Thursday, January 29, 2009

What a bummer

I took Samuel to the doctor this afternoon.  He really is pretty sick.  He has RSV and bronchiolitis. Also, both of his ears look red.  They aren't ear infections yet, but he was working on it.  Anyway, RSV is very contagious and is very easy to get.  I am sure with the fact that I have taken him out a lot, he easily got exposed to it.  I have to be really careful that I don't get it or Dave doesn't get it.  The doctor prescribed some medication, but he might not be feeling better for another week or up to a month.  Are you kidding me?  This really sucks big time.  I almost started crying in the doctor's office.  I just don't know why he seems to be getting sick so often.  Plus, I know this is very selfish to say, but I am pissed that I am going to be stuck in this house all day with him.  I really look forward to going to the gym during the day, or going out to lunch or just hanging out with my friends.  It breaks up the day and I get a little break.  By the end of the day, I am just pooped.
I guess we won't be going to story time with Charisa, Vance and Vaughn this week or next week for that matter.  Boo Hoo.  

I also signed Samuel up for swimming lessons that start on Monday.  We won't be doing that either.  At least not next week.

Oh well, it isn't the end of the world, I just wanted to bitch a little bit.

I am off to relax while he is sleeping.   

Still sick

I don't know what Samuel's deal is, but he is still pretty sick.  He is coughing and he has had a fever for now 4 days.  I think it might be even a little longer.  Haven't gotten out of the house much this week, but today we have to go out so I can take him to the doctor.  I thought his fever wouldn't have reduced by now, but it hasn't.  He is screaming at me all day long.  If I leave the room, he screams if I do anything that isn't right next to him he screams.  Basically he just wants me to hold him all the time, which is a sure sign that he is not getting any better.  

Dave tried to take us out to dinner last night.  (Luckily I already made the enchiladas yesterday, so dinner is already done for today.  All I have to do is pop it in the oven later).  Anyway, we got to the restaurant and order all of our food.  We ordered Samuel's meal first so he could start eating (I thought he would be hungry because he hadn't eaten all day).  We got his meal and our salads and he refused to eat anything.  He started to completely lose it, so we asked the waiter to box all of our food up and we left.  I think we were there for maybe 30-45 minutes total.  It was awesome.  

Well, I better go duty calls.  I will try to write more later.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Surprisingly Refreshed

It is 6:30 in the morning and Samuel is still asleep.  I woke up at 6 and I have been really productive.  Even though Samuel still is not feeling great, he is sleeping great.  

I feel great because I am getting a good amount of sleep and then for the last 2 days I have been getting up earlier then Samuel and doing things around the house, which makes me feel so much more productive.  (Now I totally understand, Charisa why you guys get up early and do stuff!)

So this morning I made coffee, unloaded and loaded the dishwasher, took the trash out, mopped the kitchen floor and got all the food out that I need to make dinner tonight.  I actually ate a little breakfast and I am half way through my cup of coffee.  

I am about to put some butternut squash in the oven for Samuel.  He hasn't been eating too much since he has been sick.  However, the only two things he will eat are butternut squash and sweet potatoes, so I am making more for him.  

I have been really motivated lately to make a good dinner every night.  It started last week.  On Sunday, Dave and I talk about what kind of food we want for the week, then we shop for all the things we need.  I set out the menu for the week and then during the day when Samuel is sleeping, I try to do all the prep work, so I can easily make it all that evening.  I usually get stressed out about dinner stuff because it is so hard to come up with different things everyday.  

Tonight we are having vegetarian enchiladas and bison enchiladas.  I need to make the rice and cook the bison.  Hopefully I will be able to make everything today that way I can just throw it in the oven.  

I better go to get stuff ready. 

There is tons of snow outside. Dave just came in from shoveling the sidewalk and driveway.  He said it is almost as much snow as what we got the day before Samuel was born.

I hope Megan got her snow day!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Are you kidding me?

I don't know what I am doing as a stay at home mother, but Samuel is sick again.  He had the highest fever he has ever had tonight 102.8.  He is coughing pretty badly.  If he doesn't sleep well tonight, I will take him to the doctor.  I just think he has a bad cold.  Maybe it was the fact that last week I took him out almost everyday last week and he was exposed to lots of children, then we flew and it was really cold in Minnesota.  I don't know what it is, but I am starting to wonder if I am doing something wrong.  

Poor kid.  

I am so worn out too.  When he is sick, he is very needy.  I completely understand because when I am sick all I want is for someone to take care of me, but my goodness I am tired.  

I am done for the night. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend and Pictures

I know I haven't posted in a while, but we have been busy around here.  On Friday morning we went to Minneapolis.  Dave had a business trip there and one of my closest friends, Sylvia lives there.  We talked about how we haven't seen each other in like 4 years.  That is WAY too long. Anyway, we have been meaning to go visit Sylvia and Ryan forever, but you know how it is, life just gets busy and then you have a baby, which puts everything on hold.  Sylvia is pregnant and due in April and I had to see her.  We went out on Friday night to dinner and then breakfast on Saturday morning.  Then we flew back Saturday afternoon.  It was a very nice, but short trip.  On Saturday it was -11 degrees and that was the actual temperature.  It was freezing.  Samuel didn't seem to mind the cold though.  

Now we are home and relaxing today.  I am about to put more songs on my ipod and finish my glass of wine.  It is snowing here, but it isn't nearly as cold as Minnesota.  

Here are some pictures from the last few days:

Samuel is sitting in my old rocking chair.  He loves it.  He actually tries to rock in it.  I will have to get it on video and then figure out a way to put it on the blog.

Samuel has been following me everywhere, especially in the kitchen.  The other day he just got right into the dishwasher.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historical Day

I woke up this morning with excitement that I haven't felt in a long time.  I can't imagine there being a more significant day like today in my lifetime.  It is so exciting that we have a new President.  It is wonderful to see such hope and excitement from so many people.  The most overwhelming feeling for me, is that in Samuel's life and in the lifetime of my future children, they will never know a time where there wasn't an African American President.  I can only hope that my children will not even understand how others could discriminate against people with different beliefs, colors and sexual orientation.  I really hope that President Obama can live up to the huge expectations that Americans have bestowed on him.  He has a long hard road ahead and I hope he is successful.       

Now that I blabbed for a while, here are some pictures of Samuel from the last few days.

This morning I went to check on his while he was sleeping and he looked so cute, so I took a few pictures.  I guess he sucks his thumb while he sleeps.

Do you think his hair is getting long?  Only a few more months until he will get a hair cut!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Poll is closed

I guess based on the results of the poll you guys are telling us that our child(ren)'s future significant others are going to dislike us equally.  That is just great.  I guess Dave and I need to start going to therapy early to help us from being the annoying in-laws.  

I am so happy that it is Saturday and it is a long weekend.  Dave has Monday off and we are going to relax all weekend long.  Last night we watched a movie, Pineapple Express.  We thought it would be funny.  I lost 2 hours of my life that I can't get back.  It was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.  I knew it was about stupid guys and pot smoking, but I thought it would be at least funny.  So dumb.  

We also rented, Burn After Reading.  I hope it isn't as stupid as the other one.  I will let you know after we watch that this weekend.

I am off to relax while Samuel is sleeping.

Friday, January 16, 2009


Remember to vote in the poll.  Thanks to everyone who voted already.  I am glad to see that John and Justin read the post and I assume they voted as well.  

Of course, thanks to everyone else too.  

The poll closes at 5, so be sure to cast your vote.  

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Remember to vote in the Poll and Pictures

Just a few pictures from the last few days.  

My little cooking helper:

I left him in the living room to play for a few minutes.  I came back and this is where he was:

I have been letting him feed himself.  He gets the majority of it in his hair and on his face.  George loves it.  Can you see her nose at the side of the picture?  She is just waiting for food to drop.

Check out his hair:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Poll to the Right

Guest Post by my hubby, Dave:

So Sarah and I were talking at dinner tonight about Samuel's future (he's 10 months, never too early, right?).  The topic came up in regard to us someday becoming someone's in-laws.  A little background here - Sarah parents and my parents get along very well.  Sarah and I consider ourselves very lucky to be able to say that.  

Well, we assumed that later in life Samuel's significant other will not want to be around at least one of us.  We understand it could very well be both of us but that would defeat the purpose of the poll.  

I figured that said significant other wouldn't like me because I've been known to be slightly mean in my past (FYI - there is no truth to the rumor that I made girls cry college just because it was funny).  I've heard it's relatively easy for people to figure out whether or not I like them.

Sarah thinks she'll be the one who is avoided.  Evidently Sarah has a temper (hell, have you ever had to have a discussion with her when she's hungry?).  Sarah thinks that her temper and bitchiness will combine to form the kryptonite to Samuel's significant other's happiness.

So, what say ye?  Who is the meanest of them all (or just of them both)?  Polls are open until Friday at 5.

I've been tagged

Megan tagged is how it goes: go to your 4th folder (where your pictures are stored - On the Dashboard page of Blogger, at the bottom, click on Picasa Web Album - this is where all your uploaded blog photos are stored) and find the 4th picture...and post it, then explain it.  Then I am supposed to tag 4 people (which are people who have blogs and regularly read my blog). 

Well, I have to say, I was very surprised at what my 4th picture was.  I didn't even remember posting this almost a year ago.  This is the picture of my car.  

This was the day we brought it home.  It was the first really big snow in St. Louis in February.  I can't remember exactly in February when we got it, I think it was the middle of February.  We had ordered the car and they said we would get it by the beginning of February and I was freaking out because I was certain that I was going to have Samuel early and I wanted our new car before he came.  

The car looks so nice in the picture.  Too bad I have added a few scratches to it in less then a year.  Dave isn't too happy with me.  

I have a killer migraine today.  I already took some advil and I am just relaxing while Samuel is sleeping.  

I am going back to the couch.  I will post some pictures of Samuel playing this morning.  It was pretty funny how I found him when I came back in the room.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday John!

I forgot to mention earlier a big Happy Birthday to Ashcraft!  Not sure if he will be checking the blog, but I didn't want to forget to tell him.

Still Sick

I still have a terrible head cold.  My nose is either completely stopped up or running like crazy.  I am so tired too.  I could have slept in forever this morning.  Too bad I have a little person I have to take care of.  

I am not so much in the mood to do anything.  We are not going to Stay and Play today because although I think Samuel is feeling better, I don't.  I want a full week of not being around anyone.  

Here are some pictures from the last few days.  The kid is everywhere.  

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Boo Hiss

Samuel got me sick.  I feel like shit.  Going to sit of the couch, drink tea and try to feel better.  This sucks.   I didn't think parents were supposed to get sick from their kids.  I don't remember ever getting my parents sick.  I guess when someone is coughing, sneezing and snotting all over you, it is inevitable that I would get sick.  

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a week for Samuel

After I posted this morning, Samuel started to act not his normal happy laughable self.  When Dave tried to change him into his clothes this morning, he threw the biggest fit and cried for a really long time until I rocked him and fed him to calm him down.  While I was doing that I told Dave to call the doctor and see if we could come in because he just wasn't acting normal.  Plus he started to cough a lot this morning and his nose was running like crazy.

We went to the doctor and to our surprise the doctor said he had a terrible ear infection.  I can't believe it.  I can't believe I didn't notice something earlier.  He wasn't acting that terrible or pulling his ear or anything like that.  He was just a little bit crankier then normal.  

As I was putting Samuel in his car seat after the doctor's appointment, he was screaming and crying and I noticed that another one of his bottom teeth poked through today.  No one he woke up twice in the middle of the night last night.  He had a tooth coming through and an ear infection.  

So to wrap up Samuel's week:

Monday: He went to day care at the gym.
Tuesday: He went to Stay and Play.  Then he face planted into the TV stand.
Wednesday:  Huge bruise on the head and got two shots at the doctor.
Thursday:  Coughing and runny nose.
Friday: Coughing, runny nose and woke up several times throughout the night.
Saturday: Doctor's appointment, Ear infection and new tooth came through.  

Now that is quite a week for a 10 month old!

Thank goodness for the weekend

I am in some serious need of reinforcement.  I am so happy it is the weekend and Dave is home to help with Samuel.  It isn't that Samuel has been bad or anything, but I am just tired.  I am just not in the mood to deal with him.  I know it is bad to say, but Samuel has just been very clingy.  He follows me everywhere.  He has located the tupperware drawer in the kitchen and he won't stay out of it.  I don't mind him playing in there because those things are easy to clean, but it is just a little annoying.  

I didn't leave the house at all yesterday and I didn't shower.  Isn't that gross.  I just didn't have time.  When Samuel was down for a nap I was busy cleaning up the house and just relaxing.  Then when he went to sleep for the night I went straight to bed too.  Now I am drinking coffee and relaxing.  Eventually I will get around to showering sometime today.  

I started reading "The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers."  I read her first book and I thought it was great.  This book is good so far.  I am only 50 pages into it.  One thing she did say at the beginning was that you need to tell your baby what you are going to do before you do it and continue to talk them through things (like for instance, changing their diaper so they don't cause problems).  I tried it yesterday afternoon.  I always thought I was very verbal with Samuel, bit when I made an effort to talk to him about changing his diaper, I realized that I never talked about what I was doing while I was doing it.  It sounds absolutely ridiculous but I basically talked to Samuel the whole time, telling him what I was doing and how fast it was going to take and he actually paid attention to me and didn't squirm around.  When I put his diaper on him I told him he did a great job.  It was a successful changing diaper day yesterday.  I have no idea how it will be today or if it was just a fluke yesterday, but I thought I would pass this along to everyone else who is having diaper changing issues.  

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

News and Need Advice

I finally got up the nerve to call some places about getting Lasik eye surgery and now I am depressed.  So they don't recommend that you even come in for a consultation if you are breastfeeding, pregnant or trying to get pregnant.  If you just had a baby or had been breastfeeding you should come in unless you have had your period for 3 months straight.  Well, lets see...I am still breastfeeding, haven't even had my period for 3 months straight and we are wanting to try to have another baby in the near future.  So, I guess lasik is out of the picture for a while.  Plus they tell you that you have to wear your glasses for 2 weeks straight so the consultation is accurate.  I can't imagine wearing my glasses only and not my contacts for 2 weeks.  That would be terrible.  Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until I am done with kids before I can get my eyes done.  How depressing.  

I don't think I mentioned before, but one of my New Year's resolutions is to floss every single day and so far I have done it.  I am also trying not to bite my finger nails and I have been pretty good, I only bit one off in the new year.  I actually trimmed a nail yesterday instead of just biting it right off.  It was nearly as satisfying.  

I need some advice.  Lately Samuel has been a monster when we are changing his diaper.  He throws a fit most of the time, turns over on his stomach or kicks his legs or puts my arm in a wrestling move like a leg lock so I can't move my arm.  It is actually pretty amazing how strong he is.  I am not sure how to handle it.  I  have been giving him things to hold on to while I am changing him to divert his attention, but sometimes he just throws it on the floor and continues to wrestle with me.  It is quite annoying.  Plus when I took him to the gym daycare they had to change his diaper and she told me he was a wild man and she could barely get the diaper on him.  How embarrassing?!  Anyway, anyone have any advice? I would love to hear it.  

I am off to get myself together so we can run to Target as soon as he gets up from his nap. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We survived the night

Samuel's head looks so much better today.  It is not swollen, just bruised.  You can see in the pictures below that it looks so much better then last night.  He did great when we woke him up last night.  He just smiled, waved at us and then acted really happy, so we put him back down to bed and he fell right back to sleep.   

We are getting our fireplace replaced today.  We haven't used our fireplace in over a year because it didn't put off any heat and it was a waste.  Hopefully now it will be better.  We will probably use it tonight when Samuel goes to bed.  I will post pictures when he is done with it.  

