I wouldn't be surprised it the baby made a January appearance. I will let you all know.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Dave's procedure went really well yesterday. (Megan he did have an upper endoscopy). He was really groggy all day, but felt pretty good after eating lunch and taking a nap. He has Gastritis (which is irritation of the stomach lining) and they took a biopsy to see if he is carrying a bacteria that would be causing his stomach pain. If he doesn't have the bacteria then the doctor thinks his stomach pains are just stress related. We should find out the results by next week. Then hopefully Dave will be all better.

I am going to run errands now while Dave and Samuel are at swimming.

Friday, January 22, 2010

We are still having bedtime issues with Samuel. Last night it took him an hour to go to sleep. He is just screaming like crazy. His naps are getting difficult too. What does this mean? We think he knows change is coming and so he is asserting some control. I think his teeth are hurting him too. Any ideas of what to do?

This morning Dave is having a procedure to figure out if he has an ulcer. He has to have a scope put down his throat and into his stomach. We are leaving in a few minutes to go. Should be an interesting morning.

I am so glad it is a Friday. I really have been looking forward to our weekends lately.

Have a great Friday.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good Days

The past few days Samuel and I have been busy and spending lots of quality time together. On Tuesday I decided that we needed to go out to breakfast. I have never taken him to get a donut before and I haven't had one since I have been pregnant, so I figured this was perfect timing.

We went to a donut shop close by and when he walked in and say the case of donuts he gasped and yelled "CAAAAAAKE". He was so excited he couldn't stand it. He picked out a cake donut with chocolate icing and blue and white sprinkles. I love cake donuts too so I got a plain one with chocolate icing. While I was paying Samuel ran to a table and sat down. It was funny because he almost couldn't contain himself he was so excited. He ended up eating the majority of his and about forth to a half of mine. I guess things haven't changed much from the beginning of my pregnancy because the donut didn't taste very good to me and then I ended up burping it up all day. Baby still doesn't like sweets that much. Anyway, Samuel enjoyed his breakfast and then he headed to Trader Joes.

They have little carts there for kids to push and I have never let him push it before because I didn't think he would stick with me, but he did awesome. I could tell he thought he was a big boy and loved every minute of it. We left we everything we needed with the addition of a block of Gouda cheese which I didn't see him sneak into his basket. When I told him we were ready to check out he looked at me with his hand up and said "Pay". He wanted my credit card. He helped unload the groceries, handing each item to the check out lady and then he looked up at me and said "Pay" again. So I let him try to swipe the card. Overall it was so much fun.

For the past few days, Samuel has really been wanting to wear big boy underwear. We can make it now for about 3 hours without him peeing in his undies. He is great at telling me he has to pee and then we run in the bathroom. However, I think we are going to have issues with pooping. He refuses to go in the toilet. He wants to put a diaper back on and then he goes. I think eventually he will go and since I am not pushing him to use the toilet I am sure it will happen on his own time. I will put more effort into this once the next baby comes.

Yesterday, we tried out a Gymboree class. He did a great job and was really helpful cleaning up all the toys and participating in the different games. I am trying to decide if I want to sign us up for the winter. I want to have a place to take him so he can burn off some energy. He desperately needs to do that. He can't sit around at home. I might look into a gymnastics place right down the street too. He may like that.

The only annoying thing about this week, is that Samuel has been absolutely terrible to put to bed at night. I noticed on Tuesday that his left 2 year molar is halfway in and the right one is about to break through the skin. I am sure his mouth is killing him, but he normally goes down right away at night. Lately he has been crying and screaming for almost 45 minutes before he finally falls asleep. Dave goes in and pats his back and rubs his head and sometimes rocks him, but Samuel won't let him leave the room. This isn't normal behavior for him, so I am thinking it is his teeth, but we don't know. Hopefully he will go back to normal soon.

Okay, so this is a really long post, I'm going to go eat.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Doctor Appointments

I am now going to the doctor weekly, which means we are really in the homestretch.

I only gained 1 pound in two weeks, so I have gained a total of 32 pounds. So much less the last time, thank goodness. I am feeling pretty good also. I actually slept really well last night, only a few contractions, so I think I have caught up on a lot of sleep.

I am still only dilated about 1 cm, so nothing really changed in two weeks. When I delivered Samuel I did a semi-water birth (which was terrible at least for me because the tub didn't really have support and pushing was nearly impossible), anyway one of Samuel's shoulders got stuck and they had to yank me out of the water and then get him out. He was also 8 pounds which they said was pretty big for me. I remember my doctor telling me after he was born that with future pregnancies they are going to try to make sure the baby doesn't get that big. Because of that and the fact that I want to try and do natural child birth again next week when they do my exam they are going to begin to strip my membranes to try to get labor started earlier and naturally. I am sure it will be painful and uncomfortable, but what isn't painful and uncomfortable about labor. They aren't going to let me go over my due date, so if I haven't gone into labor by February 10th, they will induce me.

After my doctor's appointment yesterday, I am starting to feel much calmer and ready to have this baby. I think I have been in denial and really not mentally prepared at all. Being mentally prepared is really important, so I can really focus and relax especially if I am going to do the labor and delivery naturally again.

I feel very ready now. We will be having a baby in 22 days or less!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Is it close?

This past weekend we were pretty busy running errands and organizing. We packed our bag for the hospital, we bought a few more crib sheets and changing table sheets, we bought a new car seat and a double stroller.

Just for all you people planning on having a baby or buying a car seat, when we got Samuel's car seat we got the Chicco. It is a pretty popular brand and it was a great car seat. When you buy the original big package you get a stroller that comes with it. Well, Chicco is the only company that does not fit with any other brand of stroller. If you have a Chicco product you can only use Chicco strollers to clip the pumpkin seat into it. Well, we were planning to get a double stroller, where the pumpkin seat clips in and Samuel can still sit (and then eventually stand). Anyway, we find out that Chicco won't work with any and Chicco doesn't have any double strollers. So we just figured we would buy another pumpkin seat (which we got a Gracco) and then donate or sell our other car seat (which is in great condition).

I can't remember which double stroller we got, but there are two seats and then eventually the back seat turns into the sit and stand when Samuel is ready for that. We figured we would get the most use out of that one.

So other then shopping and organizing, Saturday to Sunday night I didn't sleep at all. I think I had a contraction every hour, so I was up all night. I was exhausted Sunday. My cough is better though. The medicine I am taking makes me a little sick to my stomach after I take it, but it is helping. Today is my last day for the medicine, so hopefully I will be all better in a few days.

Okay, so back to my Sunday...I was exhausted all day and I was having random contractions all day too. Normally I don't have many during the day, but I was probably having at least one an hour. During mid to late afternoon I didn't have any contractions. Then after dinner probably around 6 or so I started getting contractions again. By 8 they were getting closer and closer. From about 8 to 10:15 I had a contraction every 10 to 15 minutes. The baby was super active and going nuts and the contractions were getting progressively stronger. I was starting to freak a bit. I am not quite ready for this all the be happening. I think I had my last contraction at 10:15 and then it just stopped. The baby calmed down and barely moved and I finally relaxed. I slept pretty well last night, only going pee 3 times in the middle of the night (which is so much less then normal).

I have a doctor's appointment at 1:15 today, so I will tell her all about last night. Maybe I am dilated more. I am still not sure if the baby has dropped that much, because it still feels pretty high, but we will see what the doctor says.

My belly is pretty tired today. It was like I did hundreds of sit-ups yesterday. I am off to eat breakfast and relax.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Source of Crankiness

Yesterday I ended up going to the doctor because I couldn't get rid of this cough that I have had for a while now. I kept thinking it was getting better, but it really wasn't. I have been worried that I would cough so much that I would break my water or I would just go into labor and I would have to deal with a cough while having terrible contractions and trying to push a baby out.

Anyway, I went to the doctor and I most likely have bronchitis or pneumonia or some really terrible chest cold. He couldn't be sure because I am not going to have an X-ray done. He put me on antibiotics and I have to go back in a week. If he still hears a bunch of stuff in my lungs then he wants to do an X-ray. Hopefully (keeping my fingers crossed) the antibiotics work and I am better in a week. I really really don't want to have an X-ray. It is crazy because I feel perfectly fine except for when I have a coughing spell. Then my chest and stomach really hurt. The medication made me a little nauseous yesterday and this morning, but I only have four more days to go. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the cough goes away in a few days.

So I think that is why I have been so tired and irritable. Other then being 27 days from my due date.

Also, Dave hurt his back after working out at the gym on Tuesday. He is such an old man (I love you Dave!). Anyway, he hasn't been able to do much at all (like pick up Samuel, lean over or anything), since Tuesday which has been a little draining. He is feeling better today. He thinks he just strained a muscle in his back, so it just needed some time to relax.

Thank goodness it is Friday and a long weekend. I really need that right now.

