This is the longest I have ever gone without posting. Thanksgiving kind of snuck up on me and I can't believe that it is already December. We have been super busy. So many things have been happening so it gets a little overwhelming at times to just sit down and write stuff down.
I am going to try to catch up a little bit now. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. All the family came in town, Savta and Papa, Oma and Opa and Jonathan and Laura came over too. We ate tons of food and Joseph ate pretty much every single thing we put on his plate. I think he is a fan of Thanksgiving food. He did have a little bit of a tummy ache at the end of the evening from all the rich food, but he enjoyed every minute of eating it all.
We are expecting our first niece any day now. She has acted like she was going to make an appearance several times already, but nothing yet. We know for sure that little Haidyn will be here by next Tuesday, unless she comes earlier.
Joseph started military crawling around Thanksgiving. He is super mobile now. Still military crawling, but nothing else. He is trying to pull up on things, but overall gets frustrated and screams for us to pick him up. He is an eating machine. Just this week he finally started picking up food and feeding himself. He has been able to pick food up for a while, but he would always miss his mouth when he tried to feed himself. He has now become successful, which is good for me because I can put Cheerios or puffs on his high chair and he can entertain and feed himself at least for a little bit. He is becoming very verbal. He says "Dada" a lot and "Mama" when he wants me to pick him up. I feel like he is trying to say other words as well. He repeats a lot of things we say, which I find amazing because Samuel was not this verbal at all at this age. Joseph is 10 months old today and is growing like crazy. I can't believe how big and wonderful he is.
Samuel is such a character. He is really picking up Spanish. He can count 1-10 (with a little assistance, but he knows the numbers). He calls his teachers by name and knows very basic commands and words. It is pretty exciting. We are starting to have some serious difficulty with bedtime. We have had the same routine for a long time now, but he just fights going to bed. We have experienced the most amazing meltdowns at bedtime lately. I could actually applaud him for the excellent show we receive every night at bedtime. He is testing him limits like crazy and really becoming quite a negotiator. He doesn't really care too much about time outs, so we are figuring out new ways to discipline him. We are always learning thanks to Samuel.
Samuel is a very emotional sympathetic and sensitive kid. He is very aware of other peoples emotions and feelings and is very caring. I have learned that about him and I will have to keep that in mind as he gets older. I have a funny story about him that occurred yesterday. I went to pick the boys up from Mother's Day Out and Samuel was wearing a different shirt then what I dropped him off in. Now I am used to picking him up and seeing a different pair of pants because every though he is potty trained he is still have random accidents. So, I asked his teachers what happened. They said that Samuel was sitting next to his friend at lunch time and his friend (Aiden) sometime has an issue with eating his food too fast and he will start gagging. Well, yesterday Aiden ate his food way too fast and gagged and then threw up at the table. They said it wasn't very much, but Samuel looked over and saw that Aiden had puked and he started gagging and then threw up all over himself. I was not surprised at all because Samuel has this strange thing with throw up. If he sees Joseph spit up at all he starts gagging and acts like he is going to throw up too. Like I said, I have a very sensitive little boy. FYI, if you have to throw up and you are around my son, please try to make it to another room or else we will have two people throwing up all over the place.
Okay, here are a few pictures from the last few days. I am off to clean up the house a little bit and try to exercise before I have to pick Samuel back up from school.
First night of Hanukkah and Joseph first time lighting the candles |
Not the best picture but they were happy |
Samuel modeling his first night Hanukkah gift, alligator slippers |
You might see some of these pictures on our holiday card. I just love this one. |
The boys! |
Joseph's 10 month pictures |
Samuel was modeling again today. He won't sit still for pictures unless I tell him to try to strike a pose. |