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Face Plant

We had our first scare with Samuel tonight.  He face planted directly into the corner of the TV Stand in our living room.  The edge of the stand is a very sharp corner and he hit is dead on.  We were freaking out.  We called the doctor and they told us that we need to wake him up after he has been sleeping for 30 minutes and then every 4 hours throughout the night.  It is going to be a long night, but we have to make sure he doesn't have a concussion.  

Here are some pictures.  His head looked better before we put him to bed.  The swelling went down a bit, but he is going to have a huge bruise.  If I have time, I will post some pictures tomorrow too.   

About 5 minutes after face planting:

Side view of the huge knot:

About 30 minutes later:

Random Pictures

I haven't posted pictures in a while, so I thought I would just put a whole bunch of random ones.  

Oh and Samuel turned 10 months yesterday!!!  I have such a big boy.

Today Samuel and I went to our first Stay and Play.  It is through the Webster Groves School District.  If you are involved in Parents as Teachers, then you can sign up for this activity.  It is one day a week from 9:30 am to 11:30.  It is a place for all the kids to play.  The first hour the kids just play around, then around 10 there is music time.  We sang so many songs that I remember hearing as a kid but I couldn't remember the words at all.  I can't believe it, but Samuel loved that portion.  Of course he was the loudest one.  He was yelling (not in an unhappy way), but he was so loud and everyone was just laughing at him because all the other kids were just laughing.  Also Samuel was one of the only kids who slobbered all over all the toys.  Any toys that the kids put in their mouths are supposed to go into a separate bowl to be washed later.  I filled the bowl with toys.  Oh well, he is teething!  

When we got  home we ate lunch and then he was ready to pass out.  Luckily he is in bed and I am trying to get some stuff done.  

Dave and I are back on our crazy vegetarian diet.  We are eating no carbs, no meat, very little cheese and tons of veggies.  Last time we did it back in July we eat lost 10 pounds.  I only have 5 more pounds to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight.  I think I am holding onto the extra pounds because I am breastfeeding, at least that is my excuse.  I would love to lose all the weight though before I get pregnant with a second.  Hopefully it will come off soon.  

Last night I made a veggie lasagna with no noodles, I used thinly sliced eggplant as the noodles.  I used mushrooms, onions, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli and green peppers and the cheese mixture had cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, fontina cheese, pepper, basil, garlic powder, garlic salt and spinach.  Dave told me that if the lasagna wasn't good, he wasn't going to continue on the diet because he was starving and not satisfied.  Luckily it was really tasty.  It was even better today for lunch.  I surprised myself.  

Tonight we are having Vegetarian Indian Food with a yellow curry sauce, cauliflower, broccoli, garbanzo beans, peas and lentils.  It should be really good.  

I am off to do some taxes.      

Samuel with Tuesday.  Our friends Joel and Rachael were in town, so we all ate lunch together.

I don't post many pictures of George, so here is one of her.

Christmas Eve:

Night Night for our 10 month old (he is in mid wave):

Some pictures from yesterday:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not much of a blogger

For the last few weeks I haven't been much of a blogger.  We have been really busy.  Yesterday my parents headed back to Tulsa.  They were here for a long time, but it didn't feel like it.  The time just seemed to fly by.  I still can't believe we are in 2009 already.  2008 was the most difficult, emotional, rewarding, exhilarating and best year of our life.  It is amazing to think of the journey that Dave and I have been through in the last 3 years. We had to go through so much in order to have a baby and now that we have  Samuel, it is amazing how he has changed our lives forever.  I didn't know that I could love something as much as I do. I have learned so much this past year.  I also feel like my relationship with Dave, my parents, Dave's parents, my extended family and so many of my friends have grown and strengthened.  I have to say that I have never felt so full of life and love.  It is a great feeling.    

I look forward to 2009 being even better.

Now that I have blabbed a little, I think I am going to get all of our tax stuff organized.  I can't believe it is that time of year again.  

Have a great Sunday.   


Friday, January 2, 2009