I am really excited about what I am making tonight for dinner. Once of Dave's new years resolutions was to try new things, specifically food related. He doesn't really like mushrooms, squash, zucchini and he hates to eat fish, but he has agreed to try them all and see if he likes them this year. I have already made several dishes with mushrooms, squash and zucchini, but I am going to try a fish recipe tonight to see if he likes it. We may be ordering out, who knows.
So here is the menu:

Lemon, shallot and white wine Pan Seared Breaded Sole
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Sauteed Broccolini

I am so excited, I know it will taste delicious and hopefully Dave will like it too. I will post a picture if I remember to take one.

I think I am going to lay in bed and read a little while Samuel is napping. Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am just feeling annoyed lately. Not any really good reason, but I am.

I had a wonderful day at the spa on Monday and the massage was literally the best I have ever had, pregnant or not. She did a wonderful job and really worked on my right hip and back which helped a little bit with the pain I have been having. I am still hurting throughout the day, but the last few nights I have slept great and my back didn't hurt at all. I scheduled another massage in a few weeks. I figured the closer I get to delivery the better a massage will feel. Which speaking of delivery, I only have a little bit more to go. I will be 36 weeks on Sunday, so only 4 weeks to go.

I ran a ton of errands yesterday and did a lot of cleaning, which really wore me out. But I do feel much better about getting that stuff done. I went to Sam's and loaded up on all the household necessities, so we should be able to make it until after the baby is born.

I am pretty much prepared. I have made all my lists for everything and we are going to be packing our bags as best we can this weekend, just in case.

So you would think with all my preparation I would be in a great mood and enjoying my last few weeks with only one child, but I am just a cranky bitch. I don't want to talk to anyone, I would prefer to be snippy and mean. I want to go to bed early and I want to lay around and do nothing. By the way, while I am typing this I am getting a full foot up in my right ribs, it is awesome. The baby has really positioned itself straight down, so the feet are way up in my ribs. I am ready for it to drop a little bit more. Something positive is that I continue to stay around the 30 pound gained mark. I gain and lose a few pounds every few days. I have a lot of water weight, but I haven't really gone over 31 pounds. This is great since I believe at this point in my my pregnancy with Samuel I gained probably 45 pounds.

I am going to go now and be irritated and try to read a little bit. I think in about a week or two I will enter the stage of "if I don't get this baby out now, I will kill every person that I encounter." I am not quite there yet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day of Pampering

I hate that the weekend just flew by. I can't believe that it is already Monday. It is a good thing I am going to be busy today. I get to drop Samuel off at Mother's Day Out, go to an appointment from 10-11, then at 11:30 I have a pregnancy massage, then a manicure and then a pedicure. I am so excited for an afternoon of pampering.

My back has really been killing me, so I can't wait for the massage.

It is still pretty cold here, but is supposed to warm up this week. We are having chili and corn bread tonight.

Tomorrow is Mexican night.

I haven't figured out food for the rest of the week, but maybe I will get some inspiration today.

I did make the yummiest quiche yesterday. I have never made one before and it was so good. I used a pre-made pie crust (because I had some leftover from the holidays). I poked holes in the crust, coated it with one egg white and then baked the crust for about 8 minutes and then let it cool for 10 minutes. Then I mixed five eggs and the remaining egg white together with a little pepper, Gruyere Cheese (about 2 cups), fresh spinach chopped, and Mascarpone Cheese (1/2 cup, 4oz). Then I poured it in the pie crust and cooked it for about 15 minutes, until the middle was set. I wish I took a picture because it was delicious.

Next time I might add Feta Cheese instead of Gruyere. You could use any cheese and add meat or anything. It was really delicious. Even Samuel and Dave ate some and neither one really like eggs. Yum!

For Christmas Samuel got some Play-Doh. He just got it yesterday from Dee and Jessica and we decided to let him play. I think at first Dave and I had more fun playing and Samuel was clueless, but then he discovered how to use the garlic press and was amused for almost 45 minutes. We took a little video. He was so serious about pressing the Play-Doh through. He is talking a little bit more lately and we got a little on video. He still isn't that clear with a lot of his language, but I think it is beginning. I have noticed he is picking up words from his mother's day out, some good and some bad.

(This is all for Samuel's baby book, so not really necessary for you all to read unless you want)

He says very clearly (should keep track because I know there is a lot more and I just can't remember):

Bob (his other name for George)
Boob (for Bube, my grandmother and for the actual boob)
LaLa (for Aunt Laura)
Choo-Choo (for train)
Tons of animal sounds
A, B

Other words that he says but not super clear:

Pocket (Pa-K)
Cheetah (some reason he loves to say that, I think it is because he loves eating Cheetoes)
Dada (he says Gaga, he hates saying dad and just prefers to sign it)
Taylor (Ta-Ta)
Oma (Ga-ma)
Opa (Ga-pa)
Savta (Sa-Ta)
Jonathan (J-na-tn)
He says Lu-ai all the time and we have no idea what it means
He said Ka-Ka last night non stop and we have no idea what he was saying it for.

