The food I made for the Super Bowl was yummy. The Buffalo Chicken Wings were really good and everything else was tasty.
Samuel is better, but still not 100% healthy. I am not taking him to Stay and Play today. Hopefully by tomorrow he will be healthy enough to go to swimming lessons.
I am now on 2 waiting lists for Mothers Day Out programs. I am super nervous about taking Samuel, but I figure if it is one day a week, he can handle it and so can I.
I called to set up appointments for this Friday. My spa lady doesn't have an opening on Friday for a facial. Boo. I am upset, but I guess I can deal with it. I changed my haircut appointment from next Tuesday to this Friday. I figured I would try to get as much in that day without having Samuel around. Maybe I will do a little shopping too and go to the gym. I haven't really decided.
I have been terrible about taking pictures of Samuel this month. In 2 days he will be 11 months. I can't believe it.
Here are a few pictures. Samuel does not wear socks anymore around the house. He hates it. I think he likes to have bare feet to help him get ready to walk. He is taking a few steps, but that is about it. The most steps he has taken at a time is 4.
This is his new monkey outfit. I got it because our friends daughter Taylor had a birthday party and the theme was monkeys. So, I got Samuel this outfit and even though we couldn't go to the party, I still put him in it so we could pretend like we were there. (Dave hates the pants. I have to agree, they are a little funny looking).
Here he is with his socks and of course the TV remote:
Samuel, Dave and George: