It is 6:30 in the morning and Samuel is still asleep. I woke up at 6 and I have been really productive. Even though Samuel still is not feeling great, he is sleeping great.
I feel great because I am getting a good amount of sleep and then for the last 2 days I have been getting up earlier then Samuel and doing things around the house, which makes me feel so much more productive. (Now I totally understand, Charisa why you guys get up early and do stuff!)
So this morning I made coffee, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, took the trash out, mopped the kitchen floor and got all the food out that I need to make dinner tonight. I actually ate a little breakfast and I am half way through my cup of coffee.
I am about to put some butternut squash in the oven for Samuel. He hasn't been eating too much since he has been sick. However, the only two things he will eat are butternut squash and sweet potatoes, so I am making more for him.
I have been really motivated lately to make a good dinner every night. It started last week. On Sunday, Dave and I talk about what kind of food we want for the week, then we shop for all the things we need. I set out the menu for the week and then during the day when Samuel is sleeping, I try to do all the prep work, so I can easily make it all that evening. I usually get stressed out about dinner stuff because it is so hard to come up with different things everyday.
Tonight we are having vegetarian enchiladas and bison enchiladas. I need to make the rice and cook the bison. Hopefully I will be able to make everything today that way I can just throw it in the oven.
I better go to get stuff ready.
There is tons of snow outside. Dave just came in from shoveling the sidewalk and driveway. He said it is almost as much snow as what we got the day before Samuel was born.
I hope Megan got her snow day!