Okay that is enough for now. Here is the video.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Date Night

Dave and I had a date night last night. We were trying to decide if we wanted to do dinner and a movie, but we have both been so tired lately that we figured we would just do dinner and come home.

We had reservations at 6 at Brio. We had heard mixed reviews from people. We heard the service was bad and the food can be good some days a bad others. Well we had a wonderful time. Our waiter was great and the food was delicious. When we first sat down, they ended up having to move us to another table because they had a huge party. Because we had to move (which was no big deal) they gave us a free appetizer. The huge party was a group of high school kids, which we think were about to attend a winter dance. Oh my gosh they looked so young, it was scary.

Anyway, we ate a wonderful dinner and then paid the bill and looked at our watches and it was only 7 pm. There was no way we were going home that early. We didn't get dessert at Brio so we decided we would head to the mall, walk around and maybe get some chocolate. We ended up shopping at Nordstroms (they are having some great deals right now), getting chocolate at Godiva and Dave finally got some new sunglasses. It was a successful trip and also so relaxing. We didn't get home until about 8:45.

Now, I am up relaxed and ready for the day. I actually got some sleep last night which was a nice change.

Samuel has swimming lessons today with Dave, so I have at least a hour to get stuff done around the house alone.

I need to go grocery shopping and start getting things ready for the upcoming arrival of the baby.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day

It snowed last night, not much only a couple of inches, but the temperature dropped considerably. It is freezing outside. I think the high today is 11 and the windchill I believe makes it negative something. I think every school and day care is closed today. I was thinking this morning about how difficult it would be if I was working and I had Samuel in daycare. My old boss was terrible and told me that if I was working and Samuel got sick or needed to be taken to the doctor or we have a snow day for some reason, Dave would have to take off work. She was a big bitch and I am lucky that I don't have to deal with terrible bosses that would make my life miserable. These are the days that I feel really lucky to be able to stay at home.

Also, I am not sleeping at night at all. I am super uncomfortable, my lower back is killing me and the baby is kicking me non-stop in the middle of the night. It wasn't active at all during the day yesterday and then it just went nuts as soon as I got in bed. It is pretty active today which isn't make me feel so great. I am just worn out and being worn out means that my patience level is very low. I am not in the mood to deal with an active boy who wants my attention every second.

I am about to pop in a pregnancy workout video that my friend Andrea let me borrow. It says it helps with energy, back aches and just overall relaxes you, which is what I desperately need right now. I tried walking on the treadmill the other day and it feels great while I am working out, but then about an hour later, my back starts really hurting. I have to do something because I know it will make me feel better.

Earlier today, Samuel and I ventured outside, since it is a snow day. He loved every minute of it even though it was freezing. Here are some pictures:

Then at lunch today, he decided that he preferred to eat his food like this....crazy boy:

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby does not like Veggies

The past couple of days we have been making healthy dinners with lots of veggies. Last night we made chicken and veggie kabobs (pictures below), it was mostly veggies and a little chicken. Anyway, I was in terrible pain last night. The baby hated dinner. I thought it tasted great, but it would not sit still. It kicked and moved more last night then it has my entire pregnancy. Yesterday, I am pretty sure that the baby dropped a little because I began having some really sharp pains pretty low, then with the movement last night I was miserable. I barely got any sleep and I was having two really strong contractions every hour. I am not eating many veggies today. I don't think my belly can handle it.

On a positive note, the food we have been making has been delicious.

Monday night we had Roasted Veggies Sandwiches with Mozzarella cheese:

We used: Red onion, yellow bell pepper, zucchini, squash, mushrooms and tomatoes. Fresh Mozzarella cheese and we bought a Tuscan loaf of bread from Whole Foods and sliced it into think slices (next time I will use a heartier bread because the juices from the veggies made the bread a little soggy).

We headed up our indoor grill to about Medium, lightly brushed all the veggies with good olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. We grilled them about 4 minutes on each side until they were pretty cooked.

We lightly brushed both sides of the slices of bread with olive oil and seasoned with a little bit of garlic salt and basil. We grill both sides of the bread so it was nice and toasted. While on the grill we added the mozzarella cheese so it would melt a bit.

Then we assembled the sandwiches (we didn't grill the tomatoes) piled on all the veggies and ate it up. Here is the final product:

Chicken and Veggie Kabobs:

We used: Chicken, zucchini, squash, red onions, green red and yellow bell peppers, mushrooms and pineapple.

We tossed all the veggies and chicken in olive oil and a seasoning mix (which I think had paprika, chili powder, salt, pepper, garlic powder and onion powder).

We loaded the skewers and then loaded them onto our indoor grill. It took about 30 minutes total to cook them all thoroughly.

I also made a packed of mixed brown rice, that Samuel LOVED. He ate tons of rice, chicken and pineapple. He even tried the zucchini. The first bite went down fine and the rest were spit out immediately.

Here are some pictures of the cooking process and final product:

Lastly, Samuel had to have cereal last night (maybe because he turned 22 months yesterday, he was ready to start acting like a big boy). We have never given him a bowl of cereal before with milk in it, but he was signing for milk when I gave him a bowl of the dry cereal, so I thought what the heck, he may like it. He LOVED it. He ate two pretty good size bowls. He ate with his spoon and barely made a mess. Dave and I were cooking the dinner last night and I looked back to see how Samuel was doing with his cereal and he had the bowl up to his mouth drinking the milk. I grabbed the camera as fast as I could and I got some great pictures. How did he know to do that? I couldn't tell you. Here are some pictures of our big boy:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

I know it is only 13 degrees outside and with the windchill who knows how cold, but I am so freaking hot. I guess my hormones are raging because I am hot all the time. I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I was sweating in the waiting room and another lady was there and she was freezing (with her coat and hat still on). As soon as I got in the room to wait for the doctor I stripped down to just my tank top. The nurses were laughing because they said they were all freezing in the back and I finally comfortable.

So, I have gained 31 pounds total. I feel like I am retaining water today because I ate some chips last night and I think I swelled in the middle of the night, but I don't even care because I am entering the home stretch. The baby's heartbeat was 160 bpm. That was the fastest it has ever been. The doctor measured me and then pushed around on my stomach and I think it got the baby agitated because it wouldn't sit still and that could be a reason for the high heartbeat. Anyway, I think I am going to take a guess that I am having a girl, but it is still 50/50.

I have been having some really hard and long contractions. Some of the contractions are really painful. Since I have been having so many contractions, the doctor gave me a pelvic exam and the baby's head is still down, but hasn't dropped much at all. My cervix is dilated to 1cm, but it is still very thick so there is no chance of going into labor in the near future. Pretty exciting though, only 9 more cm to go. I go back to the doctor in two weeks and then every week after that.

I think we pretty much have everything we need for the baby for now. I just bought some diapers and I think we are set. I can either get more stuff of wash more clothes depending on the sex of the baby.

Dave and I bought a grill pan to put on our stove this past weekend, so we planned some yummy meals this week.

Sunday we had Turkey Meatloaf with brussel sprouts and honey glazed sweet potatoes.
Monday: Roasted Veggie Sandwiches with Mozzarella cheese and a spinach salad
Tuesday: Chicken and Veggie Kabobs with wild rice
Wednesday: Steak Tips with peppered mushroom gravy on top of egg noodles

Haven't figured out the rest of the week yet.

Here are some pictures from the last week:

Snowfall on Christmas (not much snow, but Samuel liked it):

Samuel got a backpack from Uncle Izzy and Aunt Kay for Hanukkah and Christmas, he loves it:

His name of the back is so cute:

Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Laura got Samuel a tricycle for Christmas and he loves it but hasn't really figured out how to peddle by himself:

Our new washer and dryer:

Baby Room and new furniture:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is 2010. This past year really flew by. We had a great and busy year in 2009. I am not a fortune teller, but I have a feeling this next year is going to be even busier and a little more trying then last year.

Now that we have entered January, the countdown for the new baby has really begun. We only have 41 days to go. Crazy. Dave last night said that he is thinking that we are going to have the baby in January, but I am hoping it holds off to February.

I have tons of laundry and housework to do today.

This year I really couldn't decide what I wanted as my New Years resolution. I have lots of goals for the year, but only one I consider to be my true new years resolution. I would like to finish one rough draft of a novel this year. I started a couple of versions of different novels and I would like to have a rough draft of at least one. We will see how that goes.

Other goals for the year:
1. Lose all my baby weight, plus a bit more.
2. Eat healthy and exercise regularly.
3. Potty train Samuel.
4. Put our house back on the market, sell it and move.

I know Dave and I thought of more stuff yesterday, but I can't remember this morning.

We had a great New Years last night. We hung out with Justin, Charisa, Vance and Vaughn. It was a very nice relaxing evening and a great way to bring in the new year. Today we are going to continue to relax.